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*HOT* Tech News And Downloads, I Would Read This Thread And Post Any Good Info

Discussion in 'Safety valve' started by ireland, Jan 28, 2006.

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  1. ireland

    ireland Active member

    Nov 28, 2002
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    FAKE PROGRESS BAR..........Trivial, but fun.... A Fake Progress dialog for your desktop. Ever wanted your computer to look busy so that you could do something else? Read the paper perhaps? Stare into space? Features include fully cutomizable titles, icons, speed and progress messages. It can also disable your screensaver .....(free).....GO THERE!


  2. ireland

    ireland Active member

    Nov 28, 2002
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    Miami Zoo Hosts Poop Exhibit

    Associated Press Writer


    Meadow muffins. Guano. Feces. Solid waste. Caca. The words for poop are endless, but the Miami Metrozoo has another term to add to the list: educational.

    Now on display is a 5,000-square-foot exhibit on excrement titled "The Scoop on Poop," which invites visitors to explore the science of scat. The exhibit is filled with photos of animals in some of their most indelicate moments. Stool sample models abound: haylike football-sized balls (elephant), kidney-bean-looking pellets (porcupine) and coallike lumps coated with fur (black bear).

    Beyond the "ick" factor, however, zoo officials and the exhibit's creators say there is a lot of information being imparted. Visitors can smell the stench of flowers that mimic dung to attract flies for pollination. Videos include one of a hippo spreading its droppings around to mark its territory. Simple games include "Who Dung It?"

    "We didn't want this to be a gross exhibit for shock value," said Chad Peeling, who helped create the display. "Our goal with the exhibit was to make people think, kids especially, about the science in all aspects in life and this thing that adults don't like to talk about."

    Miami is the exhibit's second stop after opening at a Virginia museum in May. Created by Clyde Peeling's Reptiland _ whose namesake is Chad Peeling's father _ in Allenwood, Pa., it is based on a 2001 book of the same name. After the exhibit closes at the Metrozoo in January, it will make stops in Philadelphia, Pittsburgh and Redding, Calif.

    The exhibit is not the first to feature feces, however. An exhibit called "All the Poop" toured Japan in 2001 and another in England showcased scat samples.

    On a recent afternoon one woman cheered "go, go, go" as two children raced model dung beetles at a station in the Miami exhibit. Students on a class trip posed in a cutout of a person sitting in an outhouse. Others examined slides of parasites found in dung using a microscope, while classmates weighed themselves on a scale designed to tell them how long it takes an elephant to poop their weight.

    "I don't think it's that disgusting," said Bruno Cazarini, 13, of the exhibit's topic. "I think plenty of people get the wrong impression."

    Cazarini, who was visiting the zoo with a school group, said he knew about dung beetles, some of which burrow inside dung to eat and rest. But he did not know about its uses as a type of waterproof plaster for the homes of Masai people in East Africa, which he learned from information at the exhibit.

    Adults have had fun with material, too. Some volunteers and zoo employees have started wearing plastic poop pins that look like the real thing. Zoo personnel have also brought out a bowl of chocolate- covered candy, inviting visitors to take one if they dare.

    Elephant keepers, meanwhile, were charged with weighing the amount of elephant poop one of the zoo's Asian male elephants, Dahlip, produces in a 24-hour period. The total: 540 pounds. Meanwhile, a commercial for the exhibit, which will begin running shortly, has already shown up on YouTube.

    One couple, who are zoo donors, even called to offer to loan the zoo a scat sample of their own. The pair has a lump of excrement from 1973 Triple Crown winner Secretariat enclosed in a glass globe, which the zoo plans to put on exhibit within a few weeks.

  3. ireland

    ireland Active member

    Nov 28, 2002
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    Police Stun Gun Kills Teen With Bible

    A teenager carrying a Bible and shouting "I want Jesus" was shot twice with a police stun gun and later died at a St. Louis hospital, authorities said.

    In a statement obtained Tuesday by The Associated Press, police in Jerseyville, about 40 miles north of St. Louis, said 17-year-old Roger Holyfield would not acknowledge officers who approached him and he continued yelling, "I want Jesus."

    Police tried to calm the teen, but Holyfield became combative, according to the statement. Officers fired the stun gun at him after he ignored their warnings, then fired again when he continued struggling, police said.

    Holyfield was flown to St. Louis' Cardinal Glennon Hospital after the confrontation Saturday; he died there Sunday, police said.

    An autopsy was planned for Tuesday.

    The statement expressed sympathy to Holyfield's family but said city and police officials would not discuss the matter further.

    Calls Tuesday to Jerseyville Police Chief Brad Blackorby were not immediately returned. The department has been using stun guns for about five months, according to the statement.

    In a report released in March, international human rights group Amnesty International said it had logged at least 156 deaths across the country in the previous five years related to police stun guns.

    The rise in deaths accompanies a marked increase in the number of U.S. law enforcement agencies employing devices made by Taser International Inc. of Scottsdale, Ariz. About 1,000 of the nation's 18,000 police agencies used Tasers in 2001; more than 7,000 departments had them last year, according to a government study.

    Police had used Tasers more than 70,000 times as of last year, Congress' Government Accountability Office said.

    Amnesty International has urged police departments to suspend the use of Tasers pending more study. Taser International said the group's count was flawed and falsely linked deaths to Taser use when there has been no such official conclusion.

    The city of St. Louis also drew unwanted attention for crime this week when it was named the most dangerous U.S. city by Morgan Quitno Press. The ranking looked only at crime within St. Louis city limits, not its metro area.


    On the Net:

    Taser International, http://www.taser.com
  4. tranquash

    tranquash Regular member

    Jul 25, 2003
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    Oh, my God!!!

    I would send them some samples too, but... I think not. (for the zoo, that is)

    Last edited: Oct 31, 2006
  5. ireland

    ireland Active member

    Nov 28, 2002
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    U.S. Justice Dept. Probing Sony Unit

    Oct 31, 7:48 AM (ET)


    TOKYO (AP) - Sony said Tuesday the U.S. Department of Justice is probing its electronics unit as part of an industrywide investigation into sales of a particular type of memory chip. The news could spell more trouble for a company already stung by sinking profits, a global battery recall and product delays.

    The Japanese company received a subpoena from the Justice Department's antitrust division seeking information about Sony's static random access memory, or SRAM, business, company spokesman Atsuo Omagari said.

    link to the total article here
  6. ireland

    ireland Active member

    Nov 28, 2002
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    Getting Around IE 7 App Problems
    By Jim Rapoza

    While IE 7 is a major upgrade from IE 6, the big changes in standards support and security defaults have caused problems with applications that thought that they were optimized for IE. One of the main culprits is the strict lockdown attitude that now IE 7 takes towards ActiveX controls. One vendor that has run into problems is McAfee and their suggestions on getting their products to work with IE 7 will probably be helpful to many users who are running into similar application problems. << Back to home

    another link to go to

    After installing Internet Explorer 7 (IE 7) , McAfee Consumer 2007 products do not update correctly

    Summary: This document explains how to perform a manual update of the McAfee Consumer 2007 products after installing Internet Explorer 7 (IE 7).
    Affected Products:

    * McAfee VirusScan 11.0
    * McAfee Security Center 7.0
    * McAfee Personal Firewall Plus 8.0
    * McAfee SpamKiller 8.0
    * McAfee Privacy Services 9.0
    * McAfee Data Backup 1.0
    * McAfee Wireless Network Security 2.0
    * McAfee Site Advisor 1.6
    * McAfee Easy Network 1.0
    * McAfee Network Manager 1.0
    * McAfee Anti-Spyware 3.0
    * Microsoft Internet Explorer 7

    Affected Operating Systems:

    * Microsoft Windows 2000 Professional
    * Microsoft Windows XP Professional
    * Microsoft Windows XP Home


    After installing IE 7, multiple yellow Information Bars will be displayed when you attempt to update McAfee Consumer 2007 products. Nine Information Bar warnings must be accepted to successfully update the products.

    Update the McAfee Consumer 2007 products

    1. Right-click the McAfee icon and select Update. A browser window opens and displays website declined to show this webpage.
    2. Click Go back to the previous page. A Log In window displays.
    3. Type the email address and password for your account and click Log in. An information bar is displayed.
    4. Click the information bar to continue. The Internet Explorer - Security Warning window displays:

    Do you want to install this software?
    McAfee installer Control.

    5. Click More Options, and set the option to the one desired.
    Ask me every time is set by default.

    * Always install software from "McAfee, Inc."
    * Never install software from "McAfee, Inc."
    * Ask me every time.

    6. Click Update. A Log In window is displayed.
    7. Type the email address and password for your account and click Log in.
    8. Click the information bar to continue and select Run ActiveX control from the dropdown window. The Internet Explorer - Security Warning window displays:

    Do you want to run this ActiveX control?
    Microsoft License Manager DLL.

    9. Click Run.
    10. Click the information bar to continue. The Internet Explorer - Security Warning window displays:

    Do you want to run this ActiveX control?
    McAfee installer Control.

    11. Click Run.
    12. Click the information bar to continue. The Internet Explorer - Security Warning window displays:

    Do you want to run this ActiveX control?
    McAfee Download control.

    13. Click Run.
    14. Click the information bar to continue. The Internet Explorer - Security Warning window displays:

    Do you want to run this ActiveX control?
    McAfee installer Control.

    15. Click Run.
    16. Click the information bar to continue. The Internet Explorer - Security Warning window displays:

    Do you want to run this ActiveX control?
    McAfee installer Control.

    17. Click Run.
    18. Click the information bar to continue. The Internet Explorer - Security Warning window displays:

    Do you want to run this ActiveX control?
    McAfee installer Control.

    19. The information bar displays that a pop-up was blocked.
    20. Click Update. the McAfee update window displays with an information bar at the top.
    21. Click the information bar to continue and select Run ActiveX control from the dropdown window. The Internet Explorer - Security Warning window displays:

    Do you want to run this ActiveX control?.
    McAfee Installer control.

    22. Click Run.
    23. Click the information bar to continue. The Internet Explorer - Security Warning window displays:

    Do you want to run this ActiveX control?
    McAfee Installer Control.

    24. Click Next.
    25. Click Restart.

    Additional information

    * For instructions on Installing McAfee Consumer products in IE 7 Click here
  7. ireland

    ireland Active member

    Nov 28, 2002
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    Condom woes lead to erection 'deflation'

    * 16:59 31 October 2006
    * NewScientist.com news service
    * Anna Gosline

    The nervous excitement of sex with a new partner, paired with ill-fitting condoms and men’s lack of confidence in condom application can lead to high levels of erection loss, say researchers.

    Such “deflation” can lead men to engage in unprotected sex, raising risks of sexually transmitted infections.

    “These men are more likely going to take condoms off before sex is over or not use condoms altogether. They just give up on condom use because they know they are not going to have reliable erections, and this puts them and their partners at risk.” So says Cynthia Graham, Associate Research Fellow at Kinsey Institute for Sex, Gender and Reproduction at Indiana University, US and clinical psychologist at University of Oxford, UK.

    Graham and colleagues surveyed 278 men attending a sexually transmitted infection (STI) clinic in the US. All had used a condom for sex at least three times in the prior three months.

    Participants were asked whether they had experienced erection loss, and reported their number of sexual partners, the frequency of unprotected sex, problems with condom breakage or slippage and the fit and feel of condoms. The men were also assessed for confidence in their skill at applying condoms.
    Responding to loss

    The researchers found that 37% of men had at least one erection loss either while applying condoms or during sex in the previous three months. Men who reported erection loss had more unprotected sex over the study period – an average of 10.6 times, versus 7.0 times for those with no erection loss.

    And 40% of men with erection loss reported removing condoms before sex was over – twice as many as those with no erection problems. Men who had three or more sexual partners over the study period, participants who had trouble applying condoms and men who experienced problems with condom comfort were all almost twice as likely to lose their erections.

    Men that had multiple partners were likely having sex with new partners, which can increase anxiety and lead to erection loss, says Graham.

    Though improved condom education is key, especially for a high risk population attending an STI clinic, the issue is bigger, says Graham. “We know that a lot of men aren’t aware that it is usual to lose your erection. So it’s not just education about proper condom use, it’s about men’s sexuality. No man is completely invincible, even younger men. It’s how they respond to erection loss that is important.”

    Journal Reference: Sexual Health (November issue, 2006)
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  8. ireland

    ireland Active member

    Nov 28, 2002
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    Comcast caters to horror fans
    October 31, 2006 9:07 AM PST
    Add to your del.icio.usdel.icio.us Digg this storyDigg this

    Slasher film fans hold onto your heads, Comcast has created a Web site and video-on-demand channel that caters to fans of horror films.

    The site called FearNet.com launched appropriately on Tuesday?Halloween. There's no question the horror genre is hot with Hollywood blockbuster movies such as "Saw III" topping box office sales.

    FearNet offers movie titles and other content from Sony and Lionsgate on the Internet as well as through its video-on-demand service. The list of movies includes famous slasher titles such as "Halloween" and classic scary movies, such as "Carrie", as well as suspense thrillers like "Jagged Edge".

    Registered users or "victims", as FearNet calls them, are also able to buy or rent movies on the site and download them onto their computers using the video download service Guba. Titles range in price from $0.99 to $9.99. They can also buy ringtones and wall papers for their mobile phones. FearNet also has developed a user community that allows fans to chat in open forums, create Web pages and post pictures. Eventually, they'll allow fans to post their own short videos.
    Posted by Marguerite Reardon
  9. ireland

    ireland Active member

    Nov 28, 2002
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    New attack can flatten XP firewall
    Posted by l33tdawg on Tuesday, October 31, 2006 - 12:26 AM (Reads: 1623)
    Source: Computer World

    Hackers have published code that could let an attacker disable the Windows Firewall on certain Windows XP machines. The code, which was posted on the Internet early Sunday morning, could be used to disable the Windows Firewall on a fully patched Windows XP PC that was running Windows' Internet Connection Service (ICS). This service allows Windows users to essentially turn their PC into a router and share their Internet connection with other computers on the local area network (LAN.) It is typically used by home and small-business users. The attacker could send a malicious data packet to another PC using ICS that would cause the service to terminate. Because this service is connected to the Windows firewall, this packet would also cause the firewall to stop working, said Tyler Reguly, a research engineer at nCircle Network Security Inc., who has blogged about the issue.

    go here to read the total article

  10. FredBun

    FredBun Active member

    Nov 27, 2003
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    would it be a good idea to wait e.g. maybe 6 months for IE7 to maybe get most of the bugs out before considering downloading.
  11. arniebear

    arniebear Active member

    Jan 2, 2005
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    Good morning ireland my friend, and all the other members. Third cup of coffee and finally can catch up on some news......then yard cleanup from Halloween decorations. The older I get the harder these holidays become, too much work :)
  12. gerry1

    gerry1 Guest

    Good morning Arniebear; how have you been? Living in downtown Philly, halloween is more of an adult occasion than one for kids. I should have taken today out of work and gone bar hopping last night. Would have been a great night for people watching which I always find amusing.
  13. ireland

    ireland Active member

    Nov 28, 2002
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    what i look like b-4 me first cup of coffee..

    good morning arniebear and to ye all..


    Tweaker for Outlook Express allows you to: hide “MSN Messenger” in Outlook Express menu. turn off the Outlook Express splash screen. change the path where message attachments are stores. change the path where Address Book is stored. change the Outlook Express start page location. use smooth message scrolling. hide the Accounts Settings dialog from menu (to protect it from the changes). block executable attachments to protect you from the viruses. hide or show the attached images at the bottom of the message. change the Windows title for the dialogs of Outlook Express. change the small animation logos in Outlook Express and Internet Explorer. change the indent character from " -> " to other when you reply the message. change the database location for messages and news. hide “Hotmail” tab from menu “Tools” -> “New Account Signup”.....(free).....GO THERE!

  14. ireland

    ireland Active member

    Nov 28, 2002
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    new update

    ieSpell 2.5.1 (Build 106)
    Author: Red Egg Software
    Date: 2006-10-31

    Size: 2 Mb
    License: Freeware
    Requires: Win All

    eSpell is a free Internet Explorer browser extension that spell checks text input boxes on a webpage. It should come in particularly handy for users who do a lot of web-based text entry (e.g. web mails, forums, blogs, diaries). Even if your web application already includes spell checking functionality, you might still want to install this utility because it is definitely much faster than a server-side solution. Plus you get to store and use your personal word list across all your applications, instead of maintaining separate ones on each application.

    The program installs as a new button in the IE toolbar (as well as a new menu item under Tools) - after filling in a form, just hit the ieSpell button and it pops up a dialog, similar to the MS Word spell check.

    ieSpell is not spyware or adware. Its free for personal and not-for-profit use. Commercial use requires a separate license.


    or the Author's Site

    ieSpell v2.5.1 (build 106) released!

    This is primarily a maintenance release to fix a debug prompt that managed to slip into the last official build. Sorry about that! Also took the opportunity to add in a small feature:

    * NEW - "Check Spelling" in Internet Explorer's right click menu now shows up in editable fields only.
  15. arniebear

    arniebear Active member

    Jan 2, 2005
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    Hello gerry, been fine just really busy lately, not much time for anything. With 8 gkids it is always something, lol. Seems like Halloween has become a holiday for all, even the grownups get into it beyond parties. Never saw so many firepits going in my life, everyone in my neighborhood had one going at the end of their drive to hand out candy.....outs was Saturday Night and it ways windy and cold, thank the lord the rain got out of the way for awhile.


    That is how I looked this morning, you must have been peeking at my mirror.
  16. ireland

    ireland Active member

    Nov 28, 2002
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    RIAA sues wheelchair mother

    p2pnet.net News:- In a new infamy, the Big Four Organized Music cartel's RIAA is suing a disabled, wheelchair-bound New York mother who's never downloaded a song in her life and who until the RIAA appeared, didn't know what file sharing was.

    The RIAA (Recording Industry Assocation of America) accuses Rae Schwartz of distributing music online.

    However, her lawyer, Ray Beckerman, is making a counterclaim for attorneys' fees and asking the Court for a pre-motion conference, or waiver of such a conference, so she can proceed ask for summary judgment.

    In a court document, Beckerman states:

    The plaintiffs have engaged in a conspiracy to defraud the Courts of the United States, by bringing lawsuits against persons who are not known to have infringed copyrights, and to make false and unsupported allegations that the defendants have infringed copyrights; by utilizing a corporation known as Settlement Support Center LLC to make extortionate threats of criminal action and of defaming defendants' names and credit; by conducting ex parte 'John Doe' lawsuits which they have no intention of pursuing, but in which they interact with Judges, Magistrates, and other officials on a daily basis, without notice or opportunity to be heard being offered to defendants; by bringing the 'John Doe' lawsuits in jurisdictions far removed from the domiciles of the 'John Does' so that they have no meaningful opportunity to be heard or to retain counsel of their own choosing; by sending out press releases for the purpose of humiliating, embarrassing, and extorting; and by other unconscionable conduct.

    Stay tuned.

    Tuesday, October 31, 2006

    New Contested Case in Brooklyn, Elektra v. Schwartz

    A disabled mother, who has never engaged in file sharing or downloading, has been sued in Brooklyn, in Elektra v. Schwartz. She has interposed a counterclaim for attorneys fees, and has asked the Court for a premotion conference, or waiver of such a conference, so that she can proceed with a motion for summary judgment:

    Answer and Counterclaim*
    Exhibit A to Answer and Counterclaim (Amicus Brief in Capitol Records v. Debbie Foster)*
    October 28, 2006, Letter of Ray Beckerman to Judge Trager (In connection with summary judgment motion)*
    November 1, 2006, Letter of Richard J. Guida to Judge Trager (In connection with summary judgment motion)*

    * Document published online at Internet Law & Regulation

    Commentary & discussion:

    go here to read more

    court info
    Provided as a courtesy from Internet Law & Regulation
    Last edited: Nov 1, 2006
  17. gerry1

    gerry1 Guest

    My Dad turned 100 in June. It was amazing when I went home a couple of weeks ago...five generations at one table... dad, two of his three kids, seven grand kids, 18 great grand kids and just one great great grand son. (Not all were there though).

    Edit: It would have been great to have Dad's older sister there LOL! She's 102. They're the last two of 18 kids. (Catholic farmers lol!)
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 1, 2006
  18. ireland

    ireland Active member

    Nov 28, 2002
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    Blockbuster to take mail order returns at stores

    11/1/2006 9:47:58 AM, by Eric Bangeman

    Effective today, customers of Blockbuster's online DVD rental service—Blockbuster Online—will be able return movies to the company's stores through a program called Blockbuster Total Access. Blockbuster Online customers who opt to drive their rented DVDs to a local Blockbuster for return will be rewarded with a coupon for a free in-store rental. Those rentals would then be subject to regular store rental terms and would have to be returned at the same store from which they were rented.

    go here to read the total article
  19. ireland

    ireland Active member

    Nov 28, 2002
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    AVG Free? Nope... not any more.
    Posted by: Digital Dave on November 01, 2006 8:48 AM
    As of January 15 of 2007 AVG free will go the way of the dinosaur's.

    - grisoft.com

    STAY PROTECTED: Your AVG Anti-Virus Free 7.1 will be discontinued on 15. January 2007!

    Last edited: Nov 1, 2006
  20. ireland

    ireland Active member

    Nov 28, 2002
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    Firefox - Fasterfox 2.0.0
    Posted by: Digital Dave on November 01, 2006 8:26 AM
    Updated for people who love updates.

    - fasterfox.mozdev.org

    Fasterfox - performance and network tweaks for Firefox.

    * Prefetch Links
    Dynamic speed increases can be obtained with Fasterfox's unique prefetching mechanism, which recycles idle bandwidth by silently loading and caching all of the links on the page you are browsing.

    * Tweak Network
    Fasterfox allows you to tweak many network and rendering settings such as simultaneous connections, pipelining, cache, DNS cache, and initial paint delay.

    * Page Load Timer
    A millisecond accurate page load timer tests the effectiveness of your settings.

    * Block Popups
    A popup blocker for popups initiated by Flash plug-ins is also included.

    * Locales included for Chinese, Czech, Dutch, English, Finnish, French, Frisian, German, Hebrew, Hungarian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Lithuanian, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Slovak, Slovenian, Spanish, Swedish, Turkish and Ukrainian.

    Download Fasterfox (Requires Firefox 1.5 - 2.0)

    download here
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