help with burner... how long do they last?

Discussion in 'DVDR' started by herrick, Jan 20, 2006.

  1. brobear

    brobear Guest

    Good idea on doing the checks. I'd just like to note that the utilities are not supported by all drives. PiPO and Jitter are required tests in order to ascertain the quality of a disc and a bunch of drives can't use those utilities for those tests. I have two drives and neither are supported fully for the test sequence for the apps mentioned, DVDInfoPro and Nero's CD DVD Speed. My Plextor has Plextools that will run the tests though, so I'm not out in the cold. My HP won't test PiPO or Jitter with any or the test utilities I have. So, if the drive can't do all the tests, the quality rating for the media in Nero's CD DVD Speed is suspect. Most drives can do the read scan though, which shows read errors when present.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 23, 2006
  2. dolphin2

    dolphin2 Guest

    [bold]"he would have never known" what does this mean? [/bold]

    Means that you would not have seen a slow down if your in PIO mode. If you were burning at, say, 4X and your system "slips" into PIO, your burn speed would drop to about 2X without you setting it that way.

    The other comment was addressed by others.

    Sorry if I offended. Didn't mean it that way.
  3. aabbccdd

    aabbccdd Guest

    brobear ,i have been burning at 8x since i got my new Plextor PX-716ALs with NO problems(the scans are coming out fine) i know you have the same drive so iam sure it will work fine of course iam using Taiyo Yuden media
  4. brobear

    brobear Guest

    I'm using the Sony 8X +R MIJ and MIT. I got 50 MIJ and 150 MIT in a batch sale. The MIJ is a Taiyo Yuden disc. The MITs are Sony generic and work as well as the MIJ and the scans are good as well. I have no doubt I could burn at 8X. Didn't you read my post on the "comfort zone"? LOL
  5. herrick

    herrick Regular member

    Jun 11, 2013
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    No offense taken, bro... Just try'en to learn all I can from you guys! Ive been coming here off and on- copied alot of movies, but really do not know what Im doing... self taught on the computer, I know my way around and can do alot of things, but skipped the basics LOL! I really appreciate all the help. MY first burn was great, still have to run through tests- if I could understand it that is... You people are great help!
  6. brobear

    brobear Guest

    Now where have we been gettin offensive. You're not here to smell my feet, so it couldn't be that. ;)
  7. herrick

    herrick Regular member

    Jun 11, 2013
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    No offense taken, bro...

    An answer to Dolphin2... read above reply
  8. herrick

    herrick Regular member

    Jun 11, 2013
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    DMA vs PIO mode

    THis was very helpful, thank you very much there brobear
  9. brobear

    brobear Guest

    De nada. Glad to help. A lot of people don't seem to know how that one works. I should save that article. That's about the clearest explanation I've run across.
  10. herrick

    herrick Regular member

    Jun 11, 2013
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    what is the process you guys use the copy movies?
    Programs, ripping etc.?
  11. gear79

    gear79 Guest

    everyone is different and uses different proggies..

    i use shrink, decrypter, and nero to burn with..
    decrypter to crack the encryptions... shrink reduces the size to fit on a dvd-5 and nero to burn.
    sometime shrink alone works, others, you need to use decrypter (which is no longer supported here) but you can still find it else where..

    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 24, 2006
  12. aabbccdd

    aabbccdd Guest

  13. brobear

    brobear Guest

    LOL Everyone seems to have their favorites. I'm surprised you haven't been swammped with suggestions. For decryption the selection isn't that big. AnyDVD leads the pack, it's retail. DVDfab Decrypter is coming along, freeware. DVD Decrypter was the best and still does a good job, but the decryption software is becoming outdated. Ther's more of them, like DVD Region+CSS Free (retail), and DVD43 (freeware).

    Transcoders and encoders include the likes of DVD Shrink and Rebuilder with its supported encoders. Then you have more in the line of retail like DVDCopy4, CloneDVD2, Recode2 and a host of others.

    The burner list is long as well. You see a lot of mention for freeware like ImgBurn and DVD Decrypter (it rips and burns). A lot of recording suites have burner ware, such as Nero and CopyToDVD from VSO, Sonic-Roxio has offerings as well. Some of the transcoder apps have a burner incorporated into the program, CloneDVD2 and DVDCopy 4 are examples.

    My favorite method is ripping files to the HD for use with DVD Decrypter while running AnyDVD (it's a driver decrypter that runs in the background). Then I encode with Rebuilder using the supported encoder Cinema Craft Encoder. I usually burn with Nero Express from the Nero suite. If the DVD movie isn't overly large and I'm in a hurry for some reason, I use DVDCopy 4.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 25, 2006
  14. FredBun

    FredBun Active member

    Nov 27, 2003
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    herrick I to have dvdxopy from 321, still use it, have it almost 4 yrs now when it was a legit product, they were the best by far, was so sorry to see them go, things like nero etc way to complicated for many people like myself big reason why I still use it, the problem with dvdxcopy is its becoming obsolete I'm afraid because of movies from sony and others that are applying more garbage that dvdx cant handle, last year I also purchased DVDXPlat. from Xsoftware not 321 dont confuse it with that, it does work exactly like dvdxcopy plat. from 321, almost identical, with that purchase xsoftware also gives you videovault, its a little more complicated peace of software but also has a one click easy burning method also, and of course dvdxplat doesnt have a dycryptor like 321 has, I use dvd43.
    So far I have been able to copy all movies with all 3 softwares, if 321 doesnt work I try dvdxplat. if I have trouble with that my last resort is videovault, sometimes it can do things the other 2 can't, only two movies I have not been able to burn, both are sony I believe, Madigaskar and The Cave.
    Today I did have trouble with The Fog, with 321 you can usually tell there is gonna be a problem by some of the things it says, and of course with 321 dvdxcopy you can't compress, don't care I don't like compression anyway, always use 2 disc's unless just can't like today, 321 failed, I than tried videovault with it's easy mode, it wipes out all the extra features and compreses to one disc, it does compress nicely even tough I don't like it, I didn't try dvdxplat first because I saw it said part two had to much information, like 4.90, so I tried videvault, that didn't wotk either, than I went back to dvdxplat, it also has a compresion feature, it also lets you edit or apply certon apps but to complicated for me I just click on compress the whole damn thing, well it worked, I got The Fog no problem with dvd43 in the background, don't like compresion but I call it a victory anyway, viewed it and am satisfied.
    But from what I have been reading on these forums is I think I will be needing dvdclone and anydvd, my kind of software since you don't need to be a geek to figure things out.
    Once I get those two I will keep people posted on how all of them work especially for newbies like myself, hope this helped some.
  15. aabbccdd

    aabbccdd Guest

    FredBun when you download anydvd make sure you uninstall dvd43 ,they will conflit.

    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 26, 2006
  16. FredBun

    FredBun Active member

    Nov 27, 2003
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    aabbccdd, ok, thank's I'm not sure but I think I heard somebody say that when you purchase anydvd that once you downlaod it, it wipes out dvd43 automaticaly, whichever no biggie.
    But you also just sent chills down my spine about possibly dvdxcopy 321 coming back, oh man, I'm salivating, I know don't count your chickens, but the tought is nice.
    You know I could never figure out why they dint't continue selling it legaly, all they had to do was eliminate thier decryptor and they would be legit, of course we would relly on other products like dvd43 and anydvd, but so what, because of thier ease of use and tech support that was second to none I don't think they would have lost one customer, keeping my fingers crossed.
  17. aabbccdd

    aabbccdd Guest

    you will def. have to uninstall dvd43 first BEFORE loading anydvd
  18. FredBun

    FredBun Active member

    Nov 27, 2003
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    aabbccdd, ok cothca, will do, thanks.
  19. herrick

    herrick Regular member

    Jun 11, 2013
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    FredBun... I copied "The Cave" w/ the following w/ out problems- used DVDFab to the HD, then used DVD Shrink to disk. Movie only!!! No compression I THINK! DVDFab is really cool, bailed me out of many problems...
  20. FredBun

    FredBun Active member

    Nov 27, 2003
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    herrick, good to hear, I will still try sometimes soon anydvd and clone, I'm just waiting for a couple more of sony movies with the extra trash in them and see how my old 3 trusties work, if none do, it's clone, anydvd here I come. But, if for some reason 321 was to make a comeback, my loyalty would be right there.

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