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Hotswap Can Fix Xbox With Error 13, 14, 16, 20 And 21, can reinstate Xbox's HDD To Factory Condition, can also Install/Reinstall Softmod Files. Al...

Discussion in 'Xbox - Hardware boot discussion' started by TheReturn, Apr 19, 2006.

  1. TheReturn

    TheReturn Guest

    well, xboxhdm has a option to format the hdd. So format it first then copy files to C and E drive from the xboxhdm boot disk.
  2. apmo6134

    apmo6134 Member

    Dec 18, 2006
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    I took my xbox apart and i know what to do, i just dont understand how i can take my pc side off to connect the IDE cables
    i have a dell dimension 5150 if that helps
  3. TheReturn

    TheReturn Guest

    I dont know how to open the dell computer. You can ask this question in computer forum.
  4. rook74

    rook74 Member

    Dec 19, 2006
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    Thought over the last 3 days I had read enough not to be feeling like a total noob now while i'm trying to do this.
    My stock V1.0 xbox was inherited from my father in law who passed away, i was told it had an issue. Got it home, error 16. After much studying i decided on the hotswap. Since it's stock i have no backups to use so i've dl'd the latest msdash, xplorer360, and xboxhdm. I've tried the hotswap using xplorer360 like 10 times now and the xbox hdd isn't unlocking, or rather it's relocking each time i disconnect the xbox ide cable, sounds like i keep hearing a light click anyhow. I've been following the tut's to the t. Plugging it into my pc's secondary ide cable with nothing else on it. The xbox takes 28 seconds to hit the error screen. I've tried the hotswap starting at 20 sec swap and each two seconds after through to 30 seconds. Repeated the entire process again after disconnecting the xbox cd drive, still can't unlock or keep it unlocked. One issue is I never get the MS logo under the X splash screen anytime. Does that mean this version xbox can't be hotswapped? And can I not burn a xboxhdm boot disc and reboot with my xbox hdd in my pc, unlock it with xboxhdm, copy my new msdash over and relock it with xboxhdm then put it back in the xbox and it work?
    Any advice from anyone will be greatly appreciated
  5. TheReturn

    TheReturn Guest

    well can you try hotswap 1 more time. This time disconnect IDE cable at the 25th sec. 3 secs before xbox goes to error 16. Also watch the LED, it should stay green at the time you disconnect ide cable.

    Do do the xboxhdm because you can't get the hdd unlock.

  6. apmo6134

    apmo6134 Member

    Dec 18, 2006
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    i have my xbox and pc connected everythings good except when i run xplorer 360 and click file --> open --> memcard or harddrive it says "could not find a FATX drive to open."
    Last edited: Dec 20, 2006
  7. apmo6134

    apmo6134 Member

    Dec 18, 2006
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    ok i just forgot to go to add new hardware...it all works now thank you so much
    (and this guy)
  8. rook74

    rook74 Member

    Dec 19, 2006
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    That's the same problem i've been having. I was assuming it was because the drive wasn't unlocked. Well that and when my pc loads it throws an error screen saying the xbox hdd failure is eminent. I've run the scan for new hardware in the device manager after the boot finish if that's what you're refering to. Still no luck.
  9. rook74

    rook74 Member

    Dec 19, 2006
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    An interesting side note though is that I swapped my original xbox hdd with a hdd from another xbox and it took exactly 8 seconds to kick to an error 6 screen, telling me that though it takes 28 seconds for the original hdd to error 16 it only takes the console 8 seconds to attempt to acess and unlock the replacement hdd and assumingly the original hdd as well. So is my problem really my drive not unlocking or a failure on my pc end to connect to it properly. It shows on the disk list (device manager) but xplorer360 can't detect it. hmm, not sure what's up. Should I run the add new hardware wizard in windows to make sure the pc is connected to the drive?
  10. PRwood

    PRwood Guest

    Hello all it's good to know im not alone here. As like everyone else I just recently softmodded my xbox and everything was working smooth even had it networked, then I deleted out the splinter cell game save and linux installer thinking it was no longer needed. Well then i tried the slayer boot disk 7.0 to reinstall my msdash and everything went to hell.
    So here I am with error code 21 with the white MS logo. I have the ready made shademans mod and every version of explorer360 but every time I try the method described it lags while posting than errors out "insert system disk" so i tried setting the boot sequence in my bios to only boot from the primary drive no luck, if I boot fresh I can access windows but explorer wont identify the drive it reads fatx drive not found yet its in my device manager. And yes I am quite familiar with pc's and windows and yes I have the main drive and xbox drive on seperate IDE's primary and secondary. Any help would be appreciated Iv'e tried pulling fast and tried pulling 5 seconds in and 8 seconds in, it takes roughly 10 seconds to reach the error 21 green screen of death.
  11. TheReturn

    TheReturn Guest



    do you have a working xbox? if yes, turn on and time to know when the white ms logo shown up. Like PRwood said, it takes less then 10 seconds.

    Then do hotswap on broken xbox, disconnect IDE cable from the time you got above. Make sure pc works normally. Don't use xboxhdm. Just use explorer360

    Is there any problem when doing hotswap in windows? PC still performed normally (not slowing down).

    I do not know why pc had error during loading with xbox's hdd connected. Unless you had reverse connections: xbox's hdd in on Primary ide cable and PC's hdd is on Seconday ide cable. The pc gave "insert system disk" which means it trys to load windows from xbox's hdd.

    - Set the jumper on xbox's hdd to Cable Select.

    - Check bios settings on PC, ENABLE both primary and secondary ide ports, boot sequence is not the matter. Check if PC's hdd is on primary ide cable, no devices on secondary ide cable.

    OK ready to do hotswap again.
    - start with pc and xbox are off.
    - turn on pc and turn on xbox. Do not press the pause/break on keyboard.
    - disconnect ide cable from xbox's hdd when ms logo shown up.
    - connect xbox hdd to secondary ide cable on pc. Meanwhile pc is loading to windows. IF ERRORS OCCUR, STOP AND LET ME KNOW.
    - If no errors, pc loads to windows with normal speed. Continue follow the hotswap tut.

    report result

  12. varnish

    varnish Member

    Dec 21, 2006
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    TheReturn: Here is my situation.

    I have an error 21 on an xbox. I can boot retails disks, but nothing else. I don't have a SC save on the HDD, so I can't just redo the softmod. If I could get the SC savegame on the HDD, I could redo the softmod procedure, and all would be well.

    I do the hotswap, using the SC disk, then connecting drive to seconday/master. I am pretty sure it is working, as the drive shows up in device manager. As if I don't get it unlocked, Fat-X-Plorer give me an error saying 'error drive may be locked'. When I unlock the drive properly, FAT-X-Plorer would say "XBOX Harddrive found at \\.\PHYSICALDRIVE1" , then crash. I used xhdprepare to redo the partions, and zero the drive, hoping to avoid the crash. This did not help.

    So I built FAT-X-Plorer from source, and found the source of the crash to be that on empty partitions, FAT-X-Plorer thought that the partitions were infinitely full of zero-length files. I fixed this bu.

    Now FAT-X-Plorer shows an empty Cache 1 and 2. 3 has a file which looks like it was put there by splinter cell, during my hot swapping. System is empty, and Data has a folder call R0, and about 30 files with the name '----------------' and a file size of 2913840557 (ie. it shows up as a negative value in FAT-X-Plorer). That is about 2.5 GB, obviously something fishy here.

    I believe I need to copy my SC save game into a UDATA folder on the Cache 3, but I can't seem create a folder or file on the HDD.

    What am I doing wrong here?

    I tried using xplorer360, but it tells me that there is no fatx drive connected.

    This is actually a friends xbox which I bricked, so any help would be fantastic.


  13. PRwood

    PRwood Guest

    Thanks for the response Return, actually if I boot into my bios than perform the hotswap it boots normally but is not identified by explorer360, or if I shut my system down and boot from scratch it will post normally with the xbox HD in tether. It also will show up in the device manager but not in explorer I read in another xboxhdm thread somewhere that someone had success by pulling a second before the logo appeared. To be honest im stumped I played with my bios settings also but everything is set to auto and my main HD boots to primary and the Xbox HD boots to secondary so im sure my ribbons are placed correctly plus it matches the mobo schematic. Im about to jump into the xboxhdm method if I can't resolve this soon, Thanks again Return.
  14. varnish

    varnish Member

    Dec 21, 2006
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    I would do the xboxhdm method, too, but it requires ftp access, and I can only boot retail discs...
  15. PRwood

    PRwood Guest

    My primary is on IDE0 which it's set to boot from, should I remove the dvdrom from the boot sequence since it's on the secondary IDE.
  16. PRwood

    PRwood Guest

    I wonder if the reason im getting the system disk error is because I have it set to boot from the rom first and HD second and it's obviously
    not finding an OS on the Xbox drive. I know you said it wasnt the boot sequence but that sounds logical.
  17. varnish

    varnish Member

    Dec 21, 2006
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    yeah make sure your OS drive (primary/master) is the first device in the boot order. might as well make it the only thing, just to be sure.
  18. PRwood

    PRwood Guest

    Alright folks since I have found the way that works with my system I figure it's time to give back to the community. 1] Set boot sequence to boot from primary first and rom second. 2] boot windows normally 3] pull
    "Xbox" DVD rom IDE than boot xbox you should get an error 11 than reboot right before it goes to the error screen pull the Xbox HD IDE and hot swap with windows already booted up. 3] Run explorer alright now to do some transferring thanks Return and everyone.
  19. PRwood

    PRwood Guest

    Alright one last question return all my partitions are now empty and I have the extracted C and E partitions from Shademans ready made mod ready to go. Now your guide says to copy everything "within" the C and E folder or do I just drag and drop the entire C and E folders into correct Xbox HD partitions?
  20. PRwood

    PRwood Guest

    Fantastic, everything is back up and running thanks "Return" anyone else having problems with explorer not id'ing your drive I suggest you try my method posted above.

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