then copy files and folders of ms dash over. So will have something like this: partition3:\xboxdash, xboxdash.xbe, fonts, etc...
well its like the MsDash c: e: f: in the C: Audio,Fonts,xbxodashdata.1012a700,xodash in the E:TDATA, UDATA in the F: Pitures, Video yes im using the one i downloaded..what do i do next
What partition is for the F drive? you are still missing some files on C drive like xboxdash.xbe or more.
well thats what i see when i open the ms dash in xplorer 360 so thats whats in there i donno what next to do...maybe thats what ive been doing wrong..
i didnt get any from the xbox harddrive so i backed up whats on it so what do i copy over to the xbox harddrive...
well i dont really know what F: is for it only have the folder labled:ictures, Video:: but there empty so i take it i have to put my stuff in there so i dont think is nesessary