Ok you got a little further w/ ImgBurn but same error as Nero - wrtie error - which doesn't really tell us much. You've tried 2 diff types of media and 2 programs - same deal & errors. What changed pc wise since this started happening? Try uninstalling the drive in device - rebooting and letting windows do it's thing & reinstall. Right click on my computer>properties>hardware tab>device manager. Click on the + next to dvd\cd drives then right click on the TSST drive and pick unisntall. Reboot and windows will reinstall. Might not help but can't hurt. If you haven't very recently do a disc defrag, disc cleanup, registry cleaner and virus scan. Here's a good free registry cleaner if you need one - ccleaner. Use the issues and cleaner options. Have another pc you can try this drive in?