*HOT* Tech News And Downloads, I Would Read This Thread And Post Any Good Info

Discussion in 'Safety valve' started by ireland, Jan 28, 2006.

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  1. ireland

    ireland Active member

    Nov 28, 2002
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    Internet Explorer 7 7.0.5730.11 Final
    Author: Microsoft Corp.
    Date: 2006-10-18
    Size: 15.1 Mb
    License: Freeware
    Requires: Win XP

    Internet Explorer 7 is a useful program that includes advancements in security and browsing experience for end users, functionality and compatibility for developers, and manageability for corporate network administrators.

    Here are some key features of "Internet Explorer 7":

    ActiveX Opt-in
    · Disables nearly all pre-installed ActiveX controls to prevent potentially vulnerable controls from being exposed to attack. You can easily enable or disable ActiveX controls as needed through the Information Bar and the Add-on Manager.

    Simplified User Experience
    · The Internet Explorer 7 frame is reorganized to make it noticeably simpler, more streamlined, and less cluttered with unnecessary items. This maximizes the area of the screen devoted to the webpages that you want to see and makes performing the most common browsing tasks easy.

    CSS Improvements
    · Addresses many of the major inconsistencies that can cause web developers problems when producing visually rich, interactive webpages. Improved support for CSS2.1, including selectors and fixed positioning, allow web developers to create more powerful effects without the use of script.

    Security Status Bar
    · Enhances awareness of website security and privacy settings by displaying color-coded notifications next to the address bar. Internet Explorer 7 changes the Address Bar green for websites bearing new High Assurance certificates, indicating the site owner has completed extensive identity verification checks. Phishing Filter notifications, certificate names, and the gold padlock icon are now also adjacent to the address bar for better visibility. Certificate and privacy detail information can easily be displayed with a single click on the Security Status Bar.

    Advanced Printing
    · Automatically scales a printed webpage so that it's not wider than the paper it will be printed on. Internet Explorer 7 also includes a multi-page print preview with live margins, resizing text to avoid document clipping, and an option to print only selected text.

    Application Compatibility Toolkit
    · An application compatibility kit will be available for Internet Explorer 7, allowing IT pros and developers to understand any incompatibilities with their existing websites, applications, and deployments.

    Phishing Filter
    · Proactively warns and helps protect you against potential or known fraudulent sites and blocks the site if appropriate. The opt-in filter is updated several times per hour using the latest security information from Microsoft and several industry partners about fraudulent websites.

    Toolbar Search Box
    · Web searches using your favorite search provider can now be entered into a search box within the toolbar, eliminating the clutter of separate toolbars. You can easily choose a provider from the dropdown list or add more providers.

    Alpha Channel in PNG
    · Supports transparency within the PNG image format, resulting in better-looking websites that are simpler to build.

    Cross-Domain Barriers
    · Limits script on webpages from interacting with content from other domains or windows. This enhanced safeguard will further protect against malware by limiting the potential for malicious websites to manipulate flaws in other websites or cause you to download undesired content or software.

    Favorites Center
    · Offers easy and fast access to Favorites, Tab Groups, Browsing History, and RSS Feed subscriptions. Expands out when needed, and can be pinned in place for even easier access.

    Group Policy Improvements
    · Provides support for all aspects of Internet Explorer settings through Group Policy, greatly easing management across an enterprise.

    Delete Browsing History
    · Allows you to clean up cached pages, passwords, form data, cookies, and history, all from a single window.

    RSS Feeds
    · Automatically detects RSS feeds on sites by illuminating an icon on the toolbar. A single click on the icon allows you to preview and optionally subscribe to the site's RSS feed, and then be automatically notified as content is updated. Read RSS feeds directly in the browser, scan for important stories, and filter your view with search terms or site-specific categories.

    Internet Explorer Administration Kit
    · OEMs and deployment specialists can pre-package Internet Explorer with customized settings or additional programs for their users.

    Address Bar Protection
    · Every window, regardless of whether it's a pop-up or standard window, will present an address bar to the user, helping to block malicious sites from emulating trusted sites.

    Tabbed Browsing
    · View multiple sites in a single browser window. Easily switch from one site to another through tabs at the top of the browser frame.

    Improved AJAX Support
    · Improves the implementation of the XMLHTTP Request as a native Javascript object for rich AJAX-style applications. While Internet Explorer 6 handled XMLHTTP requests with an ActiveX control, Internet Explorer 7 exposes XMLHTTP natively. This improves syntactical compatibility across different browsers and allows clients to configure and customize a security policy of their choice without compromising key AJAX scenarios.

    International Domain Name Anti-spoofing
    · In addition to adding support for International Domain Names in URLs, Internet Explorer also notifies you when visually similar characters in the URL are not expressed in the same language, thus protecting you against sites that could otherwise appear as known, trustworthy sites.

    Quick Tabs
    · Provides easy tab selection and navigation by displaying thumbnails of all open tabs in a single window.

    Open Search Extensions
    · In conjunction with Amazon.com, a set of RSS Simple List Extensions were submitted to the RSS community, and released under the Creative Commons license. Among other features, these extensions greatly simplify development of applications that interact with Open Search-compatible search providers.

    URL Handling Security
    · Redesigned URL parsing ensures consistent processing and minimizes possible exploits. The new URL handler helps centralize critical data parsing and increases data consistency throughout the application.

    Tab Groups
    · Tabs can be grouped and saved into logical categories, allowing you to open multiple tabs with a single click. A Tab Group can easily be set as the Home Page Group so the entire Tab Group opens every time Internet Explorer is launched from the Start menu.

    RSS Platform
    · Provides rich functionality for downloading, storing, and accessing RSS feeds across the entire operating system, and enables more users than ever before to embrace RSS. Once a feed is subscribed to in one application, that subscription, and all the associated content, will be made available across the operating system for any application that wishes to consume it.

    Fix My Settings
    · To keep you protected from browsing with unsafe settings, Internet Explorer 7 warns you with an Information Bar when current security settings may put you at risk. Within the Internet Control Panel, you will see certain critical items highlighted in red when they are unsafely configured. In addition to dialog alerts warning you about unsafe settings, you will be reminded by the Information Bar as long as the settings remain unsafe. You can instantly reset Internet security settings to the 'Medium-High' default level by clicking the 'Fix My Settings' option in the Information Bar.

    Page Zoom
    · Enlarge or zoom in on individual webpages, including both text and graphics, to either focus on specific content or to make content more accessible to those with vision limitations.

    Add-ons Disabled Mode
    · To help troubleshoot difficulties launching Internet Explorer or reaching specific websites, you have the ability to start in "No Add-ons" mode, where only critical system Add-ons are enabled.


    Last edited: Oct 18, 2006
  2. ireland

    ireland Active member

    Nov 28, 2002
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    IE7 vulnerability discovered already

    By INQUIRER newsdesk: Thursday 19 October 2006, 10:00
    INSECURITY FIRM Secunia, has already found an insecurity in newly unleashed IE7

    The vulnerability can be exploited to disclose potentially sensitive information the firm says, though it gives it just two out of five on its criticality meter.

    An exasperated Thomas Kristensen, CTO of Secunnia says, "It is the half-year old information disclosure vulnerability which allows malicious sites to sneak on the content of other sites which hasn't been patched in the brand new IE7 release."

    The vulnerability is caused due to an error in the handling of redirections for URLs with the "mhtml:" URI handler. This can be exploited to access documents served from another web site, the firm notes, here.,

    The firm posted an online demonstration, of the vulnerability here. µ

    Internet Explorer 7 "mhtml:" Redirection Information Disclosure


    A vulnerability has been discovered in Internet Explorer, which can be exploited by malicious people to disclose potentially sensitive information.

    The vulnerability is caused due to an error in the handling of redirections for URLs with the "mhtml:" URI handler. This can be exploited to access documents served from another web site.

    Secunia has constructed a test, which is available at:


    Secunia has confirmed the vulnerability on a fully patched system with Internet Explorer 7.0 and Microsoft Windows XP SP2. Other versions may also be affected.

    Disable active scripting support.

  3. ireland

    ireland Active member

    Nov 28, 2002
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    FREE SANDBOXIE..........Run programs and web browsers and apps inside an isolated environment so they can't affect your system. Think of your PC as a piece of paper. Every program you run writes on the paper. When you run your browser, it writes on the paper about every site you visited. And any malware you come across will usually try to write itself into the paper. Traditional privacy and anti-malware software try to locate and erase any writings they think you wouldn't want on the paper. Most of the times they get it right. But first the makers of these solutions must teach the solution what to look for on the paper, and also how to erase it safely. On the other hand, the Sandboxie sandbox works like a transparency layer placed over the paper. Programs write on the transparency layer and to them it looks like the real paper. When you delete the sandbox, it's like removing the transparency layer, the unchanged, real paper is revealed.....(free).....GO THERE!

    and here

  4. consul

    consul Regular member

    Jan 18, 2006
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    Sitting here drinking Coffee, on the search for a reasonable bluetooth hands free kit(not head set)and came across this . nearly spilt me coffee i laughed so much. to prove its real Ive included the link scroll to bottom of page.


    ps mods If this is classed as advertising I will remove. I am in no way connected to the site. Its just a giggle
  5. ireland

    ireland Active member

    Nov 28, 2002
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    Stanford 'Net addict' study
    p2pnet.net News:- Researchers at America's Stanford University have come up with another study which says spending too much time online can seriously affect your mental health.

    Do you feel queasy if you can't surf at will? Is checking your email frequently an essential part of your day? If you can't cruise your favourite blogs, do you feel something's gone wrong?

    In other words, are you a Net Addict?

    "Compulsive use of the Internet may be a serious condition along the lines of substance abuse and impulse-control disorders, U.S. researchers say," according to The Globe & Mail.

    In a study aimed at, "helping sort out the debate about whether problematic Internet use merits a medical diagnosis," Stanford University researchers say more than one in eight Americans, "showed at least one possible sign of problematic Internet use," says the story.

    "We often focus on how wonderful the Internet is - how simple and efficient it can make things," it has lead author Dr Elias Aboujaoude saying, "But we need to consider the fact that it creates real problems for a subset of people."

    He also said a small but growing number of people are now starting to visit doctors to seek help, says The Globe & Mail, also noting that the "compulsive drive" to check email, make blog entries or visit chat rooms, "isn't that different from what people who suffer from substance abuse or impulse-control disorders experience".

    Psychologist and computer engineer Kenneth Woog of San Clemente welcomed the study, saying too little research has been done on the problem, according to the San Jose Mercury News, going on:

    "Woog, who specializes in treating teenagers, is most worried about massive multiplayer online games. One such game, EverQuest, is referred to by many players as 'Evercrack,' because of its addictive nature, he said.

    "Some games 'are deliberately designed to be addicting,' Woog said. 'They're very compelling. You do something and get a reward. With enough rewards, you start to feel good about yourself. And you're part of a team of people on a common quest.' Because games operate on a 'subscription' model of sales, the most addicting games are the most lucrative for companies, he said.

    "Other therapists say they also increasingly see youths with unhealthy gaming habits, who neglect schoolwork and sports for online games."

    However, the study isn't saying anything new. Concerns about Net abuse have been around for years and this May, Canada's Dr Diane Wieland said some five to 10 percent of Net users have problem compulsions.

    "Just like all addictions, it takes you in a direction that you don't want to go," she stated. "It's slow moving at first and all of a sudden it takes over. It's probably very subtle, but people who are antisocial would be most vulnerable to this form of addiction."

    Wieland also worked up a set of questions peope who are worried about their surfing habits can use as a check-list.

    Among them are:

    * How often do you find that you stay online longer than you intended?
    * How often do you neglect household chores to spend more time online?
    * How often do you prefer the excitement of the Internet to intimacy in your relationship?
    * How often do you form new relationships with fellow online users?
    * How often do others in your life complain to you about the amount of time you spend online?
    * How often do your grades or school work suffer because of the amount of time you spend online?

  6. ireland

    ireland Active member

    Nov 28, 2002
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    And so it begins: YouTube nukes 30,000 videos

    10/20/2006 8:28:44 AM, by Ken Fisher

    Long before Google swooped in to buy up YouTube there were questions about the video sharing site's future. In particular, concerns relating to copyright infringement have persisted: can YouTube be sued, will they be sued? Will a sanitized YouTube be interesting? The recent acquisition by Google all but ensures that the site will remain under the infringe-o-scope of copyright holders for the near future.

    In the first major mass removal of content in its history, YouTube has removed nearly 30,000 videos after being contacted by a number of Japanese rights-holders, according to the Japan Society for Rights of Authors, Composers and Publishers (JASRAC). The group says that its members found 29,549 videos on YouTube that contain unauthorized materials taken from Japanese sources, including movies, music videos, and television. Japanese broadcast giant NHK was among those seeking the removal of materials.

    A spokesperson JASRAC said that they were also considering petitioning YouTube for a better screening process. Although YouTube is legally obligated to remove infringing material when notified, some copyright holders have expressed irritation at the notion that they need to police YouTube themselves.

    The spokesperson also suggested that the number of videos to be removed is meant to send a message that this is not a minor problem. Although the DMCA provides safe harbor protections for YouTube inside the United States, rights holders are still concerned that the posting of unauthorized material could hurt their businesses even when they are vigilant and police a site like YouTube.
  7. ireland

    ireland Active member

    Nov 28, 2002
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    Reported IE 7 Bug Not in Browser

    IE 7 Beta 3 Review A flaw that research firm Secunia claimed to have discovered in Internet Explorer 7 just hours after its unveiling is not a browser bug after all, Microsoft said today.

    Instead, the problem lies in a component of Microsoft's Outlook Express e-mail client, which can be triggered by the browser. PC World - Reported IE 7 Bug Not in Browser Linked by shanmuga Fri Oct20 2006 8:46am EDT

    Reported IE 7 Bug Not in Browser
    Microsoft says flaw is really a problem with Outlook Express.
    Robert McMillan, IDG News Service
    Thursday, October 19, 2006 04:00 PM PDT

    A flaw that research firm Secunia claimed to have discovered in Internet Explorer 7 just hours after its unveiling is not a browser bug after all, Microsoft said today.

    Instead, the problem lies in a component of Microsoft's Outlook Express e-mail client, which can be triggered by the browser.

    The flaw could be used in phishing attacks to read sensitive information from the IE browser, Secunia said. The Danish security firm first reported the problem with the IE 6 browser in April and found that it could be reproduced on IE 7 as well.

    Secunia does not consider the problem to be critical, but it was widely reported because its discovery came so soon after IE 7's launch.
    Not Accurate, Says Microsoft

    "These reports are technically inaccurate," wrote Christopher Budd, a security program manager with Microsoft, in a blog posting. "The issue concerned in these reports is not in Internet Explorer 7 (or any other version) at all."

    One security researcher said he was surprised that Microsoft had apparently not informed Secunia of the nature of this bug back in April, when it was first disclosed.

    "They reported this in ... April," said Secure Network SRL Chief Technology Officer Stefano Zanero in an instant message interview. "Microsoft should have investigated then and should have already reported the bug to be not in IE."

    "How was Secunia supposed to know?" he asked.

    A spokesman with Microsoft's public relations agency could not say what response Microsoft had made to Secunia's first report of the problem back in April. "All I can tell you is that the ... blog is the latest and greatest information we have to share," he said.
  8. tranquash

    tranquash Regular member

    Jul 25, 2003
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    Good morning all!!!

    Now something to get us thru the day...,

    Chinese Name confusion.

    Caller: Hello, can I speak to Annie Wan?

    Operator: Yes, you can speak to me.

    Caller: No, I want to speak to Annie Wan!

    Operator: Yes I understand you want to speak to anyone. You can speak to me. Who is this?

    Caller: I'm Sam Wan. And I need to talk to Annie Wan! It's urgent.

    Operator: I know you are someone and you want to talk to anyone ! But what's this urgent matter about?

    Caller: Well... just tell my sister Annie Wan that our brother Noe Wan was involved in an accident. Noe Wan got injured and now Noe Wan is being sent to the hospital..

    Operator: Look, if no one was injured and no one was sent to the hospital, then the accident isn't an urgent matter! You may find this hilarious but I don't have time for this!

    Caller: You are so rude! Who are you?

    Operator: I'm Saw Ree.

    Caller: Yes! You should be sorry . Now give me your name!!

    Operator: That's what I said. I'm Saw Ree .

    Caller: Oh.....God.......
  9. ireland

    ireland Active member

    Nov 28, 2002
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    good morning all
    today i decided to have a big breakfast,with a pot of coffee


    Last edited: Oct 20, 2006
  10. ireland

    ireland Active member

    Nov 28, 2002
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    Apples, PCs and viruses



    p2pnet.net News:- Hello, I'm a Mac (right) and I'm a PC (left).


    "I have that virus that's coming around," says the PC.

    You can guess the rest, Yeh? And it's all about Apple taking a bite out of Microsoft in a video ad.

    The same Apple caught shipping video iPods pre-loaded with a virus - a Microsoft virus, of course.

    'Wasn't us," said the company in effect. "It was our contract manufacturer. So there!"

    The e-bug had been tagged RavMonE.exe and Apple didn't explain how it got to be on the iPods in the first place.

    Interestingly, Steve & Co had previously run a series of video ads in which a PC (must be a Windows PC, right?) catches a virus, but a Mac doesn't.

    But, "It's not a matter of which platform that the virus originated," observes virus exert Jonathan Poon on his Notes & Thoughts blog.

    "The fact that it's found on the portable player means that there's an issue with how the quality checks, specifically the content check was done.

    "This also indicates that through the manufacturing cycle, the base device from which the image was duplicated to the other devices in the manufacturing run, was connected to a PC that most probably did not have , and i quote their press release, "up to date anti-virus software which is included with most Windows computers".

    "The press release also show a lack of awareness of how malware works. Focusing on the filename, instead of the actual malware info, might confuse the owners of both the media player and the antivirus program of the same filename!"

    Also See:
    pre-loaded with a virus - Some video iPods have virus, October 18, 2006
    blog - Where's your class? Your integrity?, Ocrtober 17, 2006

    p2pnet newsfeeds for your site.
    rss feed: http://p2pnet.net/p2p.rss
    Mobile - http://p2pnet.net/index-wml.php

    (Friday 20th October 2006)
  11. ireland

    ireland Active member

    Nov 28, 2002
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    Boy Scouts get MPAA-approved copyright merit badge

    10/20/2006 4:15:40 PM, by Nate Anderson

    More than 50,000 kids in the Los Angeles area are enrolled in the Boy Scouts, where they earn merit badges in things like First Aid, Personal Management, and Citizenship in the World, and generally learn to "Be Prepared" (the Boy Scout motto). But what Boy Scout worth his moccasins could legitimately "be prepared" without knowing how to respect copyrights?

    That's why the MPAA partnered with the Los Angeles Area Boy Scouts to develop the "Respect Copyrights" patch, a merit badge that Scouts can earn after reading some propaganda information on what you are not supposed to do with copyrighted works. After that, it's time to make a presentation. How about something on peer-to-peer file-sharing?

    "Research peer to peer websites—describe to your troop what they are and how they are sometimes used to illegally trade copyrighted materials," suggests the official curriculum. Of course, if you actually have to explain to your troop what p2p networks are and how they are used, you're probably in Amish country. "There are peer to peer groups who offer legal downloads and those who offer illegal downloads. Make a list of both. Suggest ways to detect peer to peer software like the MPAA Parent File Scan."

    That's right—kids are supposed to encourage other kids to go home and run Parent File Scan on their machines. This is a piece of software that simply lists all file-swapping applications and media files (whether legal or illegal) on a user's hard drive. Encouraging kids to do this (with the obvious correlation that they could discover and put an end to big brother John Q. Crazyreefer's stash of hidden downloads) seems a mite creepy, but what's truly disconcerting about the program is that it's not designed to teach kids about copyright at all. It's designed to teach them to "respect copyrights."

    That little difference is important, because the curriculum appears to offer no guidance regarding fair use, public domain material, the limited duration of such rights, and why you aren't allowed to make backup copies of DVDs that you purchased. Instead, students are asked to "go to a movie and stay through all of the credits. Tell your counselor and/or troop leader who you think, in addition to the main actors and actresses, would be hurt if that film were stolen?"

    That's a good lesson to learn, but it's only one of many copyright lessons. For a major corporate interest to get its message out to kids this way (and the MPAA isn't the only culprit), and to produce such a one-sided curriculum, is just inappropriate. It suggests a visceral unwillingness to truly engage with people about copyright issues; much easier instead simply to get them while they're young and drill the "respect copyrights" message into their impressionable heads.
    Update: it's a "patch"

    Several former Boy Scouts have responded to point out that this is not actually a merit badge; the MPAA materials simply refer to it as a "patch."
    Last edited: Oct 20, 2006
  12. tranquash

    tranquash Regular member

    Jul 25, 2003
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    That sounds more like a brain washing strategy, probably used by the nazis a while ago.
  13. ireland

    ireland Active member

    Nov 28, 2002
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    CCleaner Standard (With Yahoo Toolbar) 1.34.407
    Posted by: Digital Dave on October 21, 2006 10:15 AM
    One of the best, and might I say, most helpful utilities you can use.

    Oh... and before I forget... it's free to boot.

    CCleaner (Crap Cleaner) is a freeware system optimization tool. That removes unused and temporary files from your system - allowing it to run faster, more efficiently and giving you more hard disk space. The best part is that it's fast! (normally taking less that a second to run) and Free.

    - Majorgeeks.com

    CCleaner Standard (With Yahoo Toolbar) 1.34.407
    Author: Spazmatic
    Date: 2006-10-19
    Size: 1.4 Mb
    License: Adware
    Requires: Win All


  14. ireland

    ireland Active member

    Nov 28, 2002
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    Opera for Windows 9.10 Build 8629 Beta
    Posted by: Digital Dave on October 21, 2006 10:11 AM
    For the beta lovers in all of us.

    - Betanews.com

    Opera for Windows 9.10 Build 8629 Beta beta
    Publisher's Description:

    Opera lets you surf the Internet in a safer, faster, and easier way. One of the most full-featured Internet power tools on the market, it includes pop-up blocking, tabbed browsing, integrated searches, and advanced functions like Opera's groundbreaking E-mail program, RSS Newsfeeds and IRC chat. You can customize the look and content of your browser with a few clicks of the mouse.

    Opera has the following other editions available: Opera for FreeBSD, Opera for Linux and Opera for Mac OS X.

    Released: October 20, 2006
    Publisher: Opera Software
    Homepage: Opera for Windows
    Downloads: 500,065
    License: Freeware
    OS Support: Windows (All)


  15. ireland

    ireland Active member

    Nov 28, 2002
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    Spam Trojan Installs Own Anti-Virus Scanner
    Posted by: Digital Dave on October 21, 2006 10:08 AM
    Hmmm... interesting idea.

    The Trojan, which uses peer-to-peer technology to send commands to hijacked computers, has been fitted with its own anti-virus scanner—a level of complexity and sophistication that rivals some commercial software.

    "This the first time I've seen this done. [It] gets points for originality," says Stewart, senior security researcher at SecureWorks, in Atlanta, Ga.

    "It is simply to keep all the system resources for themselves—if they have to compete with, say, a mass-mailer virus, it really puts a damper on how much spam they can send," he added.

    - eweek.com

    Spam Trojan Installs Own Anti-Virus Scanner
    By Ryan Naraine
    October 20, 2006

    Veteran malware researcher Joe Stewart was fairly sure he'd seen it all until he started poking at the SpamThru Trojan—a piece of malware designed to send spam from an infected computer.

    The Trojan, which uses peer-to-peer technology to send commands to hijacked computers, has been fitted with its own anti-virus scanner—a level of complexity and sophistication that rivals some commercial software.

    "This the first time I've seen this done. [It] gets points for originality," says Stewart, senior security researcher at SecureWorks, in Atlanta, Ga.

    "It is simply to keep all the system resources for themselves—if they have to compete with, say, a mass-mailer virus, it really puts a damper on how much spam they can send," he added.


  16. ireland

    ireland Active member

    Nov 28, 2002
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    AMD sucks, Intel fiddles, the US just bullies little guys

    Letters Weakend postbag

    By The Letterman: Sunday 22 October 2006, 13:17
    Subject: RANT about AMD 65 nm and K8L expectations

    So who doesn't know that AMD's performance outright sucks compared to Intel right now at the high end? But some fanboys are running around and keep saying that it will change when AMD intros 65 nm chips that will clock through the roof.

    I AM SO TIRED of saying it over and over again. So I am going to say it once more. But here goes the explaination.

    AMD's first generation processes have been pretty crappy for a while.

    Note: I have been an almost exclusively AMD user for the last 6 years, but how I hate fanboys and like my Conroe. Grrrr.

    Ivan Andreevich

    go here to read the total story
  17. ireland

    ireland Active member

    Nov 28, 2002
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    How to make a Green Lantern ring

    Posted by CmdrTaco on Sunday October 22, @11:47AM
    from the halloween-is-coming dept.
    Malfourmed writes "Step by step instructions for making the ultimate comic book geek jewelery — Green Lantern's power ring. Hal Jordan, Kyle Rayner and Alan Scott variations all included. Now someone find me a Katma Tui or Arisia to go with it, and we might just have ourselves a proposal!" The bigger problem of course is that there's no battery available to charge it, so it's just costume jewelry. Anyone have other good costume ideas?

    go here to see how
  18. ireland

    ireland Active member

    Nov 28, 2002
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    Keyfinder Thing Lite 1.19
    Author: Matt Chugg
    Date: 2006-10-22
    Size: 47 Kb
    License: Freeware
    Requires: Win All

    Keyfinder Things is a simple utility to retrieve and decrypt your Microsoft serial keys. It also includes support for several non Microsoft software titles.
    See the readme included for a full list of supported software.

    Its smaller! (50kb) Its Faster! but it doesn't have the features of the full version. Its basic and to the point now and the only dependancy is MSVBM60.dll (The VB6 Runtime that most people have anyway these days.)

    There is no documentation or FAQ.

    download here
  19. ireland

    ireland Active member

    Nov 28, 2002
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    /* Source Code to Windows XP-SP2 */

    #include "win31.h"
    #include "win95.h"
    #include "win98.h"
    #include "workst~1.h"
    #include "evenmore.h"
    #include "oldstuff.h"
    #include "billrulz.h"
    #include "monopoly.h"
    #define INSTALL = HARD

    char make_prog_look_big[1600000];
    void main()
    if (first_time_installation)





    if (still_not_crashed)

    if (detect_cache())

    if (fast_cpu())
    set_mouse(speed, very_slow);
    set_mouse(action, jumpy);
    set_mouse(reaction, sometimes);

    /* printf("Welcome to Windows 3.1"); */
    /* printf("Welcome to Windows 3.11"); */
    /* printf("Welcome to Windows 95"); */
    /* printf("Welcome to Windows NT 3.0"); */
    /* printf("Welcome to Windows 98"); */
    /* printf("Welcome to Windows NT 4.0"); */
    printf("Welcome to Windows 2000");

    if (system_ok())
    system_memory =
    open("a:\swp0001.swp", O_CREATE);

  20. tranquash

    tranquash Regular member

    Jul 25, 2003
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    that's a very good one. lol
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