Help with HITCH

Discussion in 'DVDR' started by kzar, Jun 14, 2005.

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  1. AxFactor

    AxFactor Regular member

    Jun 17, 2005
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    ok I'm using DVDXCopy and I the first chapter of Hitch didn't work, but it played the next 2 w/o problems then became choppy and finally quit. I'm not sure why, I know that the first .vob file was aborted cuz I could live w/o 1 chapter but the whole movie? can anyone help me out? thanx in advance.
  2. jayp3724

    jayp3724 Member

    Jan 2, 2005
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    The links that were sent to me where perfect, they gave me the info that I need to copy the disk using decryter and shrink.

  3. arniebear

    arniebear Active member

    Jan 2, 2005
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    Glad it helped you, happy burning :~)
  4. SammyC14

    SammyC14 Member

    Jun 18, 2005
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    I am having a really tough time backing up the movie Hitch. I would appreciate it if someone could tell me how to do it. I am using DVD Shrink and DVD Decrypter. When using the Shrink it wont even let me get through the first step of Re-Authoring. Someones help would be appreciated.
    Last edited: Jun 18, 2005
  5. arniebear

    arniebear Active member

    Jan 2, 2005
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  6. creaky

    creaky Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 14, 2005
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    @SammyC14 - pls edit out your email address - its not allowed. and the answer(s) for Hitch are above you in this same post...
  7. dabig25

    dabig25 Regular member

    Aug 31, 2004
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    Having problems w/ Hitch as well using DVD Copy 3.

    But was a ble to burn it fine w/ no problems using Decrypter & Shrink.
  8. pilferd

    pilferd Regular member

    Jun 9, 2005
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    SammyC14 and any1 else who is having problems getting past the analyzing stage in DVD Shrink, i suggest u read all comments before posting, especially the one i posted on the 3rd page. SammyC14 we (along w/a few others) have the same exact problem and i figured away around it. peep the 3rd page.
    Last edited: Jun 18, 2005
  9. dabig25

    dabig25 Regular member

    Aug 31, 2004
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    Make sure you have lastest version of Decrypter. Just open DVD Shrink & just let DVD Decrypter run in the background, and Shrink recognized the movie as " Not Encrypted".

    Also like someone said earlier in this Thread that there's alot of crap, or uneeded stuff on the movie.

    Just uncheck everything that you don't want.

    Maybe select just english as the language for subtitles & select just 1 audio option.

    Hope this helps, like I said earlier had nothing but problems w/ DVD Copy 3 burning HITCH.

    You may also want to try using it w/ AnyDVD. Download the trial or I found someone on Ebay selling AnyDVD for only $10.00 w/ updates.
  10. RaeSauron

    RaeSauron Guest

    Ok, I understand that the people helping out here are getting aggervated by repetition and morons that don't read previous posts, but not all of us are idiots. posts telling everyone else that you had no problems aren't helping anyone, so save your bragging for you girlfriend. I really would appreciate some help here. I have tried every combination of software I can find: anydvd5.2.4.2 with clonedvd2.8.3.3; dvddecrypter 3.5 with dvdshrink3.2 (had a mistake in getting "easy dvd shrink" by accident-VERY different program); dvdfab express; intervideo dvdcopy; etc. I have no problem opening, ripping, or burning the disc on my pc. I can even play the disc back on my computer. The problem is that when i put the disc in my dvd player it plays the very opening scene (almost like a supernova or something), but the actual dvd stuff like previews and the movie and extras will not play.
    Now if i hit the "go to" button on my dvd remote,i can get to the extra scenes and that music video by selecting to go to track 002 or 003, but track 001(i assume the one i want) just freezes. I have realized that when i use the backup option in dvdshrink there is a file on the bottom left onder extras labeled "unreferenced material". could this be a blank selection added in to screw up my copy? i cant find this file when i use the "author" option, and i cant edit anything in the "backup" option. i'musing a cyberhome dvd player to view my disc, now iknow it's cheap so for all who will automatically say "it's your player" please only this give advice if you know specifically that this will cause a problem. i specifically chose the cheapest player i could find because i want to be sure that if i bring a movie over a friends house it will work there, too. i appreciate any knowledgable advice, and thanks for taking the time to help.
  11. bigwop

    bigwop Regular member

    Jun 3, 2004
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    Just a reply to mucho's note about release dates. Some members are able to get their hands on the movies way in advance because they work for the stores that sell them. These stores get these movies 2-3 weeks in advance of release dates. Common courtesy lets them put them on the shelves on the proper release date per the studios instructions as to create anticipation in their release.
    Last edited: Jun 18, 2005
  12. creaky

    creaky Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 14, 2005
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    @RaeSauron -
    - there's no name calling going on here, plus everyone's welcome to post.

    The reason i myself have suggested ppl read the previous replies is that this thread has mushroomed into an impossible mess of replies, for a film that really is no problem [bold]IF[/bold] a few ppl just read a few replies. None of us mind helping but i've personally backed away from this thread as it really is a disjointed mess of, i don't know how many replies. You will see the odd reply in there saying thanks, so start there and try the odd (free) and simple fix.

    A lot of us do know what we're taking about and are more than willing to help, but some of you ppl have to step back and help yourself a bit too - the answers really are here if you read them too. Pity us who have to sift thru threads like this every night, it only becomes repetitive and annoying when ppl come here barking at ppl who are willing to help in their free time.
  13. RaeSauron

    RaeSauron Guest

    to creaky:
    first off, i never said anything about suggestions to read previous threads, i actually BACKED UP those suggestions in my own post on the very line that you scolded me for name-calling. i also thanked people that do help and take the time to read and advise. i may not be an expert in dvd backup, but i help out on other sites with advice in forums. the only people i chided were the ones who jump in the thread with nothing of value to say, just "what's wrong with you guys? i didn't have any problems", well the fact that you didn't have any problems does not help those of us that did. i know you're fed up with this thread, but maybe if people only posted coherent, educated and relevant questions; and only posted answers that truly helped to remedy those problems, then we wouldn't all be confused and irritated. it took me forever to read through all that crap to try to see if my question was answered before i posted! i undestand that it takes time to try to help someone, and it's not your job, but if you are going to help, at least be helpful. that was my message.
  14. creaky

    creaky Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 14, 2005
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    don't feel singled out, plus i'm not fed up with the thread. i can't see the wood for the trees either. I am being helpful, but at least see it from my point of view - this is your very first post on this website and are yelling at ppl; i am simply asking that you calm it down a bit then we can all help each other
  15. smsmike

    smsmike Regular member

    Jun 6, 2004
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    Ok people, I am going to try and assist everyone who has been having problems with Hitch. First, however, I am going up to "Best Buy" and buy another copy of the DVD. I bought the first one at Wal*Mart and I want to make sure that there is a WIDE difference in batch runs of the DVD between the one Wal*Mart sold me and the one I am going to work with today.

    Please give me about 2 hours to get the disk and then get setup. I will then walk you all through the process step by step, including the settings that I have made on both Decrypter and Shrink. Sometimes those program SETUP settings make a world of difference on the final result.

    - Mike -

    Back Soon.....
  16. smsmike

    smsmike Regular member

    Jun 6, 2004
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    Ok, here is how I am backing up Hitch - Step by step.

    I have a dedicated partition for Video Copy, and I KEEP that partition cleaned up. Over the years I have discovered that DVD Shrink will not always deliver the goods if the Video it's working with is on a badly Fragmented Hard Drive Partition. So, if you have ANY doubts - What So Ever - about the condition of the Partition you are about to copy Hitch to, PLEASE Defragment that Drive or Drive Partition before you start.

    Enough said about that.

    Step 1. Load the program DVD Decrypter V3.5.4.0 and Left Click on Tools, then Settings.

    Step 2. Lower Left Corner - Press Defaults, and then (YES) when it asks you if you want to re-set the Options.

    NOTE: We are going to work in FILE MODE, so do NOT play with anything other than what I tell you to.

    Step 3. Select the File Mode Tab and ADD check marks to the boxes (Remove IFO PUO's and Remove VOB PUO's). Press OK and allow that setup to close. That is ALL you should do to setup the program, nothing more.

    Step 4. Put the disk Hitch in the drive and either select a location for the destination file (preferably your Defragmented Partition) or use the program default. It's up to you.

    Step 5. Press the picture of the DVD Drive and let her run.... If you manage to get all of the files written to your Hard Drive with No Errors, we will continue shortly. As I write this, my system is doing the copy process so I have to wait for it to finish before I continue.

    - Mike -

  17. ashroy01

    ashroy01 Regular member

    Dec 23, 2004
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    I decrypted and shrunk w/deep analysis and AEC Sharp

    I left out the french audio and spanish subs
    -lots of previews in there I took out all but titles 12, 13 and 14 (beczause they lead-in to the main menu and others get confused)
    -I took out most of the featurettes except Amerie "1 thing" video and I think a gag reel
    -took out some of the previews menu

    ended up with about 83% compression on the movie
    Last edited: Jun 18, 2005
  18. smsmike

    smsmike Regular member

    Jun 6, 2004
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    Side Note to all: I am using Windows XP Home with SP2 and the latest Direct X. for this operation.

    Continue with Backup....

    Ok, if you have all of the files on the Hitch DVD successfully copied to your Hard Drive, as I do, the next step is to use DVD Shrink Version and compress the movie files so that they will fit on a Single Layer Disk. Here is how I am doing the job.

    1. Setting Up DVD Shrink in File Mode.

    Load the program DVD Shrink Version then click on Edit (top) and then Preferences.

    TAB - Preferences: Make sure Output is set for DVD-5 (4.7GB)

    User Preferences - Check ONLY the box (Automatically Open VIDEO_TS sub folders.

    TAB - Preview - Check box (Enable video and audio Preview)

    TAB - Output Files - Check ALL BOXES!!!

    TAB - Stream Selections - Set Audio to (English) and (All Types) then check the box to Disable all sub picture...

    TAB - File I/O - Check ONLY Boxes (Enable overlapped I/O and Check RPC2 drive region code...) If you normally burn with Nero, we will get to that later. Do NOT do it now.... (Uncheck the box) Enable burn with Nero..

    Exit the setup routine

    Press the Open Files icon and find the file HITCH (VIDEO_TS) and click on that - then OK

    Shrink should then run a Pre Analysis of the file to make sure it finds no Surface Errors that would be "Show Stoppers."

    If your system passes that test, you will be presented with the DVD Structure on the Left and the Compression/Audio setup on the Right.

    Now, let it be known that I have backed up the Entire Disk AND the Movie Only with my "other copy" of the disk and had no problem with either operation. However, for this "walk through," we will START with the Movie Only to make sure you can get (at least) that much accomplished without errors.. We can get ambitious and do the entire disk later.

    At the top: Select (Re-Author)

    Slide down to Main Movie and double click on Title One. It should then appear on the Left Side under DVD.

    Press TAB - Compression Settings - Your right side should have the following

    Under VIDEO

    100% and the value at the far right should read 3,701 MB

    Under AUDIO

    Check Mark should be in box (AC3 5.1-ch English)

    No other boxes should be checked on that screen.

    At the top press the Icon (Backup).

    On the Backup DVD Screen.

    TAB - Target Device - We are going to use a Hard Disk Folder so make sure that it says (Hard Disk Folder) under backup Target. - Under Target Folder, press the (Browse) tab and either setup a new folder or pick one that you have already setup.. I normally use the (Make New Folder) option and place the Movie on a Different Hard Drive from the one I am using. You may (Name) and place your final folder any damn place you feel like. It's YOUR computer.

    Once you have selected your destination folder, press (OK) and let the system go back to the Backup Options Screen).

    Since the final file will be well within the limits of a single sided disk, there is no need to mess with any of the other settings. Make sure to CHECK the box (Create VIDEO_TS and AUDIO_TS sub folders) and then just press the (OK) at the bottom. If you did everything right, the program will then write the MOVIE ONLY to the folder you picked.

    When that's done, we can go on to the Burn To Disk part.

    - Mike -
  19. smsmike

    smsmike Regular member

    Jun 6, 2004
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    Continue - Copy Hitch DVD:

    Ok folks, if nothing went wrong with your operation (nothing did with mine) you now have the Movie "Hitch" backed up in the folder (Name of your choice) and the VIDEO_TS folder contains every file you need to play the movie.

    The reason that I did NOT want you to burn the file to a disk is because we are doing a teaching exercise and a couple of options need to be explored. They go as follows.

    1. At this point I would suggest that those of you with DVD Player programs for your computer, load the file (VIDEO_TS) in your Hitch Folder and take a "Quick Look" at the movie. If it looks good on your computer, you are ready to burn it to disk.

    2. There are Two Options open for burning this file to disk. (1. Burn the file directly with Nero - or any program that burns File Format (VIDEO_TS) folders directly. OR (2. Convert the file to ISO format with DVD Shrink and then Burn it to disk with DVD Decrypter. Both of those options work just fine, but my preference is to eliminate the middle man and burn directly with Nero. I (personally) hate working with ISO files because there is so, so much room for errors to creep into them. They overcomplicate an otherwise very simple process.

    (Enough Said about my prejudices) We shall do it anyway...

    FIRST: How to burn to disk using ISO Format for those of you who do not have Nero:

    Load the program DVD Shrink and Open the (VIDEO_TS) file that contains your (Shrunk) copy of Hitch.

    The movie is already compressed and ready to use, but in order to BURN it to disk using Decrypter, we must change the file to an ISO (Disk Image) and then burn it. This is what you do.

    In Shrink: The Main Movie is already selected and no changes need to be made from the settings we did (on this screen) before. Just proceed as follows:

    1. Press the Icon (Backup)

    2. TAB (Target Device) Press the change arrow (on the right) and select the option (ISO Image File and burn with DVD Decrypter).

    3. Look at the (Automatically Selected) destination drive and make sure you have enough Disk Space to receive the ISO folder that Shrink is going to write.

    4. Put a Blank, Single Sided DVD Disk in your DVD Burner because when shrink is finished, DVD Decrypter is going to burn the disk for you automatically. If you have two drives, Decrypter Will Find the one with the blank disk - not to worry.

    5. Press OK and sit back.. Your backup will be ready in about 15 minutes.

    That's it folks..

    If there is anyone out there who has Nero and does NOT know how to burn a VIDEO_TS file with that program, let me know and I will walk you through the process...

    - Mike -
  20. RaeSauron

    RaeSauron Guest

    hey, mike - thanks a lot for outlining this for all of us. i hope this works - i realized that i had a lot of settings different from yours. I'll try this out as soon as i get hitch back tomorrow, but tonight i'll see how these settings do with my other movies. Great post!
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