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help again

Discussion in 'Xbox - Hardware mods' started by lildevo, Nov 3, 2006.

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  1. lildevo

    lildevo Guest

    ok right now im downloading


    when i come back il do the next step with is donload ''quix'' right?

  2. acidy

    acidy Regular member

    May 26, 2006
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    OK. Ya I have a yahoo messenger. Right now I am busy doing something. Thats why late raplies..................
  3. lildevo

    lildevo Guest

    ooo ok can i get it and well will contact when u have time
  4. acidy

    acidy Regular member

    May 26, 2006
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    OK. Just leave your messenger ID in my shoutbox or you can send me a private message.
  5. lildevo

    lildevo Guest

    ok wait how do u do that? i ahvent seen a way to send u the id but can i send it to u in this thread?
  6. lildevo

    lildevo Guest

    so let me clear everything up im gonna do a cd......right.....it restores my dashboard back but different one and i should just stay in the E: drive but i will have to pass all games again.....the only thing that stayed was my xbox live account wright is cuz heres the thing what happen is i put in the whole thing wright mechassault linux and a blue dashboard appear i put unleash x then i put set up mods, backup , start softmoding and all the installations but the it sayd and numer i think it was 5000 somthing or somthing like that but then i came downsatairs and i think my bro had put switch to drive E: and then in drive C: before he told me hee had clicked on the number 5000 or somthing like that the point is that it was ong he sayd that he sayd ''yes'' on all the things it sayd but then i tryed clicking on it and it had sed u cant switch back and then somthing about E: and he had thought he had to switch do drive E: so i turned it off and hope to restart but the dashboard didnt appear so i put a game on the data erased and i went to xbox live and gave me the error 21
  7. acidy

    acidy Regular member

    May 26, 2006
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    I didn't qiute understand what you were trying to tell me.

    Although I know that your xbox is totally screwed up. If you have sufficient money, go buy a mod-chip. DuoX2 is the cheapest. Xecuter 2.6 is COOL. Xecuter 3 CE is the best !!!
  8. lildevo

    lildevo Guest

    but wait im just trying to get a dashboard back cuz im gonna get a xbox 360 and well i wanna just fix it by well just not buying somthing else but can i use a slayer disk..... or i should just call cancell my xbox live account and buy a new xbox? or well if i do use a slayer disk what do i do?
  9. lildevo

    lildevo Guest

    cuz i know im gettin in your neves but i just wanted to know if i could just 1.call and cancel my acount 2. fix the problem 21 3. is my xbox live account already cancelled?4. im srry to boder but i just need those answers?
  10. acidy

    acidy Regular member

    May 26, 2006
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    It can't fix it. Dude. OK make a slayers disk and install M$ dash. This should fix your problem...........
  11. janrocks

    janrocks Guest

    @ lildevo.. Explain clearly exactly what happens when you boot your xbox..

    1. With a game (original) in the drive

    2. Without anything in the drive

    3 With some kind of installer disk in the drive.

    Then we might be able to work something out for you...
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 6, 2006
  12. lildevo

    lildevo Guest

    ok first of all srry i havent been online alot of things had happend but well at first is i just open the drive it just says ''xbox'' with microsoft under it but then if i put a game on it then close it the game wont load unless i turn it of then on again
  13. acidy

    acidy Regular member

    May 26, 2006
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    That is how it is. Its normal. This is what normally happens if you screw up your xbox dashboard. Have you installed the M$ dash using slayers evox auto installer ???
  14. lildevo

    lildevo Guest

    ooo one last thing can i change my account to another xbox? like the account i had in my old xbox can i change it into another plese anwer this question as soon posible and u havent been online wright? cuz well u havent added me
  15. acidy

    acidy Regular member

    May 26, 2006
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    Hey I have added you. Well I dont know about account switching.
  16. lildevo

    lildevo Guest

    ok well somehow i dont see u but i did switch my account already to another xbox im guessing the only thing that was messed up was my xbox but my account was still working but yea i switched it and i was playing halo 2 yester day and again today its alight but anyways i still need to fix the old error huh..........but try adding me again
  17. janrocks

    janrocks Guest

    How far off topic is this thread? I thought it was about error 21 fixing, which takes about 10 minutes. Not about switching live accounts, which has nothing to do with error 21.

    I have asked for this to be closed because it's going nowhere.

    @lildevil.. You never answered my questions from 6 December so there is no way I can help you. Check all the fix error 16-21 tutorials, there are heaps.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 5, 2007
  18. ddp

    ddp Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 15, 2004
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