*HOT* Tech News And Downloads, I Would Read This Thread And Post Any Good Info

Discussion in 'Safety valve' started by ireland, Jan 28, 2006.

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  1. arniebear

    arniebear Active member

    Jan 2, 2005
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    Good morning all, at least what's left of it. I am off to the Chucky Cheese for my gdaughter 5th bday party, everybody pray for me. I will need several large drinks to recuperate from this tonight :eek:
  2. gerry1

    gerry1 Guest

    Good morning all! Nice strong coffee and some sort of pop tart thing followed by more coffee. Its nice to be back from a week or torment!

    @arniebear...well, how did you make out guy? Personally, I think Chucky Cheese would be pretty neat if it weren't for all the children (my medication makes me easily amused LOL! ... or easily irritated which isn't so wonderful). Spent some time shopping at Ikea on Sat. There were no children in their elaborate day care but dozens of screaming, crying and probably rabbid children running around the store everywhere. (Yes, I'm the bah-humbug, Kurmudgeon sort and damned proud of it LOL!)
  3. arniebear

    arniebear Active member

    Jan 2, 2005
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    Well I survived the bday party, except the giant walking Chuck scared the doo out my 3 yr old grandson, you would have thought he was being chased by a monster. He ran screaming from Chuck, lol.

    Did you finally purchase some good stuff from IKEA, why don't the parents put the kids in the fun area, if I was their kid I would be thoroughly bent and cause them grief too :)
  4. gerry1

    gerry1 Guest

    @arnie...I didn't purchase a damn thing but not for lack of trying! I was so ticked off. I spoke with the information desk first because there are a lot of things I can't move and they said that it wasn't a problem; stock folks would get what I need then I'd pay for it and it would be delivered. I had much to buy and spent some three hours loading up a cart and trying not to step on kids. Then I went to the warehouse are for those things I couldn't move myself...warehouse clerk would disappear for an hour and come back an hour later with one item. Disappeared for another hour only to return with one more item. I spent seven hours in that store and finally got fed up ... left the cart there and went home. I decided that I'm just going to order the big items I wanted online though I'm sure the shipping will be costly. The other small items I wanted I'll pick up a little bit at a time at other stores. It really sucked something aweful; I've never had that problem at an Ikea before but I won't be going to that particular store again.
  5. arniebear

    arniebear Active member

    Jan 2, 2005
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    Sorry your shopping experience was a bust, seems to me customer service is really sad nowadays. Online is a pleasant way to go to avoid all the inconvenience, but the shipping can be costly, I try to look for as many free shipping as possible, or coupons. I would send IKEA an email and tell them what you think of their service, sometimes you can get some satisfaction.
  6. gerry1

    gerry1 Guest

    Yeah, I've never had that happen at an Ikea before. I too always look for free shipping online; it can be expensive otherwise. I've got to have the big things delivered and the movers will take care of the rest on moving day. The small stuff I'll just by here and there over the next couple of weeks; damned inconvenient though...I was hoping to just get it all done at once. I decided not to be so cheap and buy some new stuff...my poor guests are tired of being stuck in the a$$ with sofa springs LOL!
  7. arniebear

    arniebear Active member

    Jan 2, 2005
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    I remember my poor days, of course lately I think I am still there, lol. I had the usual college hippie apt and used chicken coops for coffe tables, the were very functional :)
  8. gerry1

    gerry1 Guest

    I inhereted my parents' "depression mentality" though I'm not as bad. Believe it or not, every Christmas my dad would buy two or three of the seriously deformed christmas trees they sold for a buck, choose the best, drill holes in it and stick in the branches from the other LOL!!! It saved a great deal of money but turned brown and didn't have a needle left on it several days later LOL!
  9. ireland

    ireland Active member

    Nov 28, 2002
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    good morning all,drinking me 1st cup of coffee as i post this..

    Nero releases free AAC encoder
    Source: Nero

    download here

    Convert your Audio files to Nero Digital Audio - FREE of Charge!
    Nero Digital Audio Reference Quality MPEG-4 & 3GPP Audio Codec

    * Compression Ratios ranging from ultra high (58 CDs fit on one!) to High-End Audio (2.5:1), for absolutely perfect audiophile encodings
    * Crystal Clear, Award Winning Sound Quality at every compression ratio and bit rate!
    * Support for Embedded Album Art (Covers, Booklets, Lyrics!)
    * Store Entire Audio Album in a Single .mp4 File with all the Features of an Audio CD embedded inside, but at a fraction of the space!
    * Reference Quality MPEG-4 Audio Codec
    * Fully Compatible with the Latest Version of the State-of-the-art MPEG-4 Audio Standard (LC-AAC, HE-AAC and HE-AAC v2)

    How to use the software?

    In order to use the software you need to download the archive and extracted it to a folder on your hard drive.
    The sofware offered contains a command line Nero Digital Audio codec without a graphical user interface! The applications have to be called either from Command Prompt/ Batch File or from "Run" command in Microsoft(R) Windows(TM) Start Menu.

    The Encoder expects .WAV files in PCM wave format as input and provides .MP4 in MPEG-4/3GPP file format as output, as well as quality/ bitrate values as parameters. The Decoder expects input in MPEG-4/3GPP file format and provides PCM wave files as output.
    For more detailed information about the basic and advanced options of the codec, please also refer to the readme.txt file provided in the archive.

    Highest Fidelity MPEG-4 Audio Solution – Now FREE of Charge!
    Last edited: May 8, 2006
  10. ireland

    ireland Active member

    Nov 28, 2002
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    SiSoftware Sandra Pro Home v2007.5.10.98

    SiSoftware Sandra (the System ANalyser, Diagnostic and Reporting Assistant) is an information & diagnostic utility. It should provide most of the information (including undocumented) you need to know about your hardware, software and other devices whether hardware or software.


    For more details, and to download the shareware (Lite) version, please click here

  11. gerry1

    gerry1 Guest

    Good morning one and all! Lots of coffee and cholesterol for breakfast...a little OJ to balance it out. I'm alone at the office today which is cause to party.

    I think I've goofed though. I'm moving very soon and have bought all sorts of new stuff online as the old has to go. As an artist, I can color coordinate in my head without putting things side by side so the color schemes will be o.k. but with the chinese rugs, fern palms and tiffiny lamps, I've got an odd feeling that I've just put together a replica of a fine english victorian brothal. Must be something freudian going on that I'm not aware of.
  12. arniebear

    arniebear Active member

    Jan 2, 2005
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    Don't forget to add some peacock feathers :)
  13. gerry1

    gerry1 Guest

    LMAO!!! Perfect touch Arniebear! You know, I'm a pretty decent artist but I really should stay away from interior decorating LOL! I've just spent a fortune to put together the tackiest and most ostentatious living room in Philly!
  14. arniebear

    arniebear Active member

    Jan 2, 2005
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    I am sure all your neighbors will appreciate your efforts. At least it is not surrealist.
  15. gerry1

    gerry1 Guest

    I'm damned tempted to go to the extreme. I saw this set of lamps, a floor lamp and two table lamps; they are in the shaper of a palm tree and the light bulbs are in the coconuts LOL!
  16. ireland

    ireland Active member

    Nov 28, 2002
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    SOME INFO FOR YE.........

    Why doesn't my belly button heal over?
    Navel gazing
    By Dr Stephen Juan
    Published Wednesday 10th May 2006 08:02 GMT
    Find you perfect job - click here for thousands of tech vacancies.

    Human navel gazing probably started with the Neanderthals 50,000 years ago and hasn’t stopped since. Our belly button does not heal over because there is nothing between it and our stomach except a few thin layers of skin.

    The belly button is merely scar tissue of the umbilical cord where the cord has detached following birth. It is of no medical significance. Therefore, medical and anatomy texts pay it little or no attention.

    Nevertheless, any animal that has been nourished in the womb must have a belly button, although it may not always be easily seen. According to Dr Edward Feldman of the School of Veterinary Medicine at the University of California at Davis, "the scarring may be less obvious in some animals than in others, especially if it is covered by fur".

    Where does belly button fuzz come from?

    Belly button fuzz (or lint) comes from the clothes you wear. Some fabrics shed more than others. Some shapes of belly buttons are better collectors. A hairy belly button will collect fuzz better than a hairless one.

    What is behind my belly button?

    According to the punch line of an old joke: "If you unscrew your belly button, your bottom falls off." In reality, the umbilical vein comes from the afterbirth or placenta, which carries blood enriched with oxygen and nutrients to the developing baby.

    The umbilical vein runs from the navel to the fetal liver and through a bypass vessel (the ducted venosus) to the fetal heart. After birth, the umbilical vein remains open for a time, but soon afterwards it closes and shrivels up to become a fibrous cord. It crosses the abdominal cavity in a fold of the abdominal wall lining forming the round ligament (the ligamentum teres). Sometimes things don't close as they should and an umbilical hernia develops.

    Stephen Juan, Ph.D. is an anthropologist at the University of Sydney. Email your Odd Body questions to s.juan@edfac.usyd.edu.au

    3 comments posted — Post a new comment
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  17. gerry1

    gerry1 Guest

    @Ireland...that was facinating. I wish it said why there are "in-ys" and "out-ys". I'll have to look it up LOL!
  18. arniebear

    arniebear Active member

    Jan 2, 2005
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    My wife was so worried that my kids would have outy's she listened to her mother and taped a button over them when they were babies, may have worked they all have inny's, lol.
  19. gerry1

    gerry1 Guest

    LOL! Never heard that one before! Is it an accepted medical practice?
  20. ireland

    ireland Active member

    Nov 28, 2002
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    good morning all............

    time for some hot coffee and ham and eggs,

    some info

    Windows Media Player 11 for XP release details leak!
    Posted by ethanwa on 10 May 2006 - 00:59 | 5 comments Previous Post | Main | Next Post

    I have some information about release dates on WMP 11 for XP that no one else has. This info was obtained from a Microsoft employee who I can't name but was able to give me this info. If you know other MS employees, they may be able to confirm this info by digging a little bit through Microsoft's internal knowledge base (employees only):

    Microsoft is planning a Public Preview Beta of Windows Media Player 11 for XP on Wednesday, May 17th. Users will be able to download the beta here (anyone will be able to get it): http://www.microsoft.com/windows/wi...ia/default.mspx

    The final RTM release is scheduled for late June 06 (I will try this week to get a date).

    Here is a list of features that will and will not be in the XP version:

    Features in WMP 11 for XP (June 06):

    * New UI
    * Support for better synchronization for portable devices
    * Album “stacks” of album art
    * Indexed libraries with search-as-you-type features
    * User controlled downgrade of quality for DRM content to allow for smaller files
    * DRM content will contain metadata that shows what the user is allowed to do with the file
    * Includes Microsoft and MTV’s Urge music store

    Features in WMP 11 for Vista (Early 07):

    * Everything that is in the WMP 11 for XP
    * Playing content (including DRM) on your PC from another PC or device
    * Viewing content from the Vista Media library on other PCs or digital devices, such as Tivo
    * Playback of High Value video content
    * Shell integration with Windows Media Player
    * Content Indexer change notification to sync My Music and WMP library
    * DVD Fullscreen playback enhancements
    * DRM Transcode
    * High quality video streaming over home networks
    * Media foundation for playback

    Again, watch for a final release date soon and stay tuned on May 17th to download the Public Preview of WMP 11!
    Last edited: May 11, 2006
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