Help with aspect ratio using TMPGEnc

Discussion in 'MPEG-1 and MPEG-2 encoding (AVI to DVD)' started by AdRock925, Jul 19, 2006.

  1. Headborg

    Headborg Regular member

    Mar 8, 2006
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    hey, that is where did you get your .ac3 audio? how did you transcode it? what did you use? The TMPGenc ac-3 plugin only gave me 2channel stereo. I can make a 6channel DTS or Dolby 5.1 but it won't be "real" if you know what I mean. you sure those are in sync with your video?
  2. AdRock925

    AdRock925 Regular member

    Oct 26, 2005
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    The 5.1 ac3 came straight from the VOB, I can get a copy to you, it's REALLY nice. the stereo jap audio was from the mkv originally, I'm trying to remember how I got it to 29.97 I'll retrace my steps and let you know, but if you get my 5.1 ac3 it's already in 29.97 so you can just make a copy in stereo.

    Whether they're in sync or not beats the snot out of me, but hey they're all 29.97 and the exact same length so that's good for somethin'. I'll create a vob out of these to test as soon as I remember how. I think IFOedit has a quick and easy way to mux a vob.

    Did you notice how the size is 720x480 but the ratio is 16:9?
    Last edited: Aug 7, 2006
  3. Headborg

    Headborg Regular member

    Mar 8, 2006
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    I sure the (duel audio) video that was 720x400 was 16:9 despite what WMP might have said. You don't have to worry about that...if you don't have a widescreen TV there's a option in DVDLabpro to specify how to display on a 4:3 normal TV...and I hope you would choose Letterbox over terrible pan&suck.
  4. AdRock925

    AdRock925 Regular member

    Oct 26, 2005
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    Oh, Im not worried about it, it's good DVDlabpro recognizes that it's a 720x480 with a 16:9 aspect ratio movie embedded within it. That's why I asked why your video isn't 720x480

    what yo meant is it's best to use the PSCS2 settings for ntsc 4:3

    there shouldn't be a need for letterboxing if the video is 720x480 video displaying a previously letterboxed 16:9 video. The letterboxing has already been done.
    Last edited: Aug 7, 2006
  5. Headborg

    Headborg Regular member

    Mar 8, 2006
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    Please look more closely: My video IS 720x480

    When starting the project..we choose a NTSC 29.97 16:9 aspect ratio DVD....the video is 16:9 there for all menu in the Video_TS with this movie must also be 16:9.....The settings for a background image for a menu created in Photoshop needs to be 16:9.
  6. AdRock925

    AdRock925 Regular member

    Oct 26, 2005
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    Why does DVD lab pro have this limitation? there are planty of DVD's presented in widescreen that have menu's in fullscreen (like almost all of them)

    Is there a way around it or are you willing to use another authoring program to avoid this, (sonic scenarist is looking more and more tempting)

    Anyway,here you go buddy, get it while it's hot:

    once you have this link let me know ASAP, I want to remove it from this forum.

    (for some reason it's not linking so just cut and paste:)
    Last edited: Aug 7, 2006
  7. Headborg

    Headborg Regular member

    Mar 8, 2006
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    hmmm, first All valid URLs starting with http:// will be shown as links
    that's way it didn't link www don't count

    I went to that url and it wouldn't allow me to download from there..
    I recommend for filesharing/hosting too.

    DVDLabPro will compile it with mixed aspect ratios , but it might not play in ALL dvd's highly recommended that standard sizes, consistent aspect ratios are maintained within the same Video_TS the same applies to's a limitation in the design/engineering of the Players. You give 'em what they want and you watch & enjoy but otherwise they will just spit your disc out back at you :)
  8. AdRock925

    AdRock925 Regular member

    Oct 26, 2005
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    The http:// doesn't make any difference, I just settled for the www after trying several times.

    ripway only alows for 30mb total uploads @ 10mb per file thanx anyway tho.
    Last edited: Aug 7, 2006
  9. Headborg

    Headborg Regular member

    Mar 8, 2006
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    still couldn't get it to work..but looks like others might be quietly working along with this project..go ahead and kill the link if you need to, I have that dts jap audio and can work on making a Dolby or DTS...I'm more interested in having an English 5.1
  10. AdRock925

    AdRock925 Regular member

    Oct 26, 2005
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    You don't have to take my advice but, (here I go again): it's much better to watch in jap audio/eng subs. I mean also watch it in english if your lazy or can't read, but its just not the same, its like when you see a popular movie on the spanish channel and they have spanish voice actors, you just think to yourself "that sucks", plus the english voices probably aren't in 5.1, because they're not recorded along with the japanese soundtrack, it happens months or years after when the english actors make a deal with a distribution company for a dvd release, then they go to some small studio and record over the original soundtrack. The actors are OK (being respectfull), but there's just not a big enough budget in the western world for animation (unless your names disney) for big actors, multiple retakes, studio time, etc. It's just simply sub-par especially with a big budget cannes film festival level film. Anime is half of the TV and Film industry in japan. So with japanese audio you get the japanese version of Tom Hanks/Nicole Kidman with english you get micky mouse/goofy cartoon actors.
    And yes, you can VERY MUCH notice the difference even if you don't speek japanese, it's not what they're saying it's the way they are saying it. Even if this is your first and only introduction to anime I can't let it go mis-represented.

    plus I'm almost finished uploading to another filehost site and I'll be damned if I spent that time for nothing.
    Last edited: Aug 7, 2006
  11. Headborg

    Headborg Regular member

    Mar 8, 2006
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    26 must be Japanesse-American? I got to admit the "quality" of that DTS jap audio file was very nice..and the Jap music videos are very nice too. Now, armed with your super-duper heavy duty English will be a nice option...especially if I can't get the english audio fixed. I'll try that link 1 more time...keep giving me Apache error 404..why do you have 2 jap soundtracks both ac3 6 channel?
  12. AdRock925

    AdRock925 Regular member

    Oct 26, 2005
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    Lol, actually Im not Japanese-American!, I was waiting for you to say that. I just like my damn cartoons. I am an ambassador if you will.

    I sent you a private message. afterdawn>forums>private messages let me know if when you get it.
    Last edited: Aug 7, 2006
  13. Headborg

    Headborg Regular member

    Mar 8, 2006
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    no..and i don't believe there's any notices that you have a "private message" most sites have a notice somewhere. hope they don't go to e-mail address..I just uninstalled my Yahoo. I'll check.
  14. AdRock925

    AdRock925 Regular member

    Oct 26, 2005
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    damn can't anything be easy? OK I'll stick my neck out

    ok check your private messages on this forum one more time because I see my sent messages in mine which I didn't see before, if it still isn't working stay close because I'm going to post back with some info then take it down as soon as you have it.
    Last edited: Aug 7, 2006
  15. AdRock925

    AdRock925 Regular member

    Oct 26, 2005
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    nevermind this
    Last edited: Aug 7, 2006
  16. Headborg

    Headborg Regular member

    Mar 8, 2006
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    Isn't it too bad you can't delete your posts.

    making progress:

    hmmm, 10seconds difference between our Video streams...I went back and fixed my CCE encoder..I know why my time was so short with the first encode...converted from 25fps->29.97 WITHOUT a pulldown. I went back and regrouped...this video(bottom) is actually 23.967with 2:3 pulldown...I decided since I can't covert that very nice jap DTS audio which is at 23.967fps...I'd match it With the I'm going to make the .mp3 match to 23.967 too!

    The Audio in that other torrent downloaded is jap audio DTS, all you have to do to it is:
    (1)open the folder...copy .mkv(dvd1) to folder"a", copy .mkv(dvd2) to folder"b"
    (2) extract Track2(DTS audio) with in source folder...rename one of the Track2's so they won't save/write over each other(that's the reason for seperate folders)
    (2) download the program: DVD audio Splitter<--free 14day trial $24.95 after that.
    (3) It supports DTS, Join the two files

    less that 5 minutes you got DTS audio for 768 kbps quality!

    Last edited: Aug 8, 2006
  17. AdRock925

    AdRock925 Regular member

    Oct 26, 2005
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    T thought you rented the DVD? what video stream is that your using?

    My brain is mush, it literally started oozing out of my ear last night. I feel a little better today.

    This 25fps audio to 29.97 stuff is driving me crazy, does this sh*t get easier with experience? I have a feeling it doesn't, every time I think I have something figured out I get proven wrong.

    I have a couple more Ideas for getting my english audio to 29.97, if they don't work I'm going to start looking for a ntsc version, again!.

    If your stream lengths don't match mine your going to have to sync my srt file, use subtitleedit, read all of my posts in the subtitle thread you started before, IT'S NOT HARD AT ALL, it takes about 5 minutes. If you still need help with it let me know. -but once you understand it you might be a little embarassed you didn't get it the first time j/k :)
  18. Headborg

    Headborg Regular member

    Mar 8, 2006
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    I'm using the 720x408 video stream that You insisted was the best! that's the one we started the project with...isn't that the one you synced your English subs to? you used the Timecodes method right? so the subs should still work...if not I can use that(other) program to simply change the Framerate...and all should still be in sync.
    here are the CCE SP encoder settings I used....CCE really seems to kick the SH_t out of that what you used to produce your .m2v file..the one that's 4226 kbps....<<<- yeah, that's kinda low quality wise....I haven't found the multi-pass feature on TMPGenc yet..but CCE allows you to spec how many passes you want. If I could get my "broken" 16:9 templete to work again with TMPGenc I'd run it thru there again-(it works ok with 4:3 source with 4:3 output)and compare. Note: the only change in these setting from the pictures was I reset the framerate to 23.976
    Last edited: Aug 8, 2006
  19. AdRock925

    AdRock925 Regular member

    Oct 26, 2005
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    I have the m2v I extracted from the mkv as a backup but my video and 5.1 streams are coming from the VOB I downloaded, including that 4226kb/s (which happens to look better than any other version I've seen oddly - but it is ripped straight from the original vob). Other than an original vob the mkv IS the best quality. Now that I look the m2v from the mkv is shorter (1:35:41 in dvdlabpro)this was converted with tmpgenc.

    Remember me saying that I was downloading multiple files including VIDEO_TS'? You weren't to thrilled about the idea of downloading anything else so I let it slide, but if you "own" the DVD then F-it rip that (and find a way to give me the english 29.97 audio), we already know how to convert an mkv to m2v/dvd, we did that a long time ago, it's this damn pal conversion that's become the real challenge. I've downloaded and bastardized so many versions of this movie, I forget what streams I am using, but I synced the subs to the vob m2v (1:39:55 @ 29.97 fps) as well as a frankenstein Jap. audio AVI I peiced together (since the m2v doesn't have audio) that was also 1:39:55 @29.97fps.

    The bottom line is once you have all your streams at whatever length so they will sync perfectly, you have to make the srt file the same length, which is easy. You can do it whatever way you want but I don't see why you'd want to shoot in the dark with any of these limited capability/tempermental encoders.

    So do you have a REAL 5.2 ac3? where did you get that from, I ask because mine is also ripped from the vob and it's nothing like the one from the mkv. I have normal stereo desktop speakers and had to hook up an extra set to my 5.1 mainboard outputs and change the motherboard audio settings to 5.1 surround just to hear the sound right. At first all I heard were acho's and environmental sounds because my desktop speakers were plugged into what would be left and right channel in 5.1.......Bad Ass, this is why I was tryng so hard to find a way you could download it. If your using the ac3 from the mkv it's just named ac3.
    Last edited: Aug 8, 2006
  20. Headborg

    Headborg Regular member

    Mar 8, 2006
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    first we have to extablish there's a difference between Dolby and DTS; IMO, DTS is superior to Dolby...I also only have(2 more trial encodes for my Surcode Dolby Encoder) but have encoding software to produce DTS 5.1 surround sound if you have real 6 channel Master.
    the Dolby Stereo(AC3) can be 2 channel or 5.1(6channel) audio.
    the first torrent we/I downloaded was the (duel audio)--lets call this torrent#1 from now on, it only had English& Jap--.mp3(2channel) audio---we can convert this into 6channel wav--then I can imput these in the DTS or Dolby encoder..but it won't be "real" 5.1. the other option(easy) is just to use the TMPGenc (AC3) plug-in<--this will only give a (2/0) two channel Dolby stereo.

    Important: the second torrent(with the Polish subs) HAS REAL jap DTS 5.1 audio rip. Sounds much better than the Dolby. Please use the MKVextractor...VDM doesn't support DTS if you try to demux with will Kill the DTS.....all you need to do after "demuxing" the torrent is Join(append) the 2 audio tracks with DVD audio file Splitter. Then import to DVDLaBPro.
    Now I have the DVD rips from the Movie....but it's only jap---dolby & DTS, also I have the Director's commentary.
    But so far the big missing piece is the English audio...only have it from Torrent#1 in .mp3 and 2channel Dolby...what's missing is a good English 5.1 dolby/DTS...since it looks like I'm going to have to make one from the Torrent#1 it's best to USE THAT Video Stream it matches the lenght of the English audio.

    Adobe Audition I believe is OUR OBI-WAN KENOBI (help me, you're my only hope) It should do the convert from PALtoNTSC and "maintain Pitch".
    Last edited: Aug 8, 2006

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