help with wifi and ds lite + r4 query... help please

Discussion in 'Nintendo DS' started by card1435, Dec 28, 2007.

  1. snorlax22

    snorlax22 Regular member

    Aug 27, 2007
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    The desription of it says:

    "Multiple Nintendo DS systems may be registered to the USB Connector and up to five (5) DS systems can enjoy online gameplay at the same time."

  2. tripplite

    tripplite Guest

    snorlax22- NO OFFENSE TAKEN BUT...the wired equivalent privacy (WEP) is easy to break yes!!BUT SO IS WPA with all the free tools, netstumbler, kismac, and aircrack both your wep and wpa and be robbed in under 10 minutes so please tell me how is wpa is safer (yes i know the breakdown of the code so....)??
    +++ most of the time if you have an encrypted network people wont even try, they'll go for the unprotected one's,

    a good protection is a nat fire wall which hids your SSID,and although any free app can see through it it still hides you from the naked eye

    above all
    THE BEST OFFENSE IS TO MONITOR YOU NETWORK, see whats going in and out!if you see something funky shut it down and generate a new key!!
  3. card1435

    card1435 Member

    Nov 19, 2007
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    im sorry for not getting back to you guys recently - but again attempted to enter the wep key into my ds - but this time including "." between the digits (which as we all know was a silly idea anyway) and yes it didnt work due to the fact there was not enough spaces to enter all 18 or so hex numbers ... but atleast i know that wasnt gonna work anyway now lol

    so yes it would seem im not alone with this hassle - does anyone use carphone warehouse for their internet?

    has anyone actually got there carphone warehouse setup working with the ds?
  4. tripplite

    tripplite Guest

    card1435- just going to remind your wep are not case sensitive so don't fret when typing them in

    carphone warehouse- is an ISP ehh no??

    well what matters is your router and how its set up to send signal in both g and b
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 2, 2008
  5. snorlax22

    snorlax22 Regular member

    Aug 27, 2007
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    This is FUD and simply not true. WEP is crackable. WPA and WPA2 are different ballgames. As long as strong passphrases are chosen, WPA is _much_ more secure than WEP. WPA is very susceptible to a brute force dictionary attack on initial handshake, but anybody who chooses plain dictionary words for their passphrases deserves to get hacked. WPA and WPA2 are more than adequate for most home networks.

    Merely hiding your SSID isn't an effective security measure.

    The router sends what it sends. The signal protocol is backward compatible and this is absolutely nothing a regular person need pay attention to.

    BTW, I'm still waiting for to see how the DS can run WPA....

    Card- Your ISP shouldn't have anything to do with it. With SSID broadcast on and sitting next to the router, does the DS see the network?

  6. card1435

    card1435 Member

    Nov 19, 2007
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    the ds sees the network ie belking whatever the model is - but when it tests the connection it comes up with some error code related to dhcc? or similar ie 5200 think its the number?
  7. tripplite

    tripplite Guest

    geez card1435 man im running out of ideas, will it connect to another wireless network?

    snorlax22- dont ever miss quote anyone definitively an as*holish thing to do! but i see you didn't do it on purpose so its k

    a good protection is a nat fire wall which hids your SSID,

    Merely hiding your SSID isn't an effective security measure.

    i said: ""a good protection is a nat fire wall which hids your SSID,
    and although any free app can see through it it still hides you from the naked eye ""-exact quote

    i explained how hiding a ssid is usless against hacking app but is great from making you hidden to just the normal scan

    i wasn't talking about PROTECTION the ds only receives in ONE signal type so its important that you set your router to send out in both g and b (not all routers support this) so that any device, computer, iphone, psp, ds alike can link up to it
    i linked you to a forum with a download link there so Whats the deal its on the first page of this forum so??

    i will never agree that wep is better then wpa but as i live in an apartment block with 9 wireless routers it seems to me both wep and wpa alike are getting jacked, i suppose that wpa is alot harder to hack but none the less it can still be done with just a few clicks of a button kismac, netstumbler, aircrack and so so many more

  8. card1435

    card1435 Member

    Nov 19, 2007
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    ok ive tried another attempt this time round now i get this message - which of course is an error :-

    error code 52100

    connected to access point but unable to connect to the server . confirm connection settings and internet availability.

    wtf is this trying to say to me now? it seems to be connecting but not quite enough.
  9. tripplite

    tripplite Guest

    i do remember such an issue
    your router may have mac filtering on add your ds's mac address to it's acceptance list
    this is from dcemu forums i can't find the url anymore sry
    i inserted a little info in there its the stuff in red

    if you enter in the wrong address or wrong pass phrase or user name a window like this will appear


    your ds maybe trying to connect to the internet using a Ip address that is already leased out by the router, try disconnecting one of your computers from the internet then try connecting with the ds see if that helps>>>

    error code 52100 usually derives from the firewall blocking your ds from gaining an ip, or the firewall is set not to allow more then a set amount of ip address to be leased
    now you should be able to stumble around on your own to find the issue
  10. tripplite

    tripplite Guest

    you good ???
  11. card1435

    card1435 Member

    Nov 19, 2007
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    hi trip

    well no it hasnt worked - but this time ive turned off the firewall on the router - im gonna try again - do i let the ds automatcally get an ip address? or enter it all manually?

    im now only runing a sw firewall - trends to be exact but thats on the pc not the router
  12. tripplite

    tripplite Guest

    automatically should run fine, if you want to lower the gap for error
    then sure manually enter it something like: 192.168.1.(this number is the one you must choice if you have 3 computers connected to that router then make it 4 or 5)

    now if you want to enter all the data in by hand instead of automatically see if that works then:
    go start>
    type : CMD in the box and hit enter
    a box similar to or the same as will open
    in that box type : ipconfig /all
    you will see a large amount of data displayed, fill the data you see requested in your ds from that data on that page (NOT the same ip address)

    really i dont see any difference from typing it by hand automatically, i doubt it's making a mistake, but it doesn't hurt to try everything
  13. card1435

    card1435 Member

    Nov 19, 2007
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    so what ip address do i use when manually putting it in then?
  14. tripplite

    tripplite Guest

    if i gave you an ip address then that address could already be in use in your home, you have to enter into the ds 192.168.1.(type a number that is not currently leased out to another computer on your network!)
  15. card1435

    card1435 Member

    Nov 19, 2007
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    success tripllite - thanks a bundle
  16. tripplite

    tripplite Guest

    wow glade this worked for you if you have any other problems post back here card im sure we can always lend a hand!

    snorlax22 ya you were here to criticize everyone on their tech knowledge but you left once the situation got sticky...
  17. snorlax22

    snorlax22 Regular member

    Aug 27, 2007
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    I never left- I just wasn't able to solve his problem from a distance and had the good sense to shut up and get out of the way.

    I'm still waiting for the WPA DS link. Don't bother reposting the one that isn't it and that doesn't work that you've posted twice now.
  18. tripplite

    tripplite Guest

    if we all acted like that then no thread would ever ever be answered!

    since the answer has been solved and staying subscribed shall only end in dismay and banter [UNSUBSCRIBED]
  19. snorlax22

    snorlax22 Regular member

    Aug 27, 2007
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    And if some of didn't get out of the way so that others could help, then threads would blather one for pages and pages.

    LMFAO. I knew you would never post a working DS WPA link. POS.


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