Hotswap Can Fix Xbox With Error 13, 14, 16, 20 And 21, can reinstate Xbox's HDD To Factory Condition, can also Install/Reinstall Softmod Files. Al...

Discussion in 'Xbox - Hardware boot discussion' started by TheReturn, Apr 19, 2006.

  1. TheReturn

    TheReturn Guest

    when you connect xbox's hdd to pc, do not worry what on TV anymore. just try to get xplorer360 to read the xbox's hdd.

    try to use other versions the xplorer360 like version 5, etc..

    also check in Manager to see if computer detect the xbox's hdd or not.
  2. freezie

    freezie Guest

    Just to make sure I got it 100%.

    I turn the xbox on, wait a few seconds and unplug the HD. Hurry up and plug my PC IDE cable to the xbox HD while my computer is on. Or is the computer to be off while plugging it to the xbox hd and I turn it on right after plugging it to the xbox?

    Thanks TheReturn

  3. rae07

    rae07 Member

    Nov 15, 2006
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    Freezie>> unplugging ide cable frm your harddrive has to be quick if you are doing hotswap. if you are using 'error 11' trick, time doesn't matter. make sure u don't plug out the power cable from the xbox harddrive.

    next, b4 u plug into ur computer to run xplorer360, make sure following step's done.
    1) jumper is set on ur xbox harddrive.
    2) bios on pc is paused b4 the computer loads its drives.
    i) boot up pc
    ii) hit pause/break button on keyboard when bios starts
    3) plug in ur xbox harddrive into respective ide cable
    4) hit any button to unpaus the bios
    5) windows should boot and ur xbox drive should detect

    if doing xboxhdm method,
    1) hit pause/break when pc bios loads
    2) unplug ur com's harddrive
    3) plug in ur xbox harddrive as primary master (cable ur pc harddrive's using)
    4) put the bootdisc into cd rom drive. (make sure bios is set to 'cdrom' as first boot)
    5) press any button to unpause ur bios.

    if u get some drive failure/xbox drive not detected when runnnig xplorer360, it means ur drive is still not unlocked. plug back into xbox and try hotswap again.

    do take not after transferring files, do not switch off xbox/lock drive with xboxhdm. switch off xbox after all jumper's set and cable's plugged in.

    i hope i'm clear and did not make any mistakes in my explaination. kinda new to modding as well. :p
  4. TheReturn

    TheReturn Guest

    By the way, which method are you trying to do Xplorer360 OR xboxhdm?

    FOR Xplorer360, you need to know what is primary and secondary IDE cable on PC. So the PC's hdd is usually on the primary ide cable. Leave this IDE cable ALONE.

    The other IDE cable is secondary. Remove all devices so this ide cable just connect to motherboard and the other end will connect to xbox's hdd.

    Also check jumper on xbox's hdd. Make sure it set to Cable Select OR Master. turn on xbox without game in DVD drive and time when xbox goes to error 16. Now you are ready to do hotswap.

    -start with xbox and pc off
    -turn on PC and hit Pause/break key. PC should stop loading. If your pc can't stop loading then logon windows.
    -turn on xbox. Disconnect ide cable of xbox's hdd JUST few seconds BEFORE xbox goes to error 16. Also watch the LED. it should stay green at the time you disconnec ide cable.
    -connect xbox's hdd to PC
    -hit any key on PC to continue boot up to windows. If you are already in windows then ok. PC boots normally, if not check your connections.
    - goto Manger and scan for a new drive. You should see xbox's hdd.
    -open up xplorer360 and read the xbox's hdd
    -if you can't read the hdd, turn off pc and connect xbox's hdd back to xbox. Then turn off xbox.

    Try again 3-4 times.
  5. FmDstryr8

    FmDstryr8 Guest

    ok i have a xbox that i bought of a friend. He had softmodded it and somehow the xbox dash got corrupted. Now none of the dashboards work when i turn it on it shows the x and then flashes and goes to the help screen. I hotswapped the xbox hd and put all the stock xbox dash files on partion 3 using explorer360, i plugged the ide cable back into the xbox and turned it off. When i turn it on it does the same thing it did w/ the corrupted files. I tryed using a different hd and it didnt work either. Can anyone say what i can do to try and fix it? Or is it possible that the mobo is bad?

    it did work while softmodded, i tried to return it back to original and then it stopped working.
  6. TheReturn

    TheReturn Guest

    did you delete everything on partition 0-4 before copying ms dash to partition 3 & 4 per my tut?

    if yes and xbox still not work, give me the error code.

    then get the complete working softmod file of C and E drive from your friend's xbox. if you dont have, try to download the Shademand softmod file or other softmod file you know. Put it on your PC and do hotswap again. Read my tut to install softmod. you xbox should work again. Then I will help you to remove softmod.
  7. FmDstryr8

    FmDstryr8 Guest

    There wasnt anything in any of the partition 0-3 but in partition 4 there was udata and Tdata, i delete all off the files out of that and put Audio and all the other ms dash files back on to partition 3. I noticed that it starts flashing red before the x comes up like while the green thing is shooting or whatever. It did that before, but that was because the hard drive was as a slave, but it does it now with the hard drive on master. I'm positive the drive is locked. There doesnt seem to be any visual problems with the mobo, (no burnt capacitors and connections) the only problem that i had was the powersource had a bad connection which i already fixed by soddering it.
  8. TheReturn

    TheReturn Guest

    hmm you can change the jumper of xbox's hdd to Cable Select to see if it does the same thing.

    Is there any error code?

    Also tell me what are on ROOT of Partition 3 and 4 on xbox hdd now.

    did you get softmod file of C and E drive as I said above?
    Or did you download Shademand softmod file?
  9. Rocs

    Rocs Guest

    I was trying to change my MS and I deleted the xbox dashboard on the C:.Now I can't play any games and I don't get a error number when the service sreen starts up.Think you could help me?
  10. TheReturn

    TheReturn Guest

    Did you read the tut on first page? It will help you to fix this xbox.

    So time the xbox how long before it goes to service screen OR/AND LED flashs red/green.

    Read the tut 2-3 times. Ask questions before doing hotswap.
  11. Rocs

    Rocs Guest

    Yeah I read the 1st page a few times.Well Its goes to service screen right after the Xbox logo if theres no cd in it.Sometimes its stays green a little while before going to service if theres a cd in there.
  12. TheReturn

    TheReturn Guest

    good because you see ms logo.

    did you download ms dash and Shademand softmod file, or get softmod file of C and E drive from your friend's xbox?

    If yes, you are ready to do hotswap.
  13. Rocs

    Rocs Guest

    Ok I got the Ms dash now.All I need now is the screwdrivers.I do have a question though"Can you hotswap too much and ruin the xbox hd?"
  14. TheReturn

    TheReturn Guest

    it wont break the xbox hdd, it may hurt the ide cable. But you can replace it any time.

  15. Rocs

    Rocs Guest

    Ok then,thanks for all your help.
  16. duckboy81

    duckboy81 Member

    Dec 10, 2006
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    hi i am having trouble.
    so this is what i got.

    i turn my xbox on wait for the X, xbox, M$ logo. unplug IDE cable and plug it into my second IDE cable (not the MAIN HDD cable) and start my computer. i see the HDD is recognized on my BIOS info but when i boot into windows it does not appear.

    PS: if i try to pause my BIOS load and then connect the XBOX HDD and then resume it, the BIOS loads extremely slow.

    PSS: When my computer is starting up, my xbox sits at the X, XBOX, M$ logo for a while and then goes to an error 21. (will this lock the HDD?)


  17. TheReturn

    TheReturn Guest

    well you did not read my tut carefully. You have 2 Ide cables on PC. The PC's hdd is on primary ide cable. SO leave this IDE cable alone.

    Remove all devices on the other ide cable. This ide cable will connect to xbox's hdd.
  18. duckboy81

    duckboy81 Member

    Dec 10, 2006
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    yeah thats how it is, my HDD is the primary only one on it. then there is another cable that just has the xbox hdd on it
  19. TheReturn

    TheReturn Guest

    hmm... strange....

    I dont know why your pc is loading very slowly after connected the xbox's hdd. Check the jumper of xbox's hdd. Set it to Cable Select.

    The pc has to boot or to act normal. Otherwise hotswap will not work.

    what happened to your xbox? what error code when turn on xbox by itself?
  20. duckboy81

    duckboy81 Member

    Dec 10, 2006
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    i installed XBMC on my xbox and it wont let me change the time so it loads to a blank screen if i just turn it on with and w/o a game.

    if i disconnect the hdd before it loads off of the X,xbox,M$logo it will wait for a while and then load to an error 21.

    i found that the only way i can get my computer to start up the same and recognize the xbox HDD is to have the comp off when i plug my IDE cable into the xbox HDD.

    Also how long is too long when i swap the xbox HDD, it doesnt take me long but i want to know if i have to try to be real fast about it.

    Thanks for replying


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