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Hotswap Can Fix Xbox With Error 13, 14, 16, 20 And 21, can reinstate Xbox's HDD To Factory Condition, can also Install/Reinstall Softmod Files. Al...

Discussion in 'Xbox - Hardware boot discussion' started by TheReturn, Apr 19, 2006.

  1. FmDstryr8

    FmDstryr8 Guest

    I cant unlock my hard drive anymore because the light flashes red so early. It starts flashing red like 5 seconds after i turn it on, before the x even comes up. I downloaed what you said to, i dont have my eeprom code so i cant find my hd key to unlock it using xboxhdm_1.9, any other ways to unlock the hd? Can i manually take the hd appart and open the lock thing, i can hear it lock but i cant hear it unlock.

    Is there a hotswap way that you dont need to switch the cables fast?

    I dont get any error codes it just flashes red and goes to your xbox requires service. It boots fine up to x without the hd in.

    How do i lock a fresh made hd with xboxhdm?
  2. duckboy81

    duckboy81 Member

    Dec 10, 2006
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    NM i figured it out, that you a lot a ton a bunch!!!
  3. TheReturn

    TheReturn Guest

    @ FmDstryr8

    when do hotswap you just disconnect ide cable before xbox goes to service screen/error. You dont have to do super fast.

    Since, your xbox flash red/green too early, the hdd will not have a chance to get unlocked. That is why hotswap wont work on your xbox.

    Plus you dont have eeprom, you can't unlock the hdd probably or build a new hdd for xbox.

    damn... modchip is the next step.

    well you can try hotswap anyway just ignore the LED.
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 12, 2006
  4. TheReturn

    TheReturn Guest

    Where are you at now? fixed your xbox?
  5. ds1615

    ds1615 Guest

    Bump. Excellent thread.
  6. duckboy81

    duckboy81 Member

    Dec 10, 2006
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    yes i am back online and ready to pay for XBL again. lol
  7. TheReturn

    TheReturn Guest

    Ficking hard work!!!!!

  8. FmDstryr8

    FmDstryr8 Guest

    I have two xboxes the one is premodded with a 200 gb hd with evox and other the other goodies, the other is stock, which is the one im having problems with.

    Can i use any copy of eeprom.bin aka my other xbox?

    Is there anyway that i could put my messed up stock xbox hd in the the modded xbox and put the files on it and lock/unlock it?

    Can i put two hd's on one xbox via disconnecting the dvd drive atacable and using another ps?

    What folders do i need in partition 3? do i put in C folder with all the files or put the Audio ... and other files without put in the C file in?
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 12, 2006
  9. rae07

    rae07 Member

    Nov 15, 2006
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    you can try disconnect ur ide cable from ur cdrom drive. this should give u an error 12/11, and with that..u can try hotswap when u led starts blinking(w/o MS logo showing) or when MS logo shows.

    here's a reference

    btw... you can't use other eeprom.bin cos they r unique to each xbox.
  10. TheReturn

    TheReturn Guest

    well, tell me what is wrong with the broken xbox? what error code?
    have you done anything to it?
  11. FmDstryr8

    FmDstryr8 Guest

    my broken xbox just flashes red and green when i turn it on. It starts flashing before the x shows up when i have the hard drive that had corrupted data on (which i now have all stock stuff on). I made a hd from scratch but i can't lock it to try it on the xbox.

    there is no error code it just goes to the X (no microsoft symbol) then it flashes to the your xbox requires service screen.
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 13, 2006
  12. TheReturn

    TheReturn Guest

    oh so this is not the stock hdd. Has this hdd ever worked on this xbox before? If NO, then you dont have to do hotswap becasue it is not going to work.

    However I can fix this xbox if you know about the modchip on other xbox.
  13. FmDstryr8

    FmDstryr8 Guest

    the hd im trying to make work now (the one i made w/ xboxhdm1.9) has never been used on an xbox.

    I have 4 hard drives in total. i have both the stock xbox hd for the broken xbox and a totally different computer harddrive which i made thewith xboxhdm1.9. Then i have my 200gb hd in my modded xbox and a backup 10gb (possibly stock) hd for my modded xbox that i broke.

    stock hd did work with my xbox. I have two hard drives from my modded xbox and the small one didnt work when i locked it and put it in (with softmod files on). I unlocked it and put the stock files in partition 3 (Audio folder, fonts folder, xboxdashdata folder, xodash folder, xboxdash.xbe, xbox book.xtf, and xbox.xtf) on and then locked it. that didnt work either, i thought maybe i needed to put those files in a C folder but unfortunately i dropped it while attempting to hotswap and now it makes a grinding noise and doesnt read.

    My modded xbox has a chip in althought i need to check what it is... i'll get back soon..
    when i boot up it says evox in the corner then the x goes blue, i looked a little at the chip it looked purple and it has a little x on the top, sorry i cant get any more specific, it looks like it is unsoddered, and it has cords going to the front where it has led's showing when the chip is on and it has a bunch of switches

    ok i tested my broken xbox's hd's and found that the one i made from scrach didnt work because it was too small (error 09) and the other drive had a problem loading dash or missing eeprom (error 13)

    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 14, 2006
  14. MrTea76

    MrTea76 Member

    Dec 10, 2006
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    Hi I'm using Xplorer360 to put my original dashboard files back on. I've downloaded all the partitions to my pc but just to make sure the files are intact I have tried to play a wav file that i download from the c drive 'Audio\AmbientAudio', but nothing will play it, so am I right in thinking they are corrupt?

    Also when I upload a file using Xplorer360 it seems to rename certain letters... I guess that isn't good.

    e.g. "XBox Book.xtf" uploaded as "XCox Book.xuf"

    Anyone else had this? Im using beta 5 of xplorer360
    Last edited: Dec 14, 2006
  15. TheReturn

    TheReturn Guest

    You can try the older version of xplorer360. That may work.

    well I suggest that you unlock all NON-stock hdd. Then rebuild it from scratch with xboxhdm and lock it with the broken xbox's eeprom.

  16. MrTea76

    MrTea76 Member

    Dec 10, 2006
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    Thanks, I tried them but thy didn't work. Xplorer360 has screwed the harddrive as some of the other folders have been renamed with weird characters and I can't access/delete them, not even with the xbrowser/Midnight Commander file explorer on Xboxhdm.

    Is the best option now to use Xboxhdm and use option 2 to rebuild the C-partition? I assume this will fix the filesystem...

    This restore is going from bad to worse so I just want to check it's not gonna make things even worse!

    BTW I dont have the eprom yet as I haven't managed to boot the xbox past the various M$ boot errors I've had since installing the ndure softmod a week ago.
    Last edited: Dec 15, 2006
  17. G3n3raL

    G3n3raL Guest

    i cant download xplorer360 broken link
  18. TheReturn

    TheReturn Guest

    since you can't use xplorer360, try to do hotswap and use xboxhdm to copy files to xbox's hdd. The tut on the first page at the end. Just updated.

  19. TheReturn

    TheReturn Guest

  20. MrTea76

    MrTea76 Member

    Dec 10, 2006
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    Thanks but I can't copy the files as the c partition has run out of space and I can't delete the files as I can't access the folders that xplorer screwed

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