I know I sound like everyone else when I say this but... I want to be able to play NES/SNES games on my Gamecube, mainly Super Mario 1 2 3. My GC is highly modified physically so I can't do a mod chip and I can't find Action Replay anywhere. My thing would have to be some kind of emu on a disc with the roms, or something. I'm not good at all with software, so if someone could help me with as many details as possible including the type of mini-DVDs; I don't want to mess up too much as the DVDs can start to add up. Thanks for any info. If I can get this part working, my GC will be all set!
There are tools which converts snes roms to DOL files, but you still need a method to start this dol. If you make a selfbootable disk you can imho start one dol, but i may be wrong. So this dol has to be a menu with dvd filesystem access.
www.codejunkies.com get the gamecube media launcher 19.99 then look up SD media launcher Softmod here on afterdawn and it will have whole tutorial