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Help with HITCH

Discussion in 'DVDR' started by kzar, Jun 14, 2005.

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  1. smsmike

    smsmike Regular member

    Jun 6, 2004
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    Backing Up (Hitch)

    Final Note: If you need help with a Full Disk backup because DVD Shrink is running errors when you run that operation, let me know and I will walk you through the process of eliminating un-necessary material and still getting a Full Disk backup with Shrink..

    I'm too tired to write that much additional material if nobody needs the help - but - I WILL do it if you ask me to. Do NOT be shy about asking for more assistance!

    - Mike -
  2. smsmike

    smsmike Regular member

    Jun 6, 2004
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    I was just sitting here doing nothing much when a thought struck me!

    No, do NOT call 911 - It was a minor tap and I will recover shortly..

    The thing that I thunk is this - We all take for granted the FACT that in order to work with Video Files the size of a Standard DVD, 7.2 Gig or better in some cases, we MUST have our Hard Drives formatted for the NT File System (NTFS) - Because, if you try to work with Video Files on FAT 32 formatted partitions, you are almost DOOMED for failure before you even start. The only HD format that will deliver the goods is NTFS.

    But - we NEVER stop to ask the folks if they have their drives setup for NTFS partitions, we just always assume that they do.. Not a good idea - and a bad practice on our part...

    - Mike -
  3. dvdripdvd

    dvdripdvd Regular member

    Dec 2, 2004
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    when will the chaos of Hitch ever end?
  4. bigwop

    bigwop Regular member

    Jun 3, 2004
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    I'm set up for Fat32 and have no problem with shrink/decrypter combo. Shrink breaks up the movies into segments and creates a .mds file which decrypter uses to start the burn. Works great.
  5. creaky

    creaky Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 14, 2005
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    @smsmike -
    - [bold]not true[/bold]. FAT32 cannot handle [bold]single[/bold] files over 2GB in size, however Decrypter will (in the various modes) split files [bold]by default[/bold] into a maximum of 1GB chunks.
    Last edited: Jun 19, 2005
  6. RaeSauron

    RaeSauron Guest

    hey mike, thanks a lot for the guide! i dont know whats wrong with my setup, but i'm still having problems seeing the movie on my dvd player when i burn the whole disc (i'm not really interested in movie only discs, i want a full copy with menus). i think i know how to go about the burn process, but could you please outline the settings you have under the "backup dvd" tab? thanks for all your help!!

    ps. i had a friend who would bring backups of his movies to my house and they always worked fine in my player, but i'm not in contact with him anymore to see what he may have done differently. please help?
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 19, 2005
  7. smsmike

    smsmike Regular member

    Jun 6, 2004
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    Well guy, we shall just have to agree to disagree on this point. As far as I am concerned, FAT32 formats and Video files are an absolute No - No - No - No, and they always will be.

    If someone is working with that setup, I won't even attempt to assist them. They have 2 strikes against them before they even start the copy process. All you need is a slightly fragment partition, a minor power fluctuation, and it's all over but the cursing - The data will be lost or so scrambled up that trying to compress and re-assemble the final format is nearly impossible. Nope, [bold] not worth the time or the effort [/bold] and never will be.

    Working with Video Formats is problematic enough when everything is perfect. [bold] Why ASK for trouble? [/bold]

    - Mike -

  8. creaky

    creaky Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 14, 2005
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    - don't take it personally, but you are giving out incorrect info.

    Trust me, FAT32 is perfectly fine for movies and allsorts of stuff. NTFS is fine for allsorts too, but you're fiving out totally incorrect info here re FAT32. No biggie, you're entitled to not want to help ppl with FAT32, but you're simply completely wrong when you make a blanket statement like that. Newbies don't care about stuff like this normally as they just want to get from A to B. HOWEVER, it's not so much that newbies would be be misled by your statement, but that to push them to NTFS when they might not need to go there, might CREATE problems for them if they get it wrong on the conversion process.

    Pls correct your statement and subsequent reply as you're misleading ppl when you say FAT32 CANNOT be used. You don't want to use it, but many ppl out there might have reason to stick with it, if no other reason that we are not here to make work for newbies who might bugger their machines unneccessarily.
  9. smsmike

    smsmike Regular member

    Jun 6, 2004
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    The trick with Hitch is to eliminate all of the additional Audio inputs that have no actual impact on the video files. In other words, 0 MB on the far right side. Also, you want to eliminate all of the garbage Audio that has no impact on any of the Video. It's just there to confuse copy programs, and nothing more.

    Step by Step

    Load Up Hitch

    Press the Full Disk Icon

    On the left side Highlight Menus

    On the Right, Un-Check the Audio AC3 2ch Unspecified.

    On the Left Side, Highlight Main Movie

    On the right side under Audio, Un-Check everything but the TOP entry which says AC3 5.1-ch English. Unless you just must have the subtitles, un-check all of them as well.

    On the Left, leave EXTRAS as is!

    On the left side, select Unreferenced Material

    On the right side, Un-Check EVERY Entry. None of it is necessary for viewing the film properly.

    Now, just doing THAT MUCH will eliminate a bunch of final file confusion and should be enough to give you a clean burn. If not, there is one more thing that can be done, but I won't mention it now. I got a perfectly clean copy doing nothing but what I outlined above.

    - Mike -

    P.S. Let me know if it works or not.
  10. smsmike

    smsmike Regular member

    Jun 6, 2004
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    Afraid not, my friend. I stand by what I said. Fat32 and Video formats are a disaster waiting to happen and not worth the time or the effort.

    The fact that something CAN be used does not mean that its right or proper. I'm not going down that road with anyone again because I have already [bold] been there and done that - LEARNED from my mistake! [/bold]

    - Mike - (Large Grin)
  11. RaeSauron

    RaeSauron Guest


    i really appreciate all the help you've given me. my problem is not only with hitch, i think hitch will work fine (as it does in my pc) if i can remedy the problem i'm having with all my discs. as i stated in my last post, i'm having this playback issue on all of my discs, whether i use any and clonedvd, or decrypter and shrink - black screens that dont go anywhere. they all play fine on win dvd4 on my pc, and i cant figure out the problem. backups that other people made work fine on the same dvd player- what gives? i've read the tutorials on mayo's homepage as well as yours here. i'm not sure if the options in the backup box in shrink (specifically quality/compression settings and burn settings - book type?). when i burn straight from dvd shrink i get blank, yet unuseable discs, but all other methods seem to work perfectly until i try it in my seperate dvd player. if you can help me get quality backups, you'll earn my eternal gratitude. btw, my other hardware and software were listed in previous posts, but i'm burning with a plextor dvdr px-716a. you're the man, mike!!
  12. andmerr

    andmerr Guest

    The gist of it is you can use either format to get your project done.Its just with fat32 it takes a little longer.However you are wrong when you tell people not to go down the fat32 road.Its basically mis information to the people who are running a fat32 instance.

    So your both right in a way.
  13. chazbmwUS

    chazbmwUS Guest

    rip just the movie with DDVD.
    shrink with DVD Shrink and burn with DDVD or Nero.
    The error is Sony copy protection..(anydvd also helps as long as you have the latest version)
  14. andmerr

    andmerr Guest

    @ chazbmwUS : man your like a stuck record

    I've seen you post this exact phrase a couple of times now.Let me guess you write it down, save it on notepad and then copy and paste it where ever you go
  15. Weycraze

    Weycraze Regular member

    Dec 11, 2004
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    Coach Carter was a good movie!!!

    Damn it all, it's still at the theatres!!

    Your persistence is your reward!!
  16. smsmike

    smsmike Regular member

    Jun 6, 2004
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    Rae, your problem sounds like a hardware malfunction rather than a software or computer setup problem. Have you EVER burned a workable disk with that burner of yours?

    Have you tried a [bold] Movie Only [/bold] disk to see if it will work that way?

    - Mike -
  17. RaeSauron

    RaeSauron Guest

    yes, it appears that some work fine. i just finished watching a backup of underworld. however, i checked ladder 49, gothika, the notebook, breaking all the rules, and are we there yet - all that i've burnt, none of which work. but precinct 13, national treasure, meet the fockers and others burnt by my ex-friend all work, even if i make a copy, the copy i make works fine, so i dont think it's the burner. it must be something in the process that is screwing mine up. i had 6 days left on my trial of clonedvd, but i dl'ed the new version and now it wont work even if i reinstall the old one and restart- it says my trial has expired. (therefore, as of yesterday) i've been burning with roxio, cuz nero has no option on disc copier to go from files. i'm just confused all around and with all the software out there, i dont see why this is so confusing. i'm very computer literate, i follow instruction well, and i research before i go pushing buttons. what am i doing wrong??????
    btw, dont forget, i have NO PROBLEM playing any of these movies on windvd4 on my pc, but my actual dvdplayer from bestbuy will (for the most part) only play movies my friend backed up. i would simply ask him what he used, but we are no longer friends, so i would just like to copyt exactly what works for you guys, from start to finish. since i already have the first half set up like yours, can you please completee the tutorial of burning from doing a whole movie with title in dvdshrink through creating the disc with nero(or roxio) so i can try that? thanks again for your patience, i'm at my wit's end!
  18. creaky

    creaky Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 14, 2005
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    @RaeSauron -
    - Nero will do this fine.

    But more importantly, we should change tack here. I've gone back over the last couple pages of this thread, and the obvious thing here is that we havn't checked the 'cheap' media you use.

    Download dvdinfo (free, pick the free one with adverts). Run one of those troublesome media thru dvdinfo, doing a media info check (2nd icon from left of dvdinfo) and paste the details here. It might also be worth checking burner firmware etc afterwards....
    Last edited: Jun 19, 2005
  19. ripfuel

    ripfuel Guest

    What platform are you using? If it is PS2 that may be your problem because certain Ritek media will skip during playback on PS2....
  20. megabyte2

    megabyte2 Guest

    download decrypter and shrink from this site they are free and will do everything and more that you need. Forget cloneDVD.
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