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Hottest Girl

Discussion in 'Safety valve' started by solargame, Jun 17, 2005.

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  1. solargame

    solargame Regular member

    Apr 10, 2005
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    i remember his thread titled "is paris hilton good looking?"
    Last edited: Jul 13, 2005
  2. ddp

    ddp Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 15, 2004
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    1 of many. do a search & you'll see how many in safety valve compared to other foums
  3. bbmayo

    bbmayo Active member

    Oct 31, 2004
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    Thats wierd I didn't think posts in the safety valve counted towards your post count.. Yeah that shouldnt be.

    You know what I see a lot more and more lately is echo's.. What I mean is someone will post the same exact answer that someone else has already posted in the same thread.. What's that all about?

    My 2 pennies :)
    Last edited: Jul 13, 2005
  4. darthnip

    darthnip Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 9, 2003
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    sadly, thats not going to happen. I guess it would be a whole heap of work to make it where the safety valve dont count. It used ot be that the safety valve was simply a place to blow off steam, or put a comment that didn't fit into another forum. Lately it has become a mess of useless crap and people just start silly thread there for no reason. It does not help that other people come along and reply to these threads and keep them going. It really takes away from the reason we are all here in the first place, to help others and get help when we need it. i'm just as guilty of this as anyone, but thats going to change now. I encourage anyone to boycott any threads that have no value at all. Yeha we all like to look at hot chics, etc, but is this crap really needed? There is a fine line here on what can be done and it's going to take the help of all the "quality" people we have to make this work. I cant just run in a close any thread that I think is silly, since this is the safety valve and a place where people can do what they like so to speak, so me closing a thread based on my opinion of it would be a bit silly of me. So it's really going to take the lack of response from others to make this mess go away on it's own. All it took was a couple of people to start making useless threads, and now look at what we've got. I think the same thing will work in the reverse. Stop replying to pointless threads and they will eventually go away. I doesn't matter how many mods we have, or how many people get banned, it really takes the unity of the members to fix anything like this. Then hopefully people will get back to helping others instead of turning this great site into just another crappy chat forum. And the ones that start silly threads will eventually stop because no one will be adding to their mess.
  5. ddp

    ddp Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 15, 2004
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    ignore them & they might go away
  6. aabbccdd

    aabbccdd Guest

    Yeah i said that a few weeks ago ,get rid of the saftly value thats where the flame wars are at anyway . like rap ,poltics thats the stuff that get people mad. sorry about the pic. if anyone wants to see the last pic i posted of Adriana let me know and i can PM you with it it was very good as are all her pics
  7. solargame

    solargame Regular member

    Apr 10, 2005
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    dude, shes not that hot, calm down and keep it in your pants.
  8. bbmayo

    bbmayo Active member

    Oct 31, 2004
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    @ dartnip,

    I agree with you, and you are right some of these threads seem to get out of hand sometimes. Take this one for instance why do people insist on showing the same girl they think is the hottest 100 times? Could it be to get a higher post count? I do like the safety valve though and to just do away with it would be ashame because I have actually made a lot of friends and had some fun in the safety valve. You know what they say about all work and no play.. :) To make the sight just strictly all work would be boring and I wouldn't have had the pleasure of meeting and getting to know a lot of you guys and gals here. :) We all just need to be a little more responsible about what we respond to I guess. I know I am guilty of posting some crap sometimes, but it is only to try and spread a little joy :) It was never to get any post counts again I didn't think you received post counts in safety valve anyway I guess I was wrong about that one ;-) Maybe dRD should just do away with title's all together that would solve everything and you wouldn't have any of these useless posts. People here are generally smart and they whould know who is giving the right kind of advice or not so the titles wouldn't really matter. Whats the use of the titles anyway? Status? Your in the wrong place if you think status here is going to get you anything..

    Well that was 2 more of my pennies.... :)

    Cheers all
  9. kivory666

    kivory666 Regular member

    Jan 29, 2005
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    i for one agree with you 100%, this will be MY LAST POST here in the safety valve as my contribution to your "boycott"...i wish others would see how these useless posts can really bring down AD, this is NOT what this website should be about...just another chat forum~

    anyways, i am not going to "fuel the fire" any longer so to speak, this being my last post here in the safety valve, to all a good day, i'll be in my "usual forum" for the most part now...dvd media :)

    i hope others will see and read the validity of your statement darthnip, i know i'm just a drop in the bucket, but i hope this is a good start and others will follow~
  10. aabbccdd

    aabbccdd Guest

    yes doing away with the titles would be a good idea like drp says i hate titles in his nick
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 13, 2005
  11. darthnip

    darthnip Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 9, 2003
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    doing away with anything would not solve the problem. If you break a fan belt on your car, you dont go and buy a new car right, no you fix the problem. Things around here just need a little fixing up, thats all. The saftey valve serves a good purpose, and it can continue to do so. But if one person makes a silly thread like "who likes rap" (just an example) and 200 people respond to it, that means the poor bastard needing help in DVD ripping is just sitting there waiting on a reply that he wont get because everyone is too busy discussing who likes eminem! well my opinion on "who likes rap" is, "who the hell cares!" on the first page of the saftey valve right now i'd say at least 1/2 of the threads are totally pointless. I mean who really gives a crap if you saw family guy today?? and no i'm not singling anyone out, i dont even know who made that thread and i dont care, it's the point. what all these people need to do is come to our IRC channel, or even make your own IRC channel, then you could talk about any damn thing you wanted to all day long and no one would give a damn at all. hell you can make channels for all your topics, you could have #hot_chics, #rappers_delight, #family_guy_rules, etc, etc (or even #etc).
    People just need to use a little descretion and put some thought into it before they find themselves sitting there thinking "hmm, what could i make a thread about today?" and if they dont, then the other members that enjoy this site should pick up the ball and refuse to add to the mindless clutter.
    and like i said before, these are just my opinions and suggestions for the ones that do love it here. They are not rules to follow or anything even close. The safety valve is a place where people can more or less cut loose from the rules of having to stick with a certain forum topic, i just hate to see it turned into a mindless mess of stuff that no one gives a crap about. So every can feel free to do what they think they need to do, and i will continue to ban people accordingly. just keep in mind that some of the opinionated threads tend to drag in people that purposely disrupt the topic, like coming into a rap thread just to say rap sucks, then the flaming starts. well starting today as far as i'm concerned it doesn't matter who starts it, if you're trash talking others back and forth, everyone involved gets the boot. i've sat back and kept my mouth shut long enough and i will not sit on my ass any more while this great site goes to hell in a bucket. I encourage all members not to run and and play hero and yell at people for doing stupid things, as it only adds to the mess, just use the "report offensive post" feature or PM a mod and we'll deal with it. But for christs sake, have fun people!! too much bitching has been going on lately, we will all get along or we wont be here, period.
    that is all, carry on :)
  12. solargame

    solargame Regular member

    Apr 10, 2005
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    maybe the reason dRD has titles is maybe becuase almost every other forum site has titles, not having them would just be wierd.
  13. ddp

    ddp Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 15, 2004
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    not all sites have titles as i've seen some with post counts & 1 without a title at all
  14. solargame

    solargame Regular member

    Apr 10, 2005
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    wow, this thread has gone really off topic, but everyone gets to get stuff off there chests, and well it is the safety vavle.
  15. darthnip

    darthnip Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 9, 2003
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    Solargame - I have been instructed to yell at your for totally pointless posting. dRD is getting very annoyed that every thread he gets in on you reply with "thanks dRD" or "yeah same here" or whatever. please please PLEASE stop replying to threads unless you have something valid to say.
    and I'm saying the exact same thing to ALL members, not just solargame (he was one that just happened to annoy the boss, haha). we dont want to ban anyone, EVER (except the ipod people, it makes my day to ban those idiots), we want eveyone here to get along and be a big ass 300,000+ member family. but for right now, please ease up on the pointless replies. dRD just surprized me and said he'd look into making the saftey valve and "all other topics" not count towards post count, but for now it does so we've been instructed to just delete the post if it makes no sense, and if it's deleted it does not count towards your total, so at least thats a start.

    solargame - dont take offense to any of this, lots of people love it here and just like to be in on everything, and there's nothing wrong with that. just try to make that energy count for something valid instead of just "echoing" other posts. when they make it were the saftey valve dont count, then you can feel free to "yeah me too" any damn thread you want ;)
    or come and talk in our IRC channel, just stop begging for voice or ops, you'll never get it that way.
  16. solargame

    solargame Regular member

    Apr 10, 2005
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    srry, darthnip, i never knew that was the case.
  17. darthnip

    darthnip Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 9, 2003
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    yeah, it's no biggie really, just tone it down a bit. and thanks for taking it with grace and stride, most people tend to react with "hey f*&k you bast**d piece of sh*t mofo" of something to that effect. then of course i just ban them and now there of no help to anyone. it's happened to good people too, it's a damn shame.
  18. flip218

    flip218 Moderator Staff Member

    Apr 25, 2004
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    so everybody can still enjoy this thread.

    Post links only!!! Put a name and post the link to the pic.
  19. bbmayo

    bbmayo Active member

    Oct 31, 2004
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    @ Flip

    Can I have a link to your picture? I wanna put your name in here but I need a link... LOL :)
  20. flip218

    flip218 Moderator Staff Member

    Apr 25, 2004
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    Nooooo bbmayo ;)
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