Help Need new software and not sure which one!

Discussion in 'DVDR' started by ForKids, May 6, 2006.

  1. ForKids

    ForKids Member

    Mar 7, 2005
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    Ok you guys are not going to believe this. Yesterday I was out of dvds so I bought imation dvdr 50 pack. Well today since Im having such a problem I decided to try the last memorex disk I had and guess what my burner works fine!!!!! It was the stupid disk giving me the errors!!!!! So thanks for all your help and Im trying out this new programs anyways! Thanks
  2. arniebear

    arniebear Active member

    Jan 2, 2005
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    Glad it works for you. As I stated earlier Imation are not exactly great disks, and depending on what write speed you bought your burner not liking them or recognizing them. Memorex, CMCMag, are not a whole lot better but if they work for you then at least use this brand and stay away from the Imation. Better still get yourself some good media like Verbatim, your burner will love you for it. Good luck and happy burning :)
  3. ForKids

    ForKids Member

    Mar 7, 2005
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    Im going back to the store to return those so I will try the verbatim ones today~ Thanks again for all your help! I love this site!!!
  4. theboltz

    theboltz Regular member

    Feb 23, 2006
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    You can get some Taiyo Yuden, 50 in a cake box for less than $21.00 and free shipping at Supermediastore. I picked some up last week and have had consistent burns at 97%, when I run them thru Nero disc test. It's worth checking it out. Verbatim and Taiyo Yuden are the best of the best.
    Last edited: May 7, 2006
  5. aabbccdd

    aabbccdd Guest

    Yes Taiyo Yuden and or Verbatim are always your best bet(best media on the market) where as memorex and Imation being some of the worst media on the market
  6. brobear

    brobear Guest

    Just think, Verbatim and Taiyo Yuden can even be the same. ;) Some of the Verbatim is made by TY. Most of the Memorex has been made by CMC lately, but I've heard some isn't. I'm not running out to buy any to find out. If anyone is curious as to who made their discs today, use DVD Identifier (if you don't have other software that will ID the manufacturer). Imation and Memorex used to have some good media for sale, but over the past year or two they've really hurt their reps around the forums with the DVD media they've been selling. A lot of that connected to the manufacturer CMC Magnetics. I've not been using it to see how bad, I just realize there is better media at comparable or better pricing. I got hold of one batch of Memorex/CMC and that was enough; before the format I was using had been Ricohjpn. So I just don't bother with the inferior media being sold by Imation and Memorex.
  7. aabbccdd

    aabbccdd Guest

    yeah its def. a crap shoot with memorex which is usally cmc mag but if you get lucky some memorex will code out as Ritek which is pretty good media but like brobear iam NOT taking the chance thats why i buy all my Taiyo Yuden media online at either or Meritline takes all the guess work out of it

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