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help please!!

Discussion in 'Resource center' started by ramphot, Sep 8, 2005.

  1. ramphot

    ramphot Guest

    I just moved to another city to study and it's nearly impossible to get a place to live, finally I got somewhere but this people have broadband which i don't have to pay for to use it. BUT, their conditions it's that they have a firewall and some jind of filter, I have never had to deal with those things. So how can i surf freely without having to move out (eventually i will), another thing it's can they monitor what i do? can i somehow by pass it? so all my activity goes undetected?
    I know that for many this is basic stuff but I'm pretty new at this so I appreciate all help.
  2. nownthen

    nownthen Regular member

    Nov 14, 2004
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    What kind of setup is the internet.

    For example do you have router and you both connect to the internet?
    Do you use the same computer?
    Are the filters ISP based or is it software?

    The more detail the more advice I can give you.
  3. ramphot

    ramphot Guest

    Hi nowthen, No we do not use the same computer. As long as i know there's is an internet connection, and they use a router downstairs and then they have a cable that comes up to my bedroom which I plug in straight to my computer. Thanks for your help
  4. nownthen

    nownthen Regular member

    Nov 14, 2004
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    I don't think they can monitor what you are doing. The only thing they probably can do is monitor how much bandwidth your using. Your downloaded and uploaded information will not pass through the other computer. Just to keep your files safe you might want to make sure you haven't set anything up to share. If folders are shared you'll see a hand under the icon image.

    The firewall is either on the router or one their computer. If the firewall is on the router is will effect you. What you need to find out is what kind of router it is and veiw their site on how to change settings.

    Usually to get into router you type in http:// whatever your ip address is (long number). The default user is admin and they usually don't have a password by default.

    I've never had a filter so I can't really give you any advice on that.

    Do the people you live with know much about computers? If they don't I wouldn't worry about anything really. They probably read that their ISP filters junk mail or something.
  5. ramphot

    ramphot Guest

    Hey, you have been really helpful and no, they are not that good with computers so i think that you are right. I appreciate your help
  6. webhedreg

    webhedreg Guest

    Hi ramphot, I would still download a copy of zone alarm for your own PC, this will stop anyone getting access to it from one of the other PC's, plus if the firewall on the router is not configured correctly then you will be open to anyone on the net. I presume they have no firewall configured, this is why they are asking you to get one. You can set a filter very easily on Zone alarm, just make sure that only traffic to the routers IP address is allowed (both ways. You'll know the address anyway, as they will either give it to you to configure on your PC, or if you use auto config with no set IP address, you can see what it is by typing ipconfig or ipconfig all at a dos prompt. If running XP just use windows/start/run and type cmd. a free version of zone alarm is here.http://www.zonelabs.com/store/content/company/products/znalm/freeDownload.jsp?dc=12bms&ctry=US&lang=en would also suggest you load adaware to regulary scan for spyware,keyloggers etc... it is free from here http://www.download.com/Ad-Aware-SE...045910.html?part=dl-ad-aware&subj=dl&tag=top5

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