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Hotswap Can Fix Xbox With Error 13, 14, 16, 20 And 21, can reinstate Xbox's HDD To Factory Condition, can also Install/Reinstall Softmod Files. Al...

Discussion in 'Xbox - Hardware boot discussion' started by TheReturn, Apr 19, 2006.

  1. Jinx2011

    Jinx2011 Guest

    ok thx sometimes it plays games and sometimes it dont.
  2. cottenn

    cottenn Guest

    Well then your xbox is retarded :p
  3. TheReturn

    TheReturn Guest

    If you still the save game and linux file on xbox's HDD, try to load the game, that you used to softmod, and access the linux file and reinstall softmod.
  4. cottenn

    cottenn Guest

    hey bro this may sound a little weird but i was waiting for a HD upgrade post and i just went on by my self and i popped in a un touched 80 gb drive then i didnt know but the slayer disc was in there then i when to full rebuild (upgraded HDD) and now i have it and i just locked it and every things a go!!! :)
  5. TheReturn

    TheReturn Guest

    well since you have modchip, upgrade hdd is very easy. YOU dont need to lock the hdd either.
  6. cottenn

    cottenn Guest

    oh awsome heheh ^.^
  7. xchasmx

    xchasmx Member

    Feb 6, 2007
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    ok so one day i accidentally deleted the SID file from my xbox. i now get error 21. i looked everywhere for a solution on how to fix it and i found a few good places. this is one of them. i dont want to do anything until i know exactly what im doing and can do it in my sleep. i know what a hotswap is but im not exactly sure how to do it.

    how do i connect my xboxs harddrive to my pc's? i know i have to connect to one of the ide cables but i dont know which one and i really dont wanna mess up my computer trying to figure it out myself.

    im pretty sure i understand the rest of it. i downloaded a ms dash and have all the files. i have xplorer360. is there anything else i need. if im missing anything tell me. if you need to know anything else to help me just ask. i really wanna fix this thing so any help at all is greatly apprecieted.
  8. cottenn

    cottenn Guest

    1. TheReturn is awsome at hotswap he helps alot ^.^

    2. or come to me if you want to buy a mod chip (fixes xbox 100%)

    3. or if your xbox can still read a disc pop is a slayer disc and try to do a full rebuild ^.^ works everytime :D
  9. TheReturn

    TheReturn Guest

    download mhackxbox.rar too

    I just make sure that you know what is the primary and secondary ide cable. When do hotswap, PC works as normal. If it's slowing down, check your connections.

    There are 2 ide cable on PC. PC's hdd connects to primary ide cable. This is what you see on PC right now. Leave the primary ide cable alone.

    The other ide cable must be secondary. Remove all DVD drives on this cable. Xbox's hdd will connect there.

    Then you are ready to do hotswap.
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 27, 2007
  10. xchasmx

    xchasmx Member

    Feb 6, 2007
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    ok thanks. i get it now.

    what is mhackxbox.rar for?
  11. TheReturn

    TheReturn Guest

    mhackxbox is complete softmod file. In the mhackxbox.rar you have 2 folders: partition 3 and partition 4.

    when you get xplorer360 to read xbox hdd, you will see partition 0-4. Backup and clean up the xbox's hdd. Then copy everything inside paritition 3 folder of mhackxbox to partition 3 on xbox's hdd. Copy everything inside paritition 4 folder of mhackxbox to partition 4 on xbox's hdd.

    Connect xbox's hdd back to xbox and reboot. YOUr xbox is softmoded now.
  12. xchasmx

    xchasmx Member

    Feb 6, 2007
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    o i forgot to say it but i wanted to return it to normal. sorry for the mixup. i already have the file ms-c. is that what i use to restore it.
  13. danser01

    danser01 Member

    Dec 26, 2005
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    Thanks Return.

    Followed your guide word for word and brought my box back to life from F.R.A.G after I had tried everything else (AID 3.0 etc).

    I managed to get error codes 13, 14 and 21 by messing up Softmod using Deluxe 3 and Splinter Cell.

    And to everyone else who has similar problems - read post from beginning, I notice that 90% of the thread is Return repeating himself!

    Infact, this was probably the most easiest way, now off to attempt Softmod using mhackxbox.

  14. TheReturn

    TheReturn Guest

    yep it is for msdash. Read the instruction how to Restore MSdash on the tut

    good job
    mhackxbox will fix your problem.

    Yep, I have to repeat myself for everyone. The hard part is to get xplorer360 to read the xbox's hdd.
  15. Jinx2011

    Jinx2011 Guest

    hey thereturn i would like to know is there a way to avoid the hotswap
    if my xbox cant read game i get errors 13 16 and 21(sucks)

    also how do u become better the a noob
  16. TheReturn

    TheReturn Guest

    since your xbox can't read games, you have to do hotswap or borrow a modchip. Unless you have an original backup eeprom. Then you can build a new hdd for xbox.

    Read my second post on the first page. There is a link to show you how to backup eeprom from a dead xbox.

    There is no otherway to get into xbox's hdd safely.
  17. UncleNick

    UncleNick Member

    Mar 28, 2007
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    Hello people! I've got a v1.6 Xbox which was recently soft-modded, then UNsoft-modded thanks to the C and E sections of the hard drive being completely wiped out/deleted! I didn't make any backups whatsoever. If I'm not mistaken, this means I have no dashboard and no EEPROM backup. It still plays original/retail games and lets me save on them, but whenever I try to power it on with no disc in the drive or access the MS Dashboard I get the service screen with a number 14 (dashboard error?) or 16 in the corner. There is also NO Microsoft logo under the Xbox logo - it goes straight to the service screen. Finding this tutorial has given me hope that I can fix the damn thing without shelling out $50 or more for a repair job, but I'm no expert in dealing with computer hardware. Since the HOTSWAP method deals with open PC & Xbox cases and requires switching the IDE/HDD cables to and from the two, are there any chances of electrical shock/harm? I know it's probably a stupid question to ask, but I'm just trying to be better safe than sorry (or worse)! Thanks for listening and even more thanks for helping!
    Last edited: Mar 28, 2007
  18. TheReturn

    TheReturn Guest

    hotswap is your only way to save money
  19. UncleNick

    UncleNick Member

    Mar 28, 2007
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    I don't mind doing the Hotswap method to save my Xbox & save money...I guess I'm just looking for some assurance from whoever has performed it successfully that there's little to no risk of getting electrical shock/harm done to me during the process...

    A little update on my Xbox - As of now it doesn't play any games (original OR backup) and now the number on the service screen has changed from a 14 to a 16. Can these problems still be fixed with hotswap? Thanks!
    Last edited: Mar 29, 2007
  20. TheReturn

    TheReturn Guest

    do you build PC at home? You can ask your friend if you dont know. There is no electrical shots or harm. So you are safe for sure. Hotswap will not hurt your PC and your xbox.

    for Hotswap, you need to understand PC. with error 16 you still can do hotswap.

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