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Hotswap Can Fix Xbox With Error 13, 14, 16, 20 And 21, can reinstate Xbox's HDD To Factory Condition, can also Install/Reinstall Softmod Files. Al...

Discussion in 'Xbox - Hardware boot discussion' started by TheReturn, Apr 19, 2006.

  1. riot88

    riot88 Member

    Feb 19, 2007
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    "Anyways The motherboard was dead before we even got the modchip and so The modchip wouldn't boot and we trashed the xbox and got xbox 360.It wasn't anyones fault, but what can I do ,had I known the mobo died we wouldn't have got the $100 modchip.Sucks.But thx anyways.

    btw it was error 07 at first then just lines.Yeah pretty much gone.All well."

    that is what some guy posted in another form.. what if its my mother board :s then i would have bought that chip for nothing... also if it helps my friend has a modded xbox (chip installed) he wont let me touch his chip tho lol, he had a new 350gig hdd put in his xbox so i can have his other softmodded hdd that was originally in his xbox?? would that help or no
  2. TheReturn

    TheReturn Guest

  3. TheReturn

    TheReturn Guest

    what's up with these, man.

    You told me that you have error 21 and now you said that you had error 7 at the begining.
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 1, 2007
  4. riot88

    riot88 Member

    Feb 19, 2007
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    i dont think its my motherboard i did nothing to it i jus used the harddrive in the comp so it should just be the harddrive right?

    also ive always had error 7 since it first messed up, i never said i had error 21?
  5. TheReturn

    TheReturn Guest

    Holy shit!!

    My God,I was misunderstanding. I did not know that you have error 7 at all. I just keep thinking why you get error 7 after doing hotswap.

    As the thread's title said, hotswap only works for error 13, 14, 16, 20 and 21. So you can not do hotswap.

    Ok if you are sure that motherboard is OK then I'm sure that modchip will fix your xbox.

    On the other side, xbox costs only $150 now, and modchip cost $70. This is the point that you should think of whether buying new xbox or modchip.

  6. riot88

    riot88 Member

    Feb 19, 2007
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    i just got this xbox less then 2 weeks ago mabe,i traded my psp for it (dont really like psp) then i seen this hotswap thing and tried it thats when i got error 7 if u look a page or 2 back on the form ull c what i did u dont think my motherboard woulda mest up doing that do u? considering it was working perfect before i tried the hotswap
  7. observent

    observent Guest

    Hey do you think i could take everything off a fixed hard drive that is softmodded and copy that whole drive onto a broken softmod?

    or would some errors come up and stuff like eepproom or somethin
  8. TheReturn

    TheReturn Guest

    I beleive you now. Hotswap won't fry the motherboard. Modchip will fix your xbox for sure.
  9. riot88

    riot88 Member

    Feb 19, 2007
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    ok so when i get modchip installed i jus gota put that auto-installer deluxe 3.0 disk in the xbox and it will boot and istall all the stuff?
  10. TheReturn

    TheReturn Guest

    Install modchip then flash bios. Then put in the autoinstaller disk. It will do everything.
  11. TheReturn

    TheReturn Guest

    here is the complete step to install X3ce with solderless adapter

    1) Determine your Xbox version

    2) Install your X3ce or X2.6ce chip
    Ver 1.0 - 1.5: http://www.team-xecuter.com/x3/tutorials/x3pin1015.htm
    Ver 1.6 - 1.6b: http://www.team-xecuter.com/x3/tutorials/x3pin16.htm
    Solderless Xapter: http://teammodders.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=188

    Turn on your Xbox and make sure it runs like it is supposed to (Boots the Flashbios screen). If it does not boot the flashbios screen, go back and make sure your d0 is soldered correctly. Also, make sure to turn the first two switches on the X3 switch to the right, and leave the other three to the left. This opens up your 1MB bank that the bios needs to be flashed on. For more info. on this, CLICK HERE

    3) Get a correct bios for your Xecuter 3 chip
    http://www.x-b-o-x.net/modules/mydownloads/viewcat.php?cid=69 (the link may be outdated)
    DL the X3 3294 bios file. If you want the newest X3 bios, follow this guide on how to retrieve it using mIRC and FlashFXP, http://teammodders.com/forum/how-to-access-xbins-t96.html
    I believe the newest bios is the X3_3294
    (Note: Make sure to unrar the bios after you get it w/ WINRAR Also, make sure to flash it w/ the correct bios! There are two that come in the package, one for Xbox versions 1.0-1.5 and one for Xbox versions 1.6+)

    4) Flash your X3 chip w/ the bios

    5) put in autoinstaller disk, xbox should load this disk. You will have menu on TV. Choose format hdd. then install dashboard and apps.

    5) Reboot your Xbox and enjoy!

  12. riot88

    riot88 Member

    Feb 19, 2007
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    I dont c the flash bios download link for the Xecuter 2.6 CE can u post, also am i supposed to put the flash bios on a cd and istall it in xbox after i get chip in?
  13. TheReturn

    TheReturn Guest

    For X2.6ce, after you install it in xbox, turn xbox on it will ask to update bios. Then insert the bios CD, it will flash bios for the modchip.

    Yes you have to make a bios CD.

    Which version is your xbox?
  14. riot88

    riot88 Member

    Feb 19, 2007
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    im not sure wich version i have i gota go get the torx drivers again and take the cd and HDD drive out to and check the motherboard
  15. skydroz

    skydroz Guest

    Hello Everybody I am new to this forum :D

    I have a big problem :S I took the xbox of my friend to repair it . And there is the microsoft logo when I boot it ... And then it goes on the MS dashboard but it is very very slow and once everything is loaded , the menue go normally . And When i click on memory or xbox live , or options , it says error 21 :S So i tried to do hotswap . I think it work but I can only see partition 0 , partition 1 and partition 3 ..... I changed all the C: files to make work well ms dashboard . But now it is like before :S The same slow dashboard . :S

    Why i dont have the partition 3? It mean that I have no E: ? :S Could it be my motherboard the problem ?

    I cant play any games :S I thought that it was slow because my CPU was too hot hehe :p

    Now i dont know what to do :S

    If somebody can help me I will be very happy :D

    I will wait for your help :D Thank you very much :D
  16. riot88

    riot88 Member

    Feb 19, 2007
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    when i do figure out what version i got were do i download the bios for itso i can put it on a cd
  17. skydroz

    skydroz Guest

    HA sorry and I forgot to say that my xbox have his original harrd drive .. No mod chip and no softmod ^^

    Thanks :D
  18. TheReturn

    TheReturn Guest

    1) Determine your Xbox version

    tell me your xbox version then I will tell you which bios you should get and where to get it.

    your xbox may have more than one problem.
    -HDD crash

    -so fix your CPU first. GO buy the Silver heatsink Compound. Turn on xbox and wait for the heatsink on CPU and GPU getting little hot. Turn off xbox. then remove the heatsink on both. Clean them up with alcohol and clean the chips too. then apply Silver heatsink compound on them. Then put them back. Turn on xbox. you should see CPU is getting cooler.

    -the HDD is dying. it is missing partition 2 and 4. So you dont have E drive. you need to reformat the hdd. So you have to use xboxhdm trick in hotswap inoder to reformat the hdd. Go ahead to make a boot disk. and test the boot disk. DO NOT DO ANYTHING TO XBOX YET.

    -Do you know how to do softmod? or Can you borrow a modchip? You need to backup eeprom. otherwise, you will need modchip to fix your xbox.
  19. skydroz

    skydroz Guest

    Thank a lots for your good help " THE RETURN " ^^

    ME too I just think that my Hd have crashed and lost partitions . But I am sure if I format all it can work well after :D I put the gray stuff under the two cpu :p Only the small CPU was super hot that I could only touch it for like 6 second lol . So I put that on the two cpu :p But no alcohol :S And now I have no more gray stuff :S

    I know a little bit how work xboxhdm . And I already have it on a disk :D So I hotswap the harddrive and put it in Primary Master and my dvdRom on Secondary Master . Once formatted , I Created the partition with my cd ... I already have the C: and E: partition with the softmode files in the cd :D And when it will be soft moded , I will transfert eeprom files by ftp and I will be safe :D

    It look easy to do but I hope that my xbox dashboard was slow because of the hd . I read that xbox dashboard can be slow if there is more Cache files or something like that :p I just hope that xboxhdm will detect my hard drive :| If my Cpu become too hot i could make the fan more powerfull with unleash :D

    I dont want modChip :p I will wait for your reply before touching anything :p

    Thank you very much The Return :p :p :p :p
  20. TheReturn

    TheReturn Guest

    You know about xboxhdm. In this case, you dont use eeprom to lock or unlock hdd.

    Just make sure that you succesfully do hotswap everytime. When you use xboxhdm trick in hotswap, never try to lock or unlock hdd. This causes major failure and only modchip can fix it.

    -Put the Boot disk inside CD/DVD drive.
    -with pc and xbox are off. Do hotswap like you did hotswap with explorer360, but this time you connect xbox's hdd to Primary IDE cable where the PC's hdd is.
    -Turn on PC, it should load the disk. Then you can reformat the hdd and copy files to C and E drive.

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