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Hotswap Can Fix Xbox With Error 13, 14, 16, 20 And 21, can reinstate Xbox's HDD To Factory Condition, can also Install/Reinstall Softmod Files. Al...

Discussion in 'Xbox - Hardware boot discussion' started by TheReturn, Apr 19, 2006.

  1. kawsar

    kawsar Guest

    hi the return
    ok i messed up again
    i softmodded my mates xbox and it was done ok
    then i decided to install ava launch instead of evo x which was the deafult dashboard with the softmodd , so i put the auto deluxe cd in and went to file manage and went to c partition to look for the dashboard but it wasnt there so i went o e partition and deleted all of it, and instaed install ava launch , then i booted my xbox and next thing i got error code 21? but the thing is original dvds and also copys seem to boot perfectly, but wount go to ms dash that when i get the error 21, by the way i have a aid cd and also i can go to file manager?

    please tell me how should i sort this out, i dont mind deleteing everythink and starting from fresh install?

    please tell me how?

  2. hlp4me

    hlp4me Member

    Mar 26, 2006
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    Did you save your eeprom, if so all you need to do is unlock your Xbox HD, and then use xplorer 360 to what every you desire.
  3. kawsar

    kawsar Guest

    ok i manage to fix it with the aid cd

  4. emersed

    emersed Member

    Jan 19, 2006
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    Thank you, works perfectly!
  5. hlp4me

    hlp4me Member

    Mar 26, 2006
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    Can you explane what you did to get it to work.
  6. TheReturn

    TheReturn Guest

    who needs help for hotswap?
    And how far did you go?
  7. hlp4me

    hlp4me Member

    Mar 26, 2006
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    O I don't need help with hotswap, what I need help is why a lot of the application don't work, you see I mod my Xbox by hotswapping by removing the C and the E folder and replacing it with Shademand's Ready Made Xbox Softmod so I don't know if that was a good way to softmod my Xbox. So I really didn't in stall any thing I just replace the C and the E folder.
  8. emersed

    emersed Member

    Jan 19, 2006
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    I had trouble with xplorer360 it kept locking up “not responding”. I couldn’t delete everything on the xbox’s C and E. So I just used the C and E folders from “Shademand's Ready Made Xbox SoftMod” and replaced the folders on the xbox. But, still had a little trouble with it not responding (xplorer360) I just moved what I could and tried it and it worked. My xbox was previously modded by someone else not sure if that made a difference.
  9. evan101

    evan101 Member

    Jul 6, 2006
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    hi, i have serice required with number 16 in the corner when i try to use xbox with chip turned off, it works fine wen chip is on. i have no discs available to reinstall the dashboard. is there any way of downloading them? thanks
  10. scamino1

    scamino1 Guest

    Ok i have 2 hardrives.one is a segate 30 gig that i turned into xbox hd and my orignal 10 gig stock drive.Wat Happened.I was fixin my stock 10 gig with xbox hdm and i made a new hardrive from scrstch.then when i was done i locked it with my hd password thingy.i put it in my xbox and get error06 witch means the drives locked to another xbox or my comp!!!So i turn on computer with drive and i use the locker/unlocker and i type in my pass and i get a cannot unlock hd message! How do i get error 6 away and get my xbox working again?.And Now for the 30 gig i tried.What i did was use xbox hdm to make a drive from scratch.So it mqakes it from scratch. im too scared to lock it cuz i dont know what will happen.Can Some plez help?PLEZZZZZZZZZZP.S. when its in xbox i get error 05
  11. Unicron1

    Unicron1 Member

    Apr 18, 2006
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    I'm tellijng you ppl, after you get your HDD fixed, MAKE the restore/backup CDROM I keep pushing this on everyone but belive me after you accidently screw your xbox HDD up or erase something, you will be so glad you made it when all you have to do is hook up the HDD to a pc, boot up the restore CD and wipe your HDD and restore all you software with 3 easy commands, then your back in bussiness!!

    It's so easy to make this disc and 5 years old could do it....

    I explain how in my TUTOR (How to read xbox HDD pasword.... on this board, it's at the end of the TUTOR.)

    It's a super simple life saver I'm not kidding!!!
  12. scamino1

    scamino1 Guest

    i just backed up everything to my hds. i dont no how 2 make a restore cd unless its xbox hdm ur talkin about.
  13. Unicron1

    Unicron1 Member

    Apr 18, 2006
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    Yeah thats it!

    Xboxhdm_V1.9 is what I used. Saves alot of time rebuilding HDD or even if your upgrading to a bigger HDD.

  14. emersed

    emersed Member

    Jan 19, 2006
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    Question! will hotswap work on all types of xbox versions (1.1 – 1.6)
  15. TheReturn

    TheReturn Guest

    I though that you successfully fixed your xbox with this hotswap method.

    Yes, hotswap works on all xbox versions.
  16. emersed

    emersed Member

    Jan 19, 2006
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    i did, i have a friend with a newer xbox, want to check to make sure. thanks
  17. scamino1

    scamino1 Guest

    I Borrowed My Friends Broken-unmoodded-opened xbox. he said if i could fix it i could by it. when i turn it on it says x box live is updating your system. Then it says live is not responding. i get microsoft logo when i turn it on and i cant play games or get to dash. Its not modded but i can open it if needed . i cant access with FlashFXP. How do i fix this.P.S. I already tried plugging into internet. doesnt work. If u can help , i plan to mod this. Also i have the evox dash on comp. If i can unlock hd and hook up 2 comp. Can I mod it with just the evox dash by putting it into the dash folder? Can u guys [or any1] help?
  18. TheReturn

    TheReturn Guest

    turn your friend's xbox on without game inside dvd drive. what do you see logo, error code?

    Have you ever tried my hotswap method? If not, how much do you know about PC?

    NOTE: do not unlock the hdd.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 7, 2006
  19. scamino1

    scamino1 Guest

    theres a logo and no error code.And i no alot about comps and hotswap.only problem withe hotswap is when i try to unlock or lock hd withe eeprom it doesnt work.i type -a and i get nothin. if u havent read i screwed up my xbox by locking it with thrxbox hd key and it wont unlock.
  20. TheReturn

    TheReturn Guest

    my method is not xboxhdm. So you will not use xboxhdm. My tut is on the first page. print it out and read at least 3 times. Also download the Shademand softmod file 325MB too.


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