HDMI to DVI cable worth it?

Discussion in 'Televisions' started by gear79, Jul 30, 2005.

  1. skicourse

    skicourse Guest


    Have to thank you for trying to help but I think I am more confused that when I jumped into this thread.

    gear79-The reason I used this thread is that the Sony Cineza that I am about to buy has an HDMI input and since it will be a long way from the equipment that is set up with the 36" Sony CRT in the corner (20+ft), I thought it was relative.

    All I am trying to do is take several components and run them into a receiver or some type of switching device that keeps them as clean as possible then gives me the chance to select which of my 2 tv's (actually projector or CRT) I want to use at the time. It appears that "multi-room" capacity is the buzz word I need to have listed as a feature..........Many of the receivers that have been suggested so far on this thread don't have this feature so I am not sure where I am getting lost.

    Hears an example:
    survey77--You suggested the "JVC RX-D702B" along with the Denon. When I went to their website it said nothing about multi-room so I clicked on the link for the CNET review and this is what they said:

    "The good: 7.1-channel A/V receiver; HDMI switching; converts composite, component, and S-Video sources to HDMI; USB wireless connection for PCs; onscreen display appears on HDMI; 150 watts per channel; low-profile chassis.

    The bad: Inaccurate autosetup; especially tedious manual setup; no multiroom or multisource capability; runs hot.

    The bottom line: JVC's good-sounding HDMI switching/upconverting RX-D702 receiver sets a new standard for features in the sub-$1,000 category."

    Is it not "multi-room" or "multisource" capability that I am looking for?

    HELP! I know you all know where I am coming from when I tell you that I finally decided to put up the hard earned cash to buy something new after months of web research and local store demos (Sony Cineza VPL HS51 projector) and I cannot find a way to hook it up that meets my viewing needs. Any other ideas of other threads or forums that I could try in addition to this one?


  2. gear79

    gear79 Guest

    @ skicourse
    gotcha........ this will take your confusion away and you may buy it..


    has 2 HDMI inputs, with 1 output, all the extra ins and outs you need, plus, has zone 2 and 3 available...

    what do you think...???

    i have the version just below this unit !
  3. survey77

    survey77 Guest

    he is correct. The yamaha is an excellent product. I did a few installs on them a couple years ago when i carried their products. Only bad thing is i cant carry yamaha and denon because they are direct competitors.

    The denon 3806 also has multiroom capability. I suppose the 2 models we are talking about are in direct competition with each other. Again it comes down to preference i suppose.http://usa.denon.com/ProductDetails/623.asp#

    Either way ..both receivers are a good bet.

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