help connecting to xbox with flashFXP

Discussion in 'Xbox - Backup discussion' started by ger08, Jun 15, 2005.

  1. tEChniiQue

    tEChniiQue Guest

    You're welcome. Glad I could help.
  2. iggy1

    iggy1 Guest

    i am using evoX and i am trying to connect to my xbox with a ethernet crossover cable, i know that the computer is accepting the xbox as a valid network because the LAN settings r no longer locked when i turn the xbox on, it is also static. ok, now my prob. well i have put all the necessary data into flash, ip, user and password. The internet protocol is what i am not sure about: i not that u set the ip different here, i have set it as, and the subnet mask as and i have left everything esle blank. my xboxs ip is

    This is what comes up when i click ok in flash:
    [bold]"Connecting to>IP= PORT=21"
    then sometimes it says
    "Connected to"
    and it does nothing and goes onto say
    "Connection failed(Connection timed out)"
    but not very often, and it normally says
    "Connection failed(Connection timed out)"
  3. tEChniiQue

    tEChniiQue Guest

    If I'm understanding you right..your xbox has a static IP assigned and you already have a connection initiated in Flash FXP for your xbox, minus the IP (Internet Protocol) address.

    This should be an easy fix...

    The connection you've set up in Flash FXP for your xbox...use the IP address displayed by your xbox and you should be good to go.
  4. iggy1

    iggy1 Guest

    stupid me i had to flash it thanks
  5. iggy1

    iggy1 Guest

    Another thing, i can see the Z Y X F E D C folders now in flashFXP. When i have a game in, and when i go into the F folder theres nothing to view, it is an empty folder. When i connect in flash to the xbox, during the loading process a message comes up "this site may not allow file resuming". I have tried many games and none seem to work.
  6. user507

    user507 Member

    Aug 6, 2004
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    when i networked my xbox and pc i found the most important thing was the ip address the best thing to do is plug a rj45 into the xbox then that into a normal switch or a router and do the same with the pc once youve done that check to see if they both say there connected if they say they are the next step on the pc is to click start/run/cmd then type ipconfig this should bring up the ip address of the pc it should look like this Microsoft Windows XP [Version 5.1.2600]
    (C) Copyright 1985-2001 Microsoft Corp.

    C:\Documents and Settings\Owner>ipconfig

    Windows IP Configuration

    Ethernet adapter Local Area Connection:

    Connection-specific DNS Suffix . :
    IP Address. . . . . . . . . . . . :
    Subnet Mask . . . . . . . . . . . :
    Default Gateway . . . . . . . . . :

    now you know the ip of the pc boot up your xbox and change the ip to match IP Address. . . . . . . . . . . . : but on the last digit go up one so if its 5 change it to six save and exit then reboot the xbox now go back to the pc and start up whatever ftp browser you have i use craxtion 4 works perfect for me and connect to the xbox and all should be well if not let me know and i might be able to help hope thats helped see ya later.
  7. bartok60

    bartok60 Member

    Jul 8, 2005
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    I have an unmodified, straight-out-of-the-box Xbox and I am trying to connect via FTP. However, I have been unsuccessful. Do I need to alter my Xbox in order to connect? I have a D-Link wireless router, and my computer is connected to the router by a standard CAT5 cable. My computer has only one ethernet port on it, and I have FlashFXP. If I wanted to connect to my Xbox through the router, what do I have to set on my computer and Xbox (IP adresses, etc.) to be able to connect? Do I have to use DHCP? Do I need a crossover cable? Do the IP addresses need to be the same or different? I'm so confused! My router has the IP . I have tried using the command ipconfig /all but I do not have a DNS address. Please help!
    Thanks in advance for whoever has something to offer.
  8. user507

    user507 Member

    Aug 6, 2004
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    you cant network to your xbox without modding it first as far as i know if i was you id do a soft mod if you dont know how to do that have a search on google you should find it on there if not post again and i mite be able to help
  9. bartok60

    bartok60 Member

    Jul 8, 2005
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    that's what I thought. I tried it again today, and I was able to get the Xbox to load the settings from the DHCP in my router by attemting to connect to Xbox Live, but I couldn't access the files even though I had all of the info that I needed.
    I have found an article about how to softmod, but I appreciate your help.
  10. LoneWolfD

    LoneWolfD Member

    Jul 2, 2005
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    hey uniique 1 is this true? Can you FTP with an unmodded xbox? If so can you help me connect. I want to connect with my unmodded xbox that i own. The guy above me posted he connected by trying to connect through xbox live. I tried but it doesnt work.
  11. iggy1

    iggy1 Guest

    when i change my ip on the xbox it doesnt stay changed when i quit the screen, and there is no where to save the settings to. is it normal that the only way that i can get a connection between the xbox and the computer is when i have the evox dvd in the xbox, because that is the only time that i can establish a connection. When i have flashed evox onto the xbox should the evox dashboard load up when i turn the xbox on because it doesnt. When i go to burn a game do i turn the xbox off then put the game in and let the game load then connect in flash, or when i have the evox dvd in do i take it out whilst it still on the screen then put a game in. Sorry about the long post but i am really confused
  12. tEChniiQue

    tEChniiQue Guest

    I've never tried to connect to an unmodified xbox nor do I own an unmodified xbox. The next one I mod (3 this weekend) I'll let you know if it's possible (for me) to do it. LoneWolfD, DON'T knock the man. If he says he can do it...let him prove it to you. I've just never had a need to so I've never tried.
  13. jfinney

    jfinney Guest

    Okay, so I'm a noob. I have a soft modded Xbox running EvoX (but I can change to MXM if it makes a difference.) I soft-modded using an Action Replay and the Itools for 007:Agent Under Fire. I thought it was pretty sweet till I realized that its useless unless you can get new apps on it. I thought a game copy app was built in. I woul
    d download Slayer's auto xbox installer but i'm on a dial-up internet connection. (Brutal, LOL) I'm prety sure I have an Ethernet port (the cable I have fits in it and my Xbox) The cable may be my problem. I bought a two-pack for $10 at wal-mart and it said "System Link Cable PLUS BONUS Ethernet Cable". On the back it had a diagram showing the black cable and two Xboxs and it said "XBOX TO XBOX" then it showed the clear cable, the Xbox, and a PC. It said "XBOX TO PC" Ihave tried both and neither works. I have tried using SmartFTP and FlashFXP but they won't work. I have tried changing the network settings in EvoX. My Xbox IP (the one you can change) says and the Subnet is I haven't changed the password. FTP is enabled.IGR is disabled. Static IP is set to yes. My computer and Xbox just don't seem to like each other. Please help. I've been trying to figure this out for at least a week now!

    P.S. It would be easier for me if you could e-mail me at thanx!

    Yahoo! Messenger: jfinney_666
    AIM: JFinney Was Here
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 21, 2005
  14. tEChniiQue

    tEChniiQue Guest


    You said that you've set your xbox(es) to Static IP's, right? Well, now you need to make sure that the LAN Connection you're using on you PC aslo has a Static IP address and make sure that it is not the same as your xbox. Also, you cables need to be crossover cables if you're gonna do a direct connection. The only way it will work if you use reg. CAT5 cables is if you connect your xbox to your PC over a Home network.
  15. jfinney

    jfinney Guest

    How can I change the LAN's IP Address and set it to Static. Sorry if I'm repeating a question that has already been asked. and I checked the cables I have, I found that the system link is a CAT5, or at least that was written on it.

    Yahoo! Messenger: jfinney_666
    AIM: JFinney Was Here

    Okay, I just checked it says,
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 22, 2005
  16. jfinney

    jfinney Guest

    Okay, here we go. I tried using my System Link cable and set up a LAN connection and it recognizes my Xbox and when I turn it off it says a network cable is unplugged and when I turn it on it says Local Area Connection is now connected: Speed 100.00 Mbps. But I still can't FTP it. HELP!!!
    The network options in EvoX say:

    In Blue, it says:
    Type: Static
    Line Status: 100/Full Duplex
    Ethernet MAC Address: 00:0D:3A:8D:61:83

    In White, It says:
    Setup Network: Yes
    Use Static IP: Yes
    Sub Net Mask:
    Default Gateway:
    Setup Delay:0
    Skip Setup If No Link: No

    I'm Stuck

    Yahoo! Messenger: jfinney_666
    AIM: JFinney Was Here
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 22, 2005
  17. nray25

    nray25 Member

    Jul 22, 2005
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    ok i need some major help cause i am a noob to this and ill admit that. First of all ill start by saying i have evox. I would like to network my xbox and computer....i have windows ME btw and if someone could tell me step by step how to ftp thatd be great. I need to know all of the settings i have to have everything set to and where to go to change all of these settings. I also dont know where to change this tcip/ip u guys are talking about because once again i am a nooby. Plx help me!!
  18. tEChniiQue

    tEChniiQue Guest


    1 - You need a crossover cable if you are connecting directly to your PC from your Xbox.

    2 - Your Xbox will need to be set to a Static IP address.

    3 - The LAN connection you are plugging your Xbox into will also need a Static IP address.

    4 - The LAN Connection & you Xbox's Static IP must be different

    5 - To set up a Static IP address go to this link, select your operating system and follow the directions.

    6 - Set up your PC's Static IP first. That way you'll have all the infor you need for your xbox. Remember, everything will be exactly the same (Subnet, Gateway, DNS, etc...) on you PC and Xbox with the exception the Static IP address.

    Depending on your system, you may need to restart you PC & Xbox AND YOU SHOULD BE GOOD.

    Open Flash FXP or whatever you're using to FTP, set up a connection for your xbox (use the Static IP you gave it, user name: xbox...password: xbox and name the connection whatever you want it to be.

    Good Luck!!
  19. tEChniiQue

    tEChniiQue Guest


    Follow the directions to the post I made above this one.
  20. nray25

    nray25 Member

    Jul 22, 2005
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    thx a lot uniique that site u gave me helped a bunch...thx once again i can now ftp into my xbox

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