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having problems!!!!

Discussion in 'DVDR' started by jiberish, Jul 6, 2002.

  1. jiberish

    jiberish Member

    Jul 5, 2002
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    Ok I have a copy of a movie on a VCD that works for Windows Media player on my com at work perfectly but on my stand alone DVD player it says ERROR and won't read and also only plays the sound on Windows media player at my home com even though they are identical machines. i tried to make a copy of this with my DVD burner but it says that it is unsupported on TMPGEnc. and MyDVD. Also it is listed as a read only file and every time I try to change it, I get Access Denied.. Iv'e tried downloading another copy but the quality is just not there. It's listed already as a divx.avi. file and I'm preatty new at this any help would be VERY VERY much appreciated.
  2. dRD

    dRD I hate titles Staff Member

    Jun 10, 1999
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    Ok, you're saying that the video is in VCD format? You're absolutely sure about this? The extension (if separate file) is .mpg, right? Or if you have full CD, it should have 6 or so folders with one folder containing huge .dat files that are the video files.

    If you have it as a separate VCD file (.mpg), go to our article section, read the guide for burning VCDs with Nero.
  3. jiberish

    jiberish Member

    Jul 5, 2002
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    NO it's not .mpg it's .avi but whenever I try to do any of the stuff I thought might work on the website I got error messages or mesages saying that the file is unsupported. I'm getting the codec for the file tomorrow off a separte disc... whatever that means or could help. Also if this helps at all it's listed as just one windows media player file but when I try to play it all I get is the sound and no picture.... any ideas or info you need to help me?? Wait one more thing that might be of some use in the properties of the file it says that the audio type is MPGE-4 not 3 or 2 like I se mentioned in the guides on this site... thanx if there is anything you can do let me know.
  4. Bhawksq

    Bhawksq Guest

    A .avi file is probably Divx not VCD. The reason why it isn't working on your ocmputer is because it doesnot have the proper codec which you said you were bringing. A Codec simply decodes/encodes to file so your computer can show the proper data (put in the simplest terms) To make a VCD you need to convert it from avi to mpg this takes a looong time check out vcdhelp.com. Then to get it to work on your Stand alone dvd you'd have to write to cd. You can do this with nero. I donot know if you can make a vcd-dvd though all I know how to do is split them in two and use regualr cd-rs.
  5. jiberish

    jiberish Member

    Jul 5, 2002
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    hey thanks for the help, I haven't got the Codec yet but When i do I will try the site and info you gave . any other help on burning to a dvd would be helpful.

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