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Hotswap Can Fix Xbox With Error 13, 14, 16, 20 And 21, can reinstate Xbox's HDD To Factory Condition, can also Install/Reinstall Softmod Files. Al...

Discussion in 'Xbox - Hardware boot discussion' started by TheReturn, Apr 19, 2006.

  1. leeroy94

    leeroy94 Regular member

    Dec 1, 2007
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    ok i just did a 1.6 last night xbox crystal with the xbox hdm 1.9. and the computer i used only had 1 dvd drive hooked up to secondary and i used the primary for the swap and i dont have a hd hook up on the pc ... i just boot from the dvd ... it did take me around 15 times to get it to work ... unplug power to dvd drive on xbox boot pc and press pause break to wait till the xbox gets the correct error once u get error 12 swap and load the xboxhdm .... other than that i dont know ... cuz i got it to work ....
  2. dummyfile

    dummyfile Guest

    @leeroy94: Thanks for the advice. I'll be out of town until late tonight, but I'll see what I can do then. I'm not sure what crystal is, though. If that's a modchip, I don't have one...just softmodded. Again, thanks!
  3. creaky

    creaky Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 14, 2005
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    Here you go -

  4. leeroy94

    leeroy94 Regular member

    Dec 1, 2007
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    couldnt have said it better myself ! lmao
  5. leeroy94

    leeroy94 Regular member

    Dec 1, 2007
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    i still need to know what folder would the eeprom be located in so i can backup to pc for future hd problems.
  6. leeroy94

    leeroy94 Regular member

    Dec 1, 2007
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    one more thing .. i dont know what i would do with out the AID disk. I have used it to repair damaged already modded systems and its my fist tool i use after the xbox can read burnt disks. It can format partitions and install varios dashboards ,... i love the AID disk! and when your doing a hd hot swap with xboxhdm the xbox doesnt read the disk your pc rom drive does.
  7. dummyfile

    dummyfile Guest

    I swear no matter what I do, I can't seem to get this damn thing unlocked. Xplorer360 continues to wear me out with "Could not find a FATX drive to open!" What am I doing so differently? I pull the IDE cable when the white Microsoft logo comes up below the X. I've tried it immediately after, waiting until I feel that error is just a second away, etc. I've even unplugged by SATA ROM drives while trying this with the HDD set to master on both the primary and secondary IDE slots.

    The only way I can stop being stupid is to know what I'm doing that's stupid in the first place. Thanks for understanding. *sigh*

  8. leeroy94

    leeroy94 Regular member

    Dec 1, 2007
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    i could never get the waqy to work using explorer .... it always gave me errors .... the pc that i use has only IDE cables and i have 1 rom drive on secondary and the primary is just used for connecting the xbox hd after i get an error 12 ... what error code do u get when u unplug the power to the xbox dvd drive and then boot?
  9. dummyfile

    dummyfile Guest

    Right now, I actually have it all set up for error code 12. I've unplugged the IDE and power from the DVD on the Xbox, so 12 it is. When everything is plugged in properly, however, I get error code 21. But yeah...right now it's 12.
  10. dummyfile

    dummyfile Guest

    Okay I'm so sorry to spam this board, but I wanted to give a minor update before anyone hates on me 100%. I finally download a version of Xplorer360 that is actually seeing my files. I'll report back in a bit. I'm going to carefully reread everything to make sure I don't screw the pooch...again.
  11. dummyfile

    dummyfile Guest

    TheReturn: You've written a great guide. Thanks so much!
    leeroy94: Thanks so much for actively trying to help someone as Xbox-dense as me.

    What I did to get things working:
    - Unplugged the DVD to give error code 12 rather than 21.
    - Watched the green light on the eject thing, and unplugged the hard drive IDE cable as soon as I saw flashing red.
    - Plugged in IDE cable connected to secondary IDE controller.
    - Used Xplorer360 0.9 BETA 6 (as no other version worked for me...)
    - Deleted everything from all partitions (0-4) after backing up my original stuff.
    - Copied over ms-dash-mik3h to Partition 3.
    - Copied over 3 blank folders "Cache", "TDATA", and "UDATA" to partition 4.
    - Booted up and finally saw beauty.

    I have yet to do any of the softmod stuff again and all I see is this MS dash, but things are finally going well again. Just wanted to update you brilliant minds. Thanks once again!
  12. leeroy94

    leeroy94 Regular member

    Dec 1, 2007
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    awsome im glad you got it to work ! just make sure to back up your EEPROM some where safe so that in the future if you want to install a bigger hd or your original HD fails you can fix.
  13. dummyfile

    dummyfile Guest

    I thought I had originally told it to when I said backup MS and backup MOD, but alas it didn't. AID, however, got it backed up for me. :eek:)
  14. leeroy94

    leeroy94 Regular member

    Dec 1, 2007
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    yes you can back it up to the HD but you have to FTP the xbox and find the EEPROM file and copy it back to the pc .... it can be used in combination with xboxhdm for making a bigger drive ... im still looking for th exact location of it i have backed it up before but forgot where i found it
  15. anth455

    anth455 Guest

    Hi I am newbie to the xbox soft mod. does anyone have a copy of the mhackxbox file so i can start my journey to softmod my xbox. I tried 2 sites that had me pay and after i paid the site didn't have the file no more. so any help is appreciated.

  16. onehanded

    onehanded Regular member

    Oct 31, 2008
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    Hi everyone
    I have a prob with my xbox which I haven't seen on here but I am hoping that someone will know what the problem is.I start up the xbox and flubber comes on for about 3 secs maximum.Then the xbox switches itself off.anyone got any ideas,as I have tried to restore the dash and no joy.
  17. leeroy94

    leeroy94 Regular member

    Dec 1, 2007
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    flubber? lol .... does this xbox just keep rebooting? if so u dont have the correct eeprom. what are u using to modd this xbox ... more info is needed
  18. onehanded

    onehanded Regular member

    Oct 31, 2008
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    Yes what I had done was get an eeprom reader and copy the eeprom to the desktop,as the xbox was showing error 06 sometimes 07 when booting which is to do with the unlocked drive.I then got a hardmodded xbox and tried to re-write the hardmodded xbox eeprom to the cocked up on thinking that if I lock a drive to the hardmodded xbox then when I put the new bigger drive in the f----d up one then it would work.But no I think that I have got it wrong somewhere.
  19. leeroy94

    leeroy94 Regular member

    Dec 1, 2007
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    you have more experience then me cus that EEPROM reading looked complicated, I know that when i used xboxhdm to make a bigger hd i has some issues with the xbox rebooting, only to discover that i was using an eeprom from another xbox. If you are only working with 2 units you know that the EEPROM is unique to each xbox right? you cant mix and match, although if your going with a stock xbox HD i beleive you can. I have a xboxhdm disk that i use to mod all my xboxs, then once the xbox is modded i FTP and find the EEPROM and save to my PC , use the same xboxhdm tool and remake the same xboxhdm disk but with the added eeprom and create a new bigger hd, sorry if im gabbing, but i think you said u used another eeprom :)
  20. onehanded

    onehanded Regular member

    Oct 31, 2008
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    What I did was use the pony program and the reader to actually write the other xboxs eeprom on the broken one.I checked the eeprom when I had read the xbox with the reader again,and it did actually re-write the eeprom,so I figured that if that was the case then I could lock any hardrive with the xbox that I got the eeprom off,as the one I got the eeprom off was a hardmodded xbox,and pop the drive into the re-written xbox but it doesn't work.

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