I think I've found the problem while I was looking around the board I noticed some leakage on the board it was coming from a capacitor so i desoldered the capacitor and sure enough it was the one that was leaking so I took a picture of where it was on the board hoping some one could help me fix this. It was positioned at C7G3 directly below the DVD drive close to the front. It said on the capacitor itself 2.5v 1F Series B Powerstor Aerogel 2302-1 1.Which capacitors would also work as an alternative? 2.Would the box boot up without it or what? 3.Is it OK to use acetone (nail polish remover) to clean up the MoBo where it leaked?
It would probably start without it fitted.. They are just to take ripple off power rails usually. That liquid is conductive tho.. and the best thing to get it off is probably alcohol while bearing in mind that it's likely to be pretty unpleasant stuff so don't get it in your mouth.. wash your hands after etc Acetone is likely to melt the board and do all sorts of other harm. there should be another number on the cappy.. are you sure it's not .1µF @ 2.5V (that sounds like a reasonable value.. close enough for rock and roll).. dirt cheap.. have a root around inside some broken electronics and you will find something that will do.. V (volts) not so important as value.. 2.5 or over is fine.. They are polarised.. with one leg being marked on the can as - white stripe usually.. to white marking on board... others nearby give clues. Looks like there is a fair bit of damage, but it's hard to tell from just a picture. You will possibly find that it exploded as a result of a fault elsewhere.. the 3 legged transistor very close by looks like it has got a bit hot... but that could just be the lighting.. replace the cap and see what happens.
Thanks for your reply Sir, Yes I'm sure its 2.5v 1F aerogel capacitor not very easy to find and none of the electronics I have contain this Capacitor even shops that I ask don't have it When I turn on the XBOX it just flashes orange How can I check if the Capacitors are OK with a multimeter?? How can I check if the transistor nearby is OK w/ a multimeter?? TIA~PhiLiP