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HDMI socket broken on plasma tv

Discussion in 'Televisions' started by decster32, Jun 10, 2008.

  1. decster32

    decster32 Member

    Jun 17, 2007
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    Hello to anybody reading this, heres my problem.
    i have a pioneer plasma t.v with one hdmi socket.
    the other day when i was moving the t.v i unfortunatly yanked the hdmi cable out of the socket by mistake and as a result broke the pins on the cable and the socket, can anyone tell me is there a way to display hdmi through s.video component and if not can i order another hdmi socket and fix it myself.
    Sorry for the long rant and thankyou for any help.
  2. tripplite

    tripplite Guest

    you can't get HDMI quality through s -video, sorry, not even 480p!

    you can try realigning the pins with delicate pressure and a small headed screw driver.....otherwise yank that bad boy out! you'll probably (most defiantly) have to solder the new HDMI port on...they cost like like 4-5$ bucks each.....

    specific pioneer model please!

    best of luck!
  3. decster32

    decster32 Member

    Jun 17, 2007
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    thankyou for your reply tripplite..
    unfortunately i'l have to get a new socket as the pins have broken off the hdmi socket completly.
  4. tripplite

    tripplite Guest

    no problem...one thing to use on a tv screen is a port extender, their cheap (3-8$ at radio shack) and if they break then it isn't your actual port that is broken.... but rather a little adapter you can easily replace :D
  5. decster32

    decster32 Member

    Jun 17, 2007
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    will look into that m8 and once again thanks for your help it was much appreciated. take care.
  6. tripplite

    tripplite Guest

    lol no problem man:)
  7. sloth92

    sloth92 Member

    May 21, 2008
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    Just to add to tripps comment I have a sima hdmi switcher, this a little more expensive butit works with hdmi giving it 3 switches it comes with a remote and its powered, but they run around 150-200 depending on where you buy them, and then you will need one more hdmi cable too. ut it saves you a lot of trouble and wear and tear on the plugs and cables I of course have 3 on my tv but I also have a xbox 360, dvd, hd dvd, and a computer on it and occasionally I will hook my laptop to it cause it has a bluray player on it. Any way I would just solder in new and go from there.

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