how can you make your own runescape servers? **NO EMAIL ADDRESSES OR INSTANT BANNING**

Discussion in 'Windows - Games' started by glitchzoo, Jun 8, 2006.

  1. rsownzu

    rsownzu Member

    Feb 22, 2007
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    ugh this is really annoying i finally have everything downloaded i copied everything but it says the size is 1.40 not 1.45 and it wont let me compile it says
    C:\j2sdk1.4.2_13\bin>javac *.java
    Note: uses or overrides a deprecated API.
    Note: Recompile with -deprecation for details.

    Press any key to continue . . .
  2. Vicious88

    Vicious88 Regular member

    Jan 25, 2007
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    Wow. I'd love to help you but your the only one I've ever heard of get that error. I don't really know what to make of it.
  3. Bass5

    Bass5 Member

    Feb 28, 2007
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    I downloaded the J2SE v1.4.2_13 SDK with NETBEANS 5.0 bundle.
    Then opend it and all it gave me was a grey window with the title
    Warning-security. How do i fix that.
  4. trivion1

    trivion1 Member

    Mar 6, 2007
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    how do i compile.bat?
  5. trivion1

    trivion1 Member

    Mar 6, 2007
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    how did you compile.bat?
  6. Vicious88

    Vicious88 Regular member

    Jan 25, 2007
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    The only reasons it would give you that is if your computer is not capable of running it, or your computer is too lagged out. I don't know the system specs, but Windows XP and 512 MBs of RAM will run the install really nicely (as demonstrated on one of the junk computers in my closet). If you can upgrade your system I recommend doing so.

    If you feel like you are as up-to-date as you need to be, then try making sure that your ram is being utilized properly. Start by clearing your Internet Cache. This can be done by going to the Control Panel, then to Internet options, and on the choosing to "Delete files" while making sure that the "offline files" check box is checked. That will free up space on your computer from temporary internet files. If it still does not run, try closing out any and all programs that use a high memory demand such as Bearshare, Yahoo IM, AIM, ect.
  7. Neobreak

    Neobreak Guest

    erm i dried this and it works but
    at the Runescape login Window i wrote into server and there
    is only an information error conection to server
    waht should i do???
  8. LeeGree

    LeeGree Member

    Mar 11, 2007
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    Dangit, I get the same error as rsownzu, the "Note: uses or overrides a deprecated API.
    Note: Recompile with -Xlint:deprecation for details." thing...

    This is really annoying, I spent almost all morning trying to get my private server working -_-...
  9. nckspec

    nckspec Regular member

    Jun 24, 2006
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    Go to moparscape because moparscape automatically installs and mopar scape has better private servers. And unlike this kind of private server moparscape actually has pking in the wilderness. Trust me moparscape is a lot better. Here are the links:

    play on the website:

    Trust me
    I was running a private server in 5 minutesd with moparscape
    And it is a the best private server program around
    Its both client and server
    Last edited: May 16, 2007
  10. jaybi4000

    jaybi4000 Guest

    hi i have found compile but when i double click it nothing happens

  11. nckspec

    nckspec Regular member

    Jun 24, 2006
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    Why don't you guys listen to me because I can make your life a whole lot better if u just listen to what i told u:

    Go to moparscape because moparscape automatically installs and mopar scape has better private servers. And unlike this kind of private server moparscape actually has pking in the wilderness. Trust me moparscape is a lot better. Here are the links:

    play on the website:

    Trust me
    I was running a private server in 5 minutesd with moparscape
    And it is a the best private server program around
    Its both client and server
    Last edited: May 16, 2007
  12. Akonrocks

    Akonrocks Member

    Mar 14, 2007
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    how come when i created a server i had no monsters or anything its boring
  13. Vicious88

    Vicious88 Regular member

    Jan 25, 2007
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    I covered all that in the tutorial, Akonrocks. I said this is just a base server, no monsters, lots of glitches. This is designed for YOU to go in and make it the way you want. Its not a perfect RuneScape Replica. On that note, there is NO perfect replica of RuneScape and there is not likely going to be one. Every server has glitches, broken doors, spells that don't work, ect. But I suppose in the end that's life. So if you're looking for something close to RuneScape, I'll refer you to a neat website which will look so much like RuneScape it will blow your mind: (Its like a perfect clone! lol)

    Again: This server is NOT a working replica of RuneScape, but rather a base replica for the basic world. There are no monsters, NPCs, or working doors. The sole purpose of this server is to serve as a scripting server. It allows programers who want to host a game within the confines of the RuneScape Game-Engine (which, yes, is still Java based, even in the replica) to program their own game. The Scripting is fairly easy, and there are tutorials available via a good google search (perhapes "BlakeScape Script Tutorials" would be a good thing to search for).
  14. creamnom

    creamnom Guest

    I really have no idea how people cant get it to work, just follow the instructions and it will work fine.
  15. Vicious88

    Vicious88 Regular member

    Jan 25, 2007
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    Wow. Thank you, creamnom. You are now my favorite person on these forums.
  16. Maxsayo

    Maxsayo Guest

    Ok i wasnt a member till i ran across this, i noticed the hoplessly lost people and i realized, ctl+f works swell if your looking for somthing i particular such as oh lets say, compile and it looks for everything related to the word on that page, works well with others, and see if you find a reply that will help you out.
    Ok to be on subject, vicious88 you had us download a client program but didnt say anything beyond download it, where would this file be put after its downloaded? if you do know the answer i would love a reply. thanks
  17. Vicious88

    Vicious88 Regular member

    Jan 25, 2007
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    Well, not to be snippy but I believe I said you should extract it within a folder called "RuneScape Stuff" (created earlier in tutorial), and then have an shortcut sent to the desktop.
    Really it doesn't matter where you put your client. You can store it all in the My Documents folder if you'd like. Just as long as it is somewhere you can find it once you're ready to play. You'll need the client to log into your RuneScape server once the RUN.BAT is initiated.
    I hope that clears up some of the confusion. If it doesn't make sure to respond and let me know.
  18. Maxsayo

    Maxsayo Guest

    well i guess i should clear up what i am saying then, i see that i have it in my file and such, but it isnt really being used, so i ask; how do i use the client stuff so what i really mean is what do we do with it once we have it in the runescape stuff file, it has data such as jingle0-4 but its not being used within the program which we use to play the runescape private server. Simplified Version: i got the stuff in that file what do i do with it now that its in the client folder in my runescape stuff folder.
  19. Vicious88

    Vicious88 Regular member

    Jan 25, 2007
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    Oh, okay. Thank you, much clearer.

    The Client download is whats known as a general client. This means that it can be used with the many different private RS Servers, no matter if their moparscape, blakescape, or anything in between. As far as using it goes, you need to use it in order to log into a private server (and if your not using MoparScape (the guide I wrote was for blakescape) you'll need to use it to log into your own). As far as the extra files included with the client (such as the jingle stuff), those are for use with other server-side programs such as moparscape. Other servers may be able to play music and sounds, while as blakescape can't because it is a very basic starting server.

    The whole purpose of the client is so that you can log into your server and play, OR send the client to someone else so they can log in and play. For example, when my server was up on my desktop (which is temporarily down because I'm changing out a lot of hardware) you could have logged in and played on my server by typing in a username of your choice, and in the server field typing in "" then clicking log in.

    If your wanting to use the client to log in to your own server, just type either "localhost" or "" into the server field. But if you want an IP like mine ( or you'll need to go to and sign up for their free service and download. The program provided is known as a DUC (Dynamic Update Client) which will keep track of your costantly changing IP address and forward everyone who goes to, oh lets say "" to your runescape server. Don't worry, this does not lower your computer's internet security. If it did, I wouldn't mess with it.

    All and all though, what I really recommend is downloading a trial of HexEditor and a copy of Visual Basic 6. With HexEditor you can crack open the server and client programs to see how they are written and use them to program your own. MY GOAL: Create my own fully functional server program using Visual Basic 6 and Java, then create an applet that will run through internet explorer and only allow log-ins from people who have created an account already. Once all that is well and done, I'll get my desktop back up and running, re-build my website ( and launch the first NO-DOWNLOAD-NEEDED (play-from-site) Private RS server.

    So, in summary. The Client is just an accessing tool for the many various RS servers. You can go to to find private server listings and log in to them at your will. Note though that most servers are being run on home computers using DSL or Cable and that means that after about 25 people log in things start getting really choppy.
  20. runeman17

    runeman17 Member

    Mar 18, 2007
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    is ther any othe quicker wya to do it ? pm me if there is

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