ummm, excuse me... we have concluded that they are bologna twins named Oscar and Meyer. These twins have feelings (especailly around the nipple area) so treat them with care... you wouldn't want to damage the tissue. what is up with you people, seems like I have already covered this (NO, NOT WITH A BRA)!
@ ddp: yes, i am very sick in the head @ recgor: i bow down to your knowledge, oh supreme master of the bologna twins!
my paper was a searchfor the motive behind the killings committed by the serial killers. i think it was finally summed up as childhood neglect and abuse, mixed with unfortunate events throughout life and a lack of emotional understanding and control. My final grade was a 99%, but that was raised to 112% after all my extra credit.
I think his reasearch paper on serial killers ended with an account of a student that bludgeoned his teacher to death after he/she gave the student less that 100%
hehehe...hey, if you all wanna read it, post a request. if i get enough, i'll get my lazy ass in gear and post it online somewhere, then put up a link.
Bravo, Auslander! BRAVO! It would have been 113% minimum if you'd written your paper on 'corn' - no Nephilim, not actually write the paper on corn, write the paper on the 'subject' corn! I posted a pictorial representation of the order of my mind. Nephimim posted (he gets 224% combined) for posting the bologna twins, Oscar and Meyer. So I think it is only fair that you post your paper on serial killers.
here's the deal: if one or more people request that i post a link to my paper, i will. however, with regor being completely insane (and therefore being one of my favorite members of this forum), i cannot alone trust his request as it is based upon a biased grant of attention. <--not sure if that made sense, but that's the way it spilled out. one more request, and i'll fight my laziness
i'd do it in a second, but mainly because it was just another request. today is my last day of school before winter break and i have a final left still, so i'll post it when i get home.
and the bologna twins? preference to Oscar or Meyer? do they count as one vote or two? if they count as individuals, which they should, here is the tally: oscar: 1 meyer: 1 dear kitty: 1 nephilim: 1 regor: 1 that makles five, count 'em FIVE!!!
okie dokie, here's a link to the *rough* version. I lost the floppy of the one with all the editing done on it, but the rough draft should be enough. enjoy:
very nicely done Auslander, very nice! I will turn my wife on to this as she is facinated with serial killers. I'm still breathing and joking to the hilt so I guess she either ignores me (probably), despises me but lets me live (probably), or doesn't realize I exist (probably). But she will very mush enjoy your work. Joke: What did the inmate that cut off Jeffery Dahmers nose tell authorities??? "I was going to make me a dahmer nose pizza"