Hello, I have a NTSC MPEG2 videofile I would like to use in a document project. I am using Adobe Premiere PRO to edit the project in PAL format as all other material is in PAL format. I have tried various ways and programs (Premiere, VirtualDub etc.) to convert the NTSC file but everytime the result is bad; when there is a lot of movement the video is not smooth and does not look good. Can anyone help? What is the right way to convert NTSC mpeg-file to PAL file (AVI if possible)? What programs do I need? I have been told that Canopus Procoder can do this, but buying $400 worth of software to convert 10 minutes of video is not a option right now TIA, Kaitsu
Canopus Procoder Express is only $59 Money well spent, as it works about 3x faster than tmpgenc, does ntsc/pal conversions with ease, has lots of features/options/filters... Another option is to check the "Advanced Conversion" forum and the "User Guides" at www.videohelp.com as there's about 3 other ways you can do it, that actually work well.