*HOT* Tech News And Downloads, I Would Read This Thread And Post Any Good Info

Discussion in 'Safety valve' started by ireland, Jan 28, 2006.

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  1. ireland

    ireland Active member

    Nov 28, 2002
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    USE..to back-up the whole HARD DRIVE

    and name the back up some what like this,using 01-will keep the back up file on top so its easy to find when ye need it.

    01-acronis first back up 3-17-07
    02-acronis second back up 3-19-07

    Clone means to copy a hd to another hard drive..
  2. tranquash

    tranquash Regular member

    Jul 25, 2003
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    Thanks ireland.

    sometimes i just get lost in little things.
  3. ireland

    ireland Active member

    Nov 28, 2002
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    University of Wisconsin decides not to pass along RIAA settlement letters

    By Eric Bangeman | Published: March 20, 2007 - 01:06PM CT

    The University of Wisconsin-Madison has responded to the RIAA's latest salvo in its campaign against on-campus file sharing by informing the record labels that they will not pass on individual settlement letters without a subpoena. While the school's administration has sent out a campus-wide e-mail to reiterate the school's "appropriate use guidelines," that communication will mark the limit of the school's cooperation with the RIAA.

    These settlement letters are an attempt to short circuit the legal process to rely on universities to be their legal agent," Brent Rust, communications manager for the school's Division of Information Technology, told student newspaper The Badger Herald. "It basically says, you are illegally downloading and/or sharing information; and before we take legal action, you can remedy this situation and pay for the music or movies that you've downloaded."

    At the beginning of March, the RIAA kicked off a new offensive against college students. Students at 13 different schools were sent the group's prelitigation settlement letters, offering them the chance to pay a "discounted" settlement in lieu of fighting a copyright infringement lawsuit. Some schools have played ball with the RIAA, choosing to identify the students in question and forward the settlement letters, while others—like the University of Wisconsin-Madison—are requiring the RIAA to follow the letter of the law.

    Throughout its war on suspected file-sharers, the RIAA has used John Doe lawsuits to get the names and addresses of users of IP addresses flagged by MediaSentry. Once it gets identifying information, a settlement letter is sent. The RIAA's practices have come under scrutiny in the past, with a US Federal Court of Appeals judge reining in its former practice of serving subpoenas on ISPs without judicial involvement. The current system of John Doe lawsuits enables the RIAA to obtain ID data without the subject of the lawsuit ever knowing about it and has been the object of heavy criticism by some in the legal community.

    As a result of the University of Wisconsin's stance, the RIAA will not be able to perform its customary end-run around the legal system, forcing it to follow the same rules its targets have to play by.
    Last edited: Mar 20, 2007
  4. The_Fiend

    The_Fiend Guest

  5. ireland

    ireland Active member

    Nov 28, 2002
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    DRM consumer control licenses[​IMG]

    Have you ever seen anything like a contract or agreement to that effect when you've bought a music or movie disc? Of course you haven't.


    p2pnet.net news:- p2pnet has oft times repeated entertainment cartel claims that when you buy a DVD, music or otherwise, you don't actually get to own it. You only get to rent it. And even then, there are loads of restrictions which basically boil down to: you can't do anything with your music or movie without prior permission.

    It's ridiculous, but that's what Warner Music, EMI, Vivendi Universal and Sony BMG, the Big 4 record labels, and Time Warner, Viacom, Fox, Sony, NBC Universal and Disney, the Big 6 movies studios want you to believe and live by.

    It's called DRM (Digital Restrictions Management) consumer control. And it'll cost you more money than you've already paid out.

    Have you ever seen anything like a contract or agreement to that effect when you've bought a music or movie disc? Of course you haven't.

    But as the cartels to try to nail you as a file sharing criminal and thief if you dare to enagage in the cultural activity of sharing with someone without first paying them for the privilege, they say you've agreed to exactly that, as an explanation from a Rhino spokeswoman puts it so lucidly.

    The Consumerist carries the sad tale of how a music lover was importing his CDs into Apple's iTunes, "a most tedious task".

    But first, a small digression.

    "Rhino began with Richard Foos indulging in his love of roots music (especially the blues) by digging through record bins at swap meets and record sales," says Rhino, an online music delivery system.

    Back to the tale of woe, "iTunes was busy importing a Luna CD, one of my favorite bands, so I decided to see what they were up to since they disbanded a few years back," says The Consumerist, quoting a reader's email.

    It goes on:

    After a few clicks in Google, I found a blog site describing a posthumous, internet-only release of a collection of covers the band had recorded throughout their career. While I already had many of the songs (they were often featured on b-sides and imported singles, etc.), I couldn't resist tracking down this compilation. As I read further on the blog site I encountered a link to a .zip file containing the entire collection ripped as 128kbps mp3's.

    The writer, Jarrett, says he was sorely tempted, but resisted and instead, went to Rhino where he bought and downloaded the tunes, thinking, "Well, if I buy the music it's only $10, and this way I will get high quality .WAV files. Besides, it's not like Luna were getting rich off of their careers, they could use the money..."

    But >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

    A little later that evening, I tried to move the .WMA files into iTunes, when I received an error message telling me that iTunes could not import them because they were copy protected. I downloaded the files again (which took another 12 minutes) and again, the same message.

    So I called Rhino customer support and after an 8 minute wait spoke with a representative. She informed me that the files were indeed copy protected so that I could only play them on specific music players, most notably not iTunes.

    "You don't understand," I said, "These files were not copied or pirated, I actually purchased them."

    "Well" she responded, "You didn't actually purchase the files, you really purchased a license to listen to the music, and the license is very specific about how they can be played or listened to."

    Now I was baffled. "Records never came with any such restrictions," I said.

    She replied, "Well they were supposed to, but we weren't able to enforce those licenses back then, and now we can"


    Now you know why they call it C.R.A.P. And it isn't just Apple. Ask Billionaire Bill and the Boyz.

    Slashdot Slashdot it!
  6. ireland

    ireland Active member

    Nov 28, 2002
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    405 more RIAA blackmail letters[​IMG]

    p2pnet.net news:- The Big 4 music cartel's RIAA (Recording Industry Association of America) says it's sent out another 405 blackmail letters to 23 universities across the US.

    Calling them "pre-litigation settlement" documents, in its latest "initiative," it says it contacted:

    Boston University (50 pre-litigation settlement letters), Columbia University (20), Dartmouth College (11), DePaul University (18), Drexel University (20), Ferris State University (17), Ithaca College(20), Purdue University (38), University of California - Berkeley (19), University of California - Los Angeles (21), University of California - Santa Cruz (17), University of Maine system (27), University of Nebraska - Lincoln (25), University of Wisconsin system (66, including the following individual campuses: Eau Claire, Madison, Milwaukee, Parkside, Platteville, Stevens Point, Stout, and Whitewater), Vanderbilt University (20), and Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University (16).

    Said RIAA executive VP and general counsel Steven Marks, "Not every student will take advantage of this opportunity, but those that do get the benefit of a discounted settlement and no public mark on their record."

    The sue 'em all extortion letters, "come in addition to the lawsuits that the RIAA continues to file on a rolling basis against those engaging in music theft via commercial Internet accounts," says the RIAA.

    But at least one American university, "has the courage to stand up for its students, refusing to cave in to blackmail threats being spammed to schools across the US by the Big 4 music cartel's RIAA" p2pnet posted yesterday.

    "The University of Wisconsin says it won't be a Big 4 copyright cop, or act as their runner in extorting 'settlement' money from students."

    And in another story:

    The RIAA (Recording Industry Association of America) would love to sue 36 University of Nebraska-Lincoln students. If only it could find them.

    Because there's, "One small problem," says the Omaha World-Herald, namely, "the computer network was unintentionally designed to protect such music pirates."

    Huh? Yup. It, "automatically changes a campus computer's Internet protocol address each time that computer is turned on".

    This is reminiscent of the days when the RIAA sent out almost monthly lists of 700 or so men, women and children it was accusing of being file sharing "criminals and thieves".

    Meanwhile, don't work for the labels, advises the Recording Industry vs The People's Ray Beckerman in an open letter.

    "Please be sure to pass this along to anyone who works in the administration or counsel's office of a college or university whose students have been targeted by the RIAA," he says, continuing:


    Once the RIAA has obtained whatever "settlement" money it can squeeze from students and parents willing and able to pay the money, it will bring a "John Doe" proceeding. Contrary to the spirit of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, it will do everything it possibly can ex parte. It will file the complaint without notice to anyone, and submit the ex parte discovery order application without notice to anyone. Then, once it's gotten an ex parte order signed by the judge, it will give minimal notice to you with minimal notice to your students.

    Typically, "John Doe" will receive only a copy of a subpoena and a copy of the order with a letter from you, and will have just a few days, or at most a couple of weeks, to respond before his or her personal confidential information will be divulged. Meanwhile, if the student were to confer with a lawyer the lawyer doesn't know what to say, because he or she has no copy of the underlying summons and complaint, no copy of the papers upon which the ex parte order is based, and no copy of the judge's rules, all of which a defendant normally does receive in any normal litigation.

    What you should, at a minimum, do for your students.

    What you can do is insist that the RIAA stipulate with you that (a) any motion for an order granting discovery of the students' identities will be on notice, both to you and the students, rather than ex parte, (b) that the RIAA must furnish to you, for each "John Doe", a copy of the summons and complaint and exhibits, a full set of the motion papers, and a full set of all other court documents which are required to be served on the defendant when an action is initiated... for you to distribute to the affected students.

    If the RIAA refuses to so stipulate, you should go to Court yourself and get an order requiring them to comply with these fundamentals which are required by due process.

    What you should also do.

    The courts have held that in order for a claimant to get an order for discovery of confidential names and addresses of a John Doe in a copyright infringement case, it must make a prima facie evidentiary showing that it has a case for copyright infringement against each "John Doe".



    Since the RIAA has been proceeding ex parte, however, and since they weren't challenged by the ISP's, judges have signed off on the orders even though supported by mere conclusory hearsay of suspect reliability. (Compare the courts of the Netherlands and Canada, where the ISP's challenged the application for "John Doe" information, and the Courts refused to grant the discovery orders, due to the unreliability of the RIAA's investigative "method").



    The lack of reliability of the RIAA's "investigatory" technique is becoming more and more well documented. See, eg. the February 23, 2007, deposition of the RIAA's expert.


    See also expert witness statement of Prof. Pouwelse and Dr. Sips:


    and amicus curiae brief of the ACLU, Public Citizen, Electronic Frontier Foundation, American Association of Law Libraries, and ACLU Foundation of Oklahoma, in Capitol v. Foster decrying the RIAA's "driftnet" litigation strategy:


    Accordingly, we believe you should oppose the RIAA's application for an order of discovery.

    Likewise, if you learn of the RIAA obtaining such an order ex parte, you should move to vacate the order ex parte.

    Sincerely yours,
    Ray Beckerman

    Stay tuned.

    Slashdot Slashdot it!

    Also See:
    RIAA - Recording Industry Sends New Round Of 405 Pre-Litigation Settlement Letters to Universities, March 21, 2007
    p2pnet - University ignores RIAA blackmail, March 20, 2007
    another story - RIAA student attack foiled, March 20, 2007
  7. ireland

    ireland Active member

    Nov 28, 2002
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    Chinese restaurant food draws criticism

    March 21, 2007 08:04:41 PM PST

    The typical Chinese restaurant menu is a sea of nutritional no-nos, a consumer group has found. A plate of General Tso's chicken, for example, is loaded with about 40 percent more sodium and more than half the calories an average adult needs for an entire day.

    The battered, fried chicken dish with vegetables has 1,300 calories, 3,200 milligrams of sodium and 11 grams of saturated fat.

    That's before the rice (200 calories a cup). And after the egg rolls (200 calories and 400 milligrams of sodium).

    "I don't want to put all the blame on Chinese food," said Bonnie Liebman, nutrition director of the Center for Science in the Public Interest, which did a report released Tuesday.

    "Across the board, American restaurants need to cut back on calories and salt, and in the meantime, people should think of each meal as not one, but two, and bring home half for tomorrow," Liebman said.

    The average adult needs around 2,000 calories a day and 2,300 milligrams of salt, which is about one teaspoon of salt, according to government guidelines.

    In some ways, Liebman said, Italian and Mexican restaurants are worse for your health, because their food is higher in saturated fat, which can increase the risk of heart disease.

    While Chinese restaurant food is bad for your waistline and blood pressure — sodium contributes to hypertension — it does offer vegetable-rich dishes and the kind of fat that's not bad for the heart.

    However — and this is a big however — the veggies aren't off the hook. A plate of stir-fried greens has 900 calories and 2,200 milligrams of sodium. And eggplant in garlic sauce has 1,000 calories and 2,000 milligrams of sodium.

    "We were shocked. We assumed the vegetables were all low in calories," Liebman said.

    Also surprising were some appetizers: An order of six steamed pork dumplings has 500 calories, and there's not much difference, about 10 calories per dumpling, if they're pan-fried.

    The group found that not much has changed since it examined Chinese food 15 years ago. That's not all bad, Liebman said.

    "We were glad not to find anything different," she said. "Some restaurant food has gotten a lot worse. Companies seem to pile on. Instead of just cheesecake, you get coconut chocolate chip cheesecake with a layer of chocolate cake, and lasagna with meatballs."

    The group says there is no safe harbor from sodium on the Chinese restaurant menu, but it offers several tips for making a meal healthier:

    _Look for dishes that feature vegetables instead of meat or noodles. Ask for extra broccoli, snow peas or other veggies.

    _Steer clear of deep-fried meat, seafood or tofu. Order it stir-fried or braised.

    _Hold the sauce, and eat with a fork or chopsticks to leave more sauce behind.

    _Avoid salt, which means steering clear of the duck sauce, hot mustard, hoisin sauce and soy sauce.

    _Share your meal or take half home for later.

    _Ask for brown rice instead of white rice.


    On the Net:

    Center for Science in the Public Interest: http://www.cspinet.org

  8. ireland

    ireland Active member

    Nov 28, 2002
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    AnyDVD problem when installing update
    1. You may have Alpha-disc protection/rootkit on your system. Download this file, and see if it removes anything:

    2. Exit out of all Slysoft programs and reinstall

    a) Keep your license key file backed up safely
    b) Uninstall Anydvd (start-->all programs-->Slysoft--->Anydvd-->Uninstall)
    c) Reboot
    d) Download Anydvd http://static.slysoft.com/SetupAnyDVD.exe
    e) Exit all Slysoft programs (including Anydvd, Clonedvd2, Clonecd, Clonecdtray, Clonedvdmobile, etc.). Check Windows Task Manager if you have to.
    f) At this point disable your antivirus and firewall programs
    g) Reinstall
    h) Reboot
    i) Install your license key (if required) http://forum.slysoft.com/showthread.php?t=732
    j) At this point enable your antivirus and firewall programs

    Last edited: Mar 22, 2007
  9. ireland

    ireland Active member

    Nov 28, 2002
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    Free Icons Pack 1.0

    Publisher's Description
    This icon pack includes 25 free icons.

    If you are building any kind of website, email, accounting software,contact management, or server application, these are the perfect solution.

    Icons are offered WinXP and 256 Color formats.

  10. ireland

    ireland Active member

    Nov 28, 2002
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    My Address Book Pro v2.8.0

    Size: 1.52MB

    Publisher: Visit Website

    Release Date: 2007-03-23

    Submit Date: 2007-03-22

    OS: Win 98/ME/2000/XP/2003

    Publisher's Description
    My Address Book pro is an easy to use contact manager for keeping track of friends, family, and business contacts. You can store addresses, email, web links & phone information and add some notes for each contact. You can also send Email and visit your contacts website with a single click of the mouse.

    Includes tabs and a section for work related entries. You can print all information for any contact. Data backup and encryption are also supported. Also includes password protection and an Alarm Clock.


    * Alphabetic name sorting
    * Easy to use interface.
    * Send Email
    * Visit websites
    * Calendar
    * Alarm Clock & Stopwatch
    * Quick search
    * Printing
    * Data backup & restore
    * Password protection
    * Data encryption

  11. ireland

    ireland Active member

    Nov 28, 2002
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    FREE,NasBackup 1.6

    Size: 6.28MB

    Publisher: Visit Website

    Release Date: 2007-03-22

    Submit Date: 2007-03-22

    OS: Win 9x/ME/NT/2K/XP/2K3

    Publisher's Description
    NasBackup is high-performance backup solution for backup Windows PCs to network disks on Linux or Windows server. It can replace traditional tape backup. Only file differences are send over the network. NasBackup offer p2p backup community service.

    NasBackup was designed to be easy to use for the end desktop user, yet scalable to backup enterprise servers. The NasBackup client Windows GUI is easy to maintain and use by end user. Other backup solutions based on rsync are more complicated and have no GUI interface.

  12. ireland

    ireland Active member

    Nov 28, 2002
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    DGMPGDec MPEG2 Decoding Package 1.4.9 beta 16

    Publisher's Description
    The widely used tools DVD2AVI and MPEG2DEC suffer from a fundamental deficiency: they do not deliver all the coded frames from the input stream. Put simply, they lose frames. This can cause serious problems with audio sync and authoring with some tools. Not only that, but random frame access is not handled correctly and incorrect frames can be returned when navigating on the timeline via MPEG2DEC (and its clones).

    Additionally, the original DVD2AVI project was not updated in some time, and it stood in need of some fixes and upgrades. My version addresses a lot of the irritating features of the original project, as well as adds many new and useful features. Refer to the ´Changes´ text files for details. Notable is support for MPEG1, PVA, and transport streams.

    There are three causes for the frame loss in the faulty versions.

    1. DVD2AVI fails to flush out the final frame´s digit to the D2V file before writing the 9 and closing. This causes one frame to to be lost at the end.
    2. MPEG2DEC cuts two frames from the frame count as a workaround for 3 below. This is a kludgy hack that should not be necessary. Thus, thanks to this and 1 above, 3 frames will always be lost. They are lost at the end.
    3. If the opening GOP has B frames before the first P frame (IBBPBBP...), then DVD2AVI generates an incorrect D2V file, in which the first digits for the orphaned B frames and some remaining digits are written out of place. Also, MPEG2DEC cannot decode the B frames prior to the first P frame, and so discards them. A number of frames will be lost equal to the number of B frames prior to the first P frame. They are lost at the beginning.

    So, for example, if you process a VOB that has an IBBPBBP... opening GOP, you will lose a total of 5 frames, with 2 lost at the start and 3 lost at the end.

    In addition to the lost frames, MPEG2DEC does not implement random frame access correctly. In fact, it always throws away the first B frames in the GOP prior to the first P frame. If they are (say) frames 12 and 13 (in display order) and you try to seek to 12, MPEG2DEC will toss them and return frame 14 to you, without any warning or indication about it.

    Finally, when 3 above applies the TFF/RFF flags in the D2V file are misaligned to the frames.

    I have created fixed versions of DVD2AVI and MPEG2DEC3 that solve these problems, as well as provide a lot of very useful new features. To avoid confusion, these are renamed as DGIndex and DGDecode respectively.

    I engineered DGIndex to create fully correct D2V files containing all the input frames. I engineered DGDecode to not truncate B frames prior to the first P frame and to not unconditionally reduce the frame count by two. I rewrote the decoding and random access code to work correctly with the D2V files generated by the fixed DGIndex.
    For DGIndex, if your input stream starts with an open GOP, a message box will pop up warning you that the first few frames may not be decoded properly, but the frames will be retained (they are output as copies of the first decodable frame so as not to output corrupted frames). To avoid this problem, always cut your VOBs on cell boundaries. Do not make arbitrary VOB cuts with a binary splitter (such as VOBSplit).

    Size: 273KB

    Publisher: Visit Website

    Release Date: 2007-03-22

    Submit Date: 2007-03-22

    OS: Win 9x/ME/NT/2K/XP/2K3

  13. ireland

    ireland Active member

    Nov 28, 2002
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    HSSVSS Home Security Video System 7.06

    Publisher's Description
    HSSVSS is a high quality motion detecting surveillance system and its free!

    * Full Screen Video from your digital USB camera
    * Creates Time Stamped Security Images
    * Motion Detection triggers image capture
    * Time-Lapsed Photography mode triggers image capture
    * Time and Date stamps images
    * Creates Motion and Time-lapsed AVI movies.
    * Twin Cam mode allows for two cameras.
    * Email Surveillance reports
    * Export images to your website with FTP
    * TV Out Support
    * USB compatible
    * Excellent Target Zone Range
    * Very easy to use

    HSVSS has many more features, which are not listed here. You can even ask for a feature to be added.

    Size: 2.06MB

    Publisher: Visit Website

    Release Date: 2007-03-22

    Submit Date: 2007-03-22

    OS: Win 9x/ME/NT/2K/XP/2K3


    The orignal surveillance software for your webcam Since 2002

    Last edited: Mar 22, 2007
  14. ireland

    ireland Active member

    Nov 28, 2002
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    Replace Your Motherboard - Will Windows Boot?

    I was over at one of the forums today where a question was posted regarding if Windows XP would boot up or not after a motherboard was replaced. And the answer is? YES and NO. Don’t you just love that.

    The YES answer: If you purchase the exact same make and model motherboard it will work perfectly. If you use a different motherboard, BUT with the same chipset, Via, Intel and so forth, it should also work OK about 99% of the time.

    The NO answer: If you use a completely different board with a different chipset, Windows may balk at boot and blue screen on you. The old dreaded BSOD - blue screen of death. In which case you can try a repair install. Directions are at Michael Stevens site here.

    So why is this so difficult? Most times it is not. But like anything with computers there always seems to be the unknown that pops up and slaps us in the face. Every system is different. The user may have updated a driver of some type that will balk when loading with the new mobo.

    So what is the best option? Backup your hard disk and do a fresh install. Painful. But your system will run better dumping all of the junk that has accumulated over the years. But then again, the process takes a long time, so a repair may be quick and less painful. :)

    Your mileage may vary.
  15. ireland

    ireland Active member

    Nov 28, 2002
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    Are You a Right-Brain Thinker?




    Are you a right-brain thinker? Our quiz will show you how to get creative with your career.

    1) Which of the following most closely describes your strengths? Solving math problems, computer tasks
    Outdoor and athletic activities
    Conceptualizing and creating
    2) In your spare time, you can be found: Volunteering, helping people
    Reading, writing, or drawing
    Working on your car, your computer, or a home improvement project
    3) In what type of work environment are you most productive? Outdoors
    An open office, surrounded by coworkers
    A quiet, private office
    At home, on my own schedule
    4) The left-brain thinker wants to complete home improvement projects, and the right-brain thinker would rather paint the rooms fun colors. If you wanted to do either of these in your home, you'd: Go for it: You own
    Ask permission: You rent
    5) You're on your way to work on a Monday morning. How do you feel? I am dreading it
    I can't wait until Friday
    I am looking forward to making things happen
    I can't wait to get there
    6) What was your favorite subject in high school? Calculus
    Computer Lab

    Last edited: Mar 22, 2007
  16. ireland

    ireland Active member

    Nov 28, 2002
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    Hi Ireland,

    We just released a new version
    DVD neXt COPY V2.5.8.2 (Release Date 03-22-07)


    Current - DVD neXt COPY V2.5.8.2 - 03/22/07 - Download

    Release Notes

    * NEW neXt Tech™
    * Some Minor Fixes in Software Usage
    * Improved Stability
    * Optimized Engines
    * Optimized Playback Structures
    * Fixed RW bug
    * Improved Buffer Underrun
    * Added 18x burn support
    * Added 20x burn support
    * New Added Skin Options and DVD neXt COPY Skin Base (Website)
    * New Added 2 New FREE Skins (Flame and Metal)
    * New Added DVD neXt COPY Speed Adjuster Tool
    * New Added FREE Gift DVD neXt COPY Virtual Drive V1.0
    * Updated Dynamic Windows
    * Updated Language Resources
    * Updated Splash Screen Image V2.5.8.2
    * Updated Resources to V2.5.8.2
  17. ireland

    ireland Active member

    Nov 28, 2002
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    Tribler 3.6.0: 4th gen file sharing

    p2pnet.net news:- "Dutch researchers have developed a network for a new generation of p2p file sharing through which, they say, faster down- and uploading and live video streaming will become a reality," p2pnet posted last year.

    "Instead of the lone hacker, for the first time, it was written by a team of more than a dozen scientists," Johan Pouwelse, one of the group, said.

    Now, a little more than a year later, "Define 4th generation file sharing system with social networking, recommendation, tag-based navigation, moderation, and real-time streaming," says the Sourceforge project description. "Remove .torrent, tracker, and website from architecture. Create reference implement. with Bittorrent ABC project."

    Done. And Tribler 3.6.0 is a, ""This is a new type of Bittorrent client," Pouwelse tells p2pnet, going on:

    "Just sit back and relax while Tribler scans The Internet and automatically finds .torrent files.

    "No need to visit thevarious .torrent websites."

    Click here for a download.

    Definitely stay tuned.

    (Cheers, Johan)

    Slashdot Slashdot it!

    Also See:
    p2pnet - Tribler: New Dutch p2p network, February 21,, 2006

  18. ireland

    ireland Active member

    Nov 28, 2002
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    Is Windows ‘Seven’ the next release from Microsoft?
    Mar 23, 2007 - 6:58 AM - by Digital Dave
    I think the next version of windows should be code named "Willy Wonka". Well, it comes after "v" for Vista.

    Code Name: Willy Wonka. I find that amusing.

    The excitement and hype over this document might be a little too much. It is not clear, after reading the entire Power Point, if this is an overview of planned growth and developments, or an overview of several new products coming to the market soon. In one slide, you get a feature preview of Windows Vista Enterprise and later an infrastructure overview complete with a detailed layout of how a Microsoft network is developed when using nothing but Microsoft products. Without being present at the presentation that went with this Power Point, you can only... [Read More]

    Tech News
    Is Windows ‘Seven’ the next release from Microsoft?

    By Steve Ragan Mar 22, 2007, 14:48 GMT

    News from the AeroXperience website recently talks about a document located on the Microsoft website. The focus on the AeroXperience story as well as the debate online is aimed at two slides: slides six and seven of the document written by Michael S. Hanson from Microsoft Denmark. If you read the slides, you notice that they are talking about future investment areas.

    The four-investment points center around ease of use, lower costs of operation, security, and mobile enhancements. The last one is to allow for better working relationships with mobile devices between desktops and servers. The next slide explains how the investments on the new system are to be developed, specifically: converge local, network, and internet search functionality; achieve non-disruptive application updating and patching. Next, is the plan to extend data protection and management to peripheral devices, then deliver anywhere, anytime, any device access to data and applications. These are just four of the nineteen points listed to improve Windows with the next release.

    The excitement and hype over this document might be a little too much. It is not clear, after reading the entire Power Point, if this is an overview of planned growth and developments, or an overview of several new products coming to the market soon. In one slide, you get a feature preview of Windows Vista Enterprise and later an infrastructure overview complete with a detailed layout of how a Microsoft network is developed when using nothing but Microsoft products. Without being present at the presentation that went with this Power Point, you can only take it with a grain of salt as best.

    Many people are talking about ‘Windows Seven’ or ‘Vienna’ and this new finding as giving some the proof they need that windows will release a new major operating system soon to replace Vista. Paul Thurrott says this is not true in his online FAQ. “Windows Vista was a major release, and Vienna will be a relatively minor, or interim, update. Microsoft is currently on a development path where every other Windows version is a major release.”

    Even with that, there are some that say the recent removal of the ‘Office 14’ document, which reportedly detailed the next release of Microsoft Office, nicknamed Office 14, and the discovery of this new document are proof that Microsoft is working on a major release. In this recent document, they claim that the wording at the bottom “Microsoft Confidential - NDA Only - Preliminary Information Subject To Change” is further proof that this is information about the new version of Windows.

    That may be true, but when is Microsoft not working on a new release of something?
    Who is to say ‘Fiji’ is not a service pack or Media Center release? Remember that XP Service Pack 3 (XP SP3) is due out soon, and there was a recent Service Pack release for Server 2003. Like many online, one must wonder why there is all the hype over a new release from Microsoft. They have enough to fix with XP, Vista, OneCare Live, and their Live Search portal, as it is.

    The likely release date of a new operating system from Windows will be sometime in 2012 or later. XP support will not end until 2014, if Microsoft releases something major it will likely come around that time. The slide mentioned in this article and blogs online is located here on the Microsoft website.
  19. ireland

    ireland Active member

    Nov 28, 2002
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    Recuva - File Recovery (free but in beta)
    Mar 23, 2007 - 6:39 AM - by Digital Dave
    What really got me to look at this one is the simple fact this software is developed by the same folks who made CCleaner (I love CCleaner).

    Recuva (pronounced "recover") is a freeware Windows utility to restore files that have been accidentally deleted from your computer. This includes files emptied from the Recycle bin as well as images and other files that have been deleted by user error from digital camera memory cards or MP3 players. It will even bring back files that have been deleted by bugs, crashes and viruses!


    Recuva - File Recovery

    Recuva (pronounced "recover") is a freeware Windows utility to restore files that have been accidentally deleted from your computer. This includes files emptied from the Recycle bin as well as images and other files that have been deleted by user error from digital camera memory cards or MP3 players. It will even bring back files that have been deleted by bugs, crashes and viruses!

    Beta Version

    Recuva is currently in a beta testing phase, feel free to download the program when it becomes available. Although we don't suggest rolling it out in a commercial environment until the final release.

    * Download beta version

  20. ireland

    ireland Active member

    Nov 28, 2002
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    FastStone Image Viewer 3.1Beta
    Author: FastStone Soft
    Date: 2007-03-23
    Size: 3.28 Mb
    License: Freeware

    FastStone Image Viewer is a free image browser, viewer, converter and editor that supports all major graphic formats. Other features include a batch image converter / resizer, a Full Screen image viewer with Select-Zoom support, a clear magnifier and a slideshow with 150+ transitional effects.

    Main Features:
    - Common image formats support, including loading of JPEG, JPEG2000, GIF, BMP, PNG, PCX, TIFF, WMF, ICO, CUR, TGA and saving to JPEG, JPEG2000, TIFF, GIF, PCX, BMP, PNG, TGA
    - Digital camera RAW formats support, including CRW, CR2, NEF, PEF, RAF, MRW, ORF and DNG
    - Full screen viewer with Select - Zoom support
    - Crystal clear and customizable magnifier
    - Resizing, flipping, rotating, cropping, emailing and color adjusting tools
    - Powerful crop-board that crops images into pre-defined and customized print sizes
    - Image EXIF metadata support
    - Batch image converter/resizer
    - Slideshow with 150+ transitional effects and MP3/WAV/MIDI/WMA background music support
    - Compare images side by side
    - Undo, Redo and Mouse Wheel support
    - Image Annotation (text, arrowed line, watermark etc.)
    - Simple and effective red-eye removal
    - Much more

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