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Hotswap Can Fix Xbox With Error 13, 14, 16, 20 And 21, can reinstate Xbox's HDD To Factory Condition, can also Install/Reinstall Softmod Files. Al...

Discussion in 'Xbox - Hardware boot discussion' started by TheReturn, Apr 19, 2006.

  1. TheReturn

    TheReturn Guest

    I remember that your xbox has chrismax light before it boots to the X. I also tell you to boot xbox with an original game inside DVD drive and do hotswap. When you connect xbox's hdd to pc, the pc hang. Is it right?

    If all of these are correct, then try below:
    1/ On PC there are 2 IDE cables. One is for PC's hdd and the other one connect is free to connect to xbox's hdd. So its one end connects to motherboard the other end lays on the floor.
    2/ Start with pc and xbox are off.
    3/ turn on PC and boot up all the way to windows as normal.
    4/ turn on xbox with an original game inside DVD drive.
    5/ disconnect ide cable BEFORE xbox goes to error 16 and ALSO BEFORE xbox has the chrismax light. ALSO make sure the BIG X shown when you disconnect IDE cable.
    6/ connect xbox's hdd to pc. don't worry about what on tv.
    7/ ON pc goto Manager and scan for new device.
    8a/ if it recognizes the xbox hdd, then open the xplorer360 and try to read xbox hdd. Then copy do the INSTALL SHADMAND SOFTMOD as I said on the tut.
    8b/ if PC can NOT recognize the xbox's hdd, so rescan a couple of times. But still no luck, disconnect xbox's hdd from PC and connect it back to xbox. Turn off xbox.

    Try do the whole thing again for 3 times. Step 5 is very important. If your xbox are not in those conditions, let me know too.
  2. russkiy

    russkiy Member

    Oct 8, 2006
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    1 Nothing was wrong with my Xbox i just wanted to softmod it this way since i don't have an AR/Memcard/or any of the exploit games.

    2 Nope i didn't back up EEPROM.BIN

    3 I have restarted both Xplorer360 and my PC several times.. I only got that error message one time otherwise it copies but the files don't show up in Xplorer360.

    4 After i click ok the copy bar is still there but it doesnt move, i'm still able to copy files but as i said above they don't show up in Xplorer360, FatX Xplorer crashes as soon as i try to acces Xbox hd.

    "Check in Manager on window to see if the hdd status is ok."

    I'm sorry but i don't get that, could you please explain that again?

    Anyways thanks for replying this fast cause i'm kinda of in a crisis now ..lol
  3. madspar

    madspar Guest

    I tried that i unpluged the xbox befo rit has christmas lights befor the error screen then my pc froze so i disconected the xbox from the pc, and the pc continued to boot why did it freez?
  4. TheReturn

    TheReturn Guest

    the PC is freezed because the way you connect xbox's hdd to pc. It is conflicted. the xbox's hdd should be set to Cable Select or Master.

    So tell me what are connected to the 2 IDE cables on PC.

    It is not good if you copy files over xbox's hdd and the copy bar does not move at all. Which means files did not copy to xbox's hdd.

    Check your connections. Tell me what are connected to the 2 IDE cables on PC?

    The status of hdd: basically, xbox's hdd is shown in the Disk Management.
  5. madspar

    madspar Guest

    On th efirst IDE cable is my PC harddrive set as primary Master , and the second one just goes to the dvd drive so i unpluged it from the ide slot and used another cable that went to the xbox HDD.
  6. TheReturn

    TheReturn Guest

    That looks right. I still dont understand why PC get fozen. So try this:

    -as you said

    -do not remove the ide cable of dvd drive. Just remove the DVD drive.
    -do hotswap and connect xbox's hdd to that ide cable.

    let me know the result.
  7. madspar

    madspar Guest

    What do u mean by remove ethe DVD drive
  8. russkiy

    russkiy Member

    Oct 8, 2006
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    Well it works now :)
    I just had to manually create all the folders and THEN copy the files :D

    Thank you!
  9. TheReturn

    TheReturn Guest


    FICKING CHEERS.................................

    Finally you got it run on softmod. I know it takes forever do to hotswap. But now you know it is so EASY. I think you are one of very fews people to softmod xbox this way. Oh yeah you save money. lol


    With power off on PC, connect everything as normal for PC. Then disconnect the IDE cable from DVD drive on PC. This is IDE cable will connect to xbox's hdd.

    That is what I mean.

    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 12, 2006
  10. russkiy

    russkiy Member

    Oct 8, 2006
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    Haha thanks, but i think it actually works fast AND really easy =P
  11. madspar

    madspar Guest

    yea i did that it still freezes?
  12. TheReturn

    TheReturn Guest

    damn weird...
    I dont really know what wrong with the connections and dont know why the PC is fozen.

    Do you have another PC?
  13. qinface

    qinface Member

    Oct 13, 2006
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    Well it works good :)
    But i don't know where to put the game isos/images so Shademand's Softmod finds them. Or do i need to download & install a HDDLoader?
    Cause there already are alternatives in the menu called "Play Games From HD" and "Launch Apps From HD".. No matter where i put the image the xbox doesn't seem to read it..
    Last edited: Oct 13, 2006
  14. madspar

    madspar Guest

    Yea but i cant use the other one lol
  15. ccragg

    ccragg Member

    Oct 13, 2006
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    Alright so I got the hotswap done and everything ready to go. I run xplorer360. find the partitions, but I can only find partition: 0,1,2,4. My partition 3 just disapeared and I don't know where 5 is either. If anyone could help that would be great. I was just using my box just fine one night. I messed around in somethings I was not familiar with because I hadn't used my box in a while. I then tried to boot up my box the next morning and nothing happens I just get stuck at the big X and then pauses for a bit then goes to error 13. I have an excuter 2.6. I tried running a slayer disk, but my box wont read it. Just wondering if there is anyway to get partion 3 back on there so I can boot my dash.
  16. keljen

    keljen Member

    Oct 14, 2006
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    i am trying to do hotswap according to the tut but each time i go to switch the ide cables on the hdd from the xbox to the pc one (i only have one ide calbe in my pc goes to dvd and hdd) the computer freezes...am i missing something here i thought i had read the directions carefully but i can't figure out why it is not allowing me to do hotswap....also the reason i am trying to do hotswap is because when i boot the xbox it comes up to a screen that says xbox live is trying to update your system and then xbox live is not responding...i've tried everything else except for using the game that was used to softmod my xbox to begin with since i can longer find it and only have access to platinum edition of game....any help on what i'm doing wrong or anything else that i could try would be much appreciated...
  17. TheReturn

    TheReturn Guest

    you need to extract the game iso. Then put it in the games folder on E drive or F drive if you have.

    Cheers to get your xbox fixed.

    well you did hotswap successfully, but the hdd is missing partition 3 which is C drive. I guess you have to reformat the hdd.

    Since you have modchip, xbox should read the slayer disk. Make sure to turn on mochip.

    Yes you did not read my tut carefully. YOu need 2 ide cables on PC. So you need to connect another IDE cable to PC and that one for xbox hdd only.
  18. ccragg

    ccragg Member

    Oct 13, 2006
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    What if my box wont read my slayer disk. I turn on my box with my upgraded hdd and it will boot the slayer disk, but with the retail hdd the slayer disk wont boot.
  19. dr_jce

    dr_jce Member

    Oct 10, 2006
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    Hey! Badly need some opinions here. Kindly help me please. Here are the facts:

    Xbox ver. 1.0
    Alladin modchip
    original hdd

    Tried the hotswap method by Return, followed the instructions, my computer detects the xbos's hdd in device manager but when I open my xplorer360 (3 different versions) it says that it doesn't detect FATX drive to open. Tried ftp and I can see the different drives but when I try to click them nothing happens. (i guess because the hdd is locked). I get error 16.

    Here are the questions:

    Is my hdd toasted?
    If my hdd is a goner and I wasn't able to save anything from it, can I still replace it with a new one?

    I'm in the verge of buying a new hdd but am having second thoughts as maybe there's still life in my old one and have hope of reviving it.
    I miss my xbox!
    Plesae help me
    (pardon me as i'm a newbie)

  20. TheReturn

    TheReturn Guest


    That looks like you have softmod on both hdd, is that right?

    If you have modchip on, xbox will load Slayer. It does not matter which hdd that you installed in the xbox.

    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 16, 2006

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