well, thank you, regor. never heard that dahmer joke before, but it has found it's way into my mental archives
hmm...he'd probably challenge my authority, in which case i would have to kill him and piss on his corpse
and they made dahmer nose pizza ok for you folks across the pond, there is a pizza fast food chain in the US called Dominos Pizza - get it, dahmer nose pizza, eh?
if only the mad cows were half wolf! speaking of mad cows... here is your dose of humour for the day; my xmas present to you all! http://www.thejester.co.uk/flash/madcows.asp
Hey Auslander, that was a really good essay! Never thought that serial killers enjoy the "thrill" of killing.
I'm known as a cereal killer. Untold thousands of Captain Crunch boxes have fallen victim to my insatiable appetite for breakfast food destuction. Why am I a cereal killer? It's because of pOrn..........
well, i think we're all a little bit of a cereal killer ;-) but i wonder if a future as a serial killer is for me...have to wait and see, i suppose. either that or a hitman
you could'uv done your paper on cOrn pops. The prospects of cOrn are boundless. It's almost scary. I even bet the mad cows were cOrn fed! [added commentary] geestar20 has a thing with apostrophies... I wonder if he wrote his paper on grammar... no not graham cracker's Nephilim, grammar! Jeez! Sentence structure is very important, however; use of proper grammar, spelling, and refrain from run-on sentences is paramount wrt (with regard to) acceptable writing style and technique - as you found in Auslander's paper. Very well written. In fact, it was written very well. Also, it is extremely important to avoid dangling participles.