help with burner... how long do they last?

Discussion in 'DVDR' started by herrick, Jan 20, 2006.

  1. aabbccdd

    aabbccdd Guest

    you will still need anydvd hint hint lol
  2. FredBun

    FredBun Active member

    Nov 27, 2003
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    aabbccdd, I know, I know, buts thats ok, 321 all the way. lol.
  3. brobear

    brobear Guest

    Hope you're kidding, and that's from an owner of 321 DVDXCopy Platinum. Too expensive for what one gets. I got my money back when I found they were going out of business. I'm one of the lucky ones. LOL AnyDVD helps that app as well as any other that needs a top of the line decryption tool. Apps with obsolete decryption software such as XCopy and Shrink benefit well from AnyDVD. aabbccdd gave you a good hint. ;)
  4. herrick

    herrick Regular member

    Jun 11, 2013
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    brobear- does AnyDVD work w/ 1 click DVD copy? Do you think AnyDVD is better then the free ver. of DVD43?
  5. brobear

    brobear Guest

    I'm not sure with 1Click. I only had the app loaded for a short while. It has it's own decryption software and it wasn't very good. AnyDVD helps most apps, so, unless there's an interference problem, it should take care of the encryption for this one as well.

    There's no comparison with DVD43, AnyDVD is the best and I've tried both and kept AnyDVD.
  6. aabbccdd

    aabbccdd Guest

    YES anydvd works fine with 1 click MUCH better than dvd43

    1 click DOESNT have its own built in ripper so you have to have one
  7. gear79

    gear79 Guest

    dvd43 only works with windows, but i found it kinda lame, so i deleted it.. i'll take anydvd anyday.......
  8. brobear

    brobear Guest

    They must have changed 1Click after I threw it out. It had a poor excuse for a ripper, but it did have one then. They were even giving away a copy of VSO's CopyToDVD to try to move it. The CopyToDVD was worth keeping.
  9. aabbccdd

    aabbccdd Guest

    yeah they did change the program shortly after 321 went though there problems and it def. a sub-par program ,i dont like it at all ,if your going to use it you might as will use dvd shrink which is free
  10. brobear

    brobear Guest

    Who is Laura? ;)
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 29, 2006
  11. aabbccdd

    aabbccdd Guest

    its Adriana Lima ,brobear
  12. FredBun

    FredBun Active member

    Nov 27, 2003
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    brobear, here is the main reason why I loved 321 so much, not just that it was a great product, and had no problem spending 100 bucks, but mostly because they had the best tech support on this planet, why? first you could always understand the person you dealed with, unlike other tech from other companies, e.g. like my norton, oh man, I could never understand those people, I'm always what!what!what!what! than they get mad, oh excuse me that I can't understand hardly a word your sayiny, so you just say forget it, and sony is another one thats great for that.
    Anyway 321 as soon as you told them you were computer stupid which I am, they always explained things step by step, and don't forget this is over the phone not e-mails which don't work for me, I guy spent 40 min. with one time before I correctly my problem, always curtious and really knowledgable, can anybody out here tell me of any support people out there that do the same, so for non geeks like me and believe me there are a lot more of us out there than many of these people with there knowledgable ways that beat these encrypters by using nero and others that take several screen pages to try and figure out which is something I will never be able to do, and don't get me wrong, God bless those people, I envey thier savy, it's just I can never figure those ways out, if I can't figure out those kind of configurations out after 4 yrs. of computer use I never will. This is the reason I loved 321 so much.
  13. FredBun

    FredBun Active member

    Nov 27, 2003
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    oh man was I angry today, I tought I had succesfully copied The Fog the other day, I used dvdxplat from xcopy to do it, dvdxcopy from 321 didnt work, niether did videovault from xcopy, but dvdxplat from xcopy in the compression mode and dvd43 in the background did, it wouldnt allow it to be burned on two disc's because it said the 2nd disc had to much info like 4.90gb, so I tried its compression mode, said burn completed succesfully, because it's sony garbage I always check it on my dvdplayer just to make sure it got it, I watched like the first minute and everything looked ok, my daughter just tried to watch today and it would stop after the first 5 min minutes and the movie The Jacket would come on, this was a dvd+rw I used previously, and yes the jacket was on there before, but I never seen this happin before, so either sony's the fog fooled my copy softwares or maybe this had something to do with it bieng an rw or both, who knows, anyway tought it might be of interest to share.
    From now on I will always fast forward all the chapters to make sure, especially when it's sony's garbage. If so, anydvd here I come.
  14. herrick

    herrick Regular member

    Jun 11, 2013
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    what do you mean by the "jacket"?
  15. herrick

    herrick Regular member

    Jun 11, 2013
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    You should really try and do a "sony" on DVDFab, then nero-0 I am sure it will work... AND DVDFab is free on the site!
  16. FredBun

    FredBun Active member

    Nov 27, 2003
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    yeah herrick I hear ya, I still don't know how dvdfab works, if it's something like dvd43 sure I'll give it a shot, but nero, way out of my league, but thanks for the advise anyway, I have a felling I will wind up with clone and anydvd. Also by no means am I rich, I hear many people say do this it's free, I'll gladly spend the money ifit gives me ease of use.
  17. brobear

    brobear Guest

    AnyDVD + DVD Decrypter to rip and DVD Shrink to transcode and the burner of choice is one recipe. With "The Fog" you have one of Sony's more difficult Arccoss, Puppetlock structural encryption. All kinds of bad files inserted to cause problems for decryption. The rip for this duo left some minor file flaws, which DVD Shrink is more forgiving of. With the latest version of DVDFab Decrypter, I was able to rip and transcode or encode with any app I chose. In the past, DVDFab Decrypter has been slow to be updated causing decryption problems with late releases. So, "The Fog" is a hard one, but it is doable. It's big if not edited, so use a software that can handle the compression or cut all the extras. I didn't try AnyDVD + CloneDVD 2, but they usually play well together.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 29, 2006
  18. brobear

    brobear Guest

    DVD43 is a driver type decryption tool that works in the background to remove the decryption so the backup program cand go ahead and do the job as though encryption wasn't on the DVD. DVD Fab Decrypter is similar to DVD Decrypter. It rips the DVD to a hard drive folder and removes the encryption in the process. You have a cleaned set of files to work with, but you have to open those files in a transcoder or burner depending on the need. With the driver type decrypter, you would simply go ahead and transcode or burn as necessary.

    As for the folks at 321, they were good at customer relations. I won't kick them since they're already gone. They were among the first with a workable app. I bought a copy of it. Then, when I found they were going out of business, I got a refund. So, I have no problem with the people. But the program was troublesome, or that nice support would have been less used. So, good people, iffy product, overpriced, and they were forced out of business, but gone nonetheless.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 29, 2006

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