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How did these Blockbuster guys know?

Discussion in 'Safety valve' started by pu1po, Mar 4, 2005.

  1. bbmayo

    bbmayo Active member

    Oct 31, 2004
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  2. megabyte2

    megabyte2 Guest

    SADSAC, I know my rights and what and what I cannot get away with. The way you beat microsoft is to make it expensive for them to win. Remember when microsoft got sued by "stacker electronics"? For those of you who dont remember stacker was a compression company that allowed you to compress your hard drive and make it twice as big well microsoft made a product called "double space" which was found to use stackers own software code stacker lost (stacker was paid a small amount of money to go away 5 million I believe pennies) because they couldnt fight microsoft in court much like napster and 321 studios couldnt fight the RIAA. What all these companies did wrong was they failed to realize who they were fighting they werent fighting microsoft or the RIAA they needed to fight public opinion like the politicians do. If you can get a family in iowa on your side it doesnt matter if you have killed your wife in brentwood ala OJ simpson your going free. I would love to be sued by RIAA only one problem I dont download music or movies so there ends my get rich quick scenario. But hey the dream lives on. The RIAA is so stupid someday they are going to make a mistake with their shotgun lawsuit approach and its going to bite them in the butt soon. Its only a matter of time before they ruin someone church going non computer using grandma of a senator and its over for Hollywood and the RIAA. I do know for a fact that if you have been caught downloading by the RIAA you can get out of it by using your congressman I know rich kids who have used this approach and it worked. This congessional approach also works with ebay if you have ever been banned. Keep your congressman close and your life will be very happy.
  3. venomX05

    venomX05 Regular member

    Jan 18, 2005
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    Screw that, I ain't trying to hang with my congressman...he isn't as cool as me...LOL!


    You have a pretty good point there, megabyte 2.

    I just have one quick question, and don't take this the wrong way...but if you said:

    Not that we are trying to get rich or anything.

    What do you come to AD for? Just curious.
    Last edited: Mar 17, 2005
  4. megabyte2

    megabyte2 Guest

    My whole point is if your all the time worried about what the RIAA or anyone does your going to miss your whole life. Just because someone sues you its not the end of your life. Anyone can be sued for anything and im saying dont take it up the butt and settle fight back! Then lawsuits for rediculous reasons will stop or at least lesson. I beat Microsoft and have the paperwork to prove it I already slayed my golith once in my lifetime. I once asked my lawyer (who I believe is a god) a question about whether or not it would be legal to rip a song off a CD you own. He said yes! as long as you didnt play it twice in your house at the same exact time. So if you rip movies to your laptop from movies you own to use on the road its legal. Now what happens if customs searches (at the airport) and sees your movies and says you pirated them but you can prove you own the original would you be quilty of anything? According to my lawyer NO! this is the lawsuit I pray will come to me! I have store bought movies and CD's but use shrink and mp3 rippers all the time to make copies for my travel purposes. According to the law that allows you to make backup archival copies for your own use only you can do what im doing legally. All I need is Milt the TSA inspector to impound my laptop and detain me, then I call my lawyer and congressman and the money should start rolling in. I will also need to start a website to save megabyte from the greedy movie studios with donations. Heck lets start with the donations right now. Just a thought what band named their album "steal this album"? does that mean they are allowing downloads of their album? Could be a defense for RIAA lawsuits. For the life of me I cannot remember the group.
  5. spacedust

    spacedust Regular member

    Jan 31, 2005
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    SADSACK posts this. Just look in your "application data" file for DVD Shrink if you use it. There's a list of encryption keys kept there. These are then downloaded every time you log onto the interne(REALLY). Well I guess this guy has never heard of a firewall JEEZ. Why would you let any program you use to burn a disk access the internet get a grip man. Im not talking abought Microsoft XP crappy firewall either it blocks nothing going out only incoming. I use shrink everyday the file your talking abougt does not exist. Either way I controll everything in and out of my BOX.
  6. sadsac

    sadsac Guest


    You actually looked on your hard drive? I must have been blowing some serious smoke up your ass! Dude, YOU need to get a grip and figure out when people here are being.......well......sarcastic!

    And for your info, that folder does exist. I'm not kidding about this. I'm sure it's not sent on the internet, but THERE IS A FOLDER STORING ENCRYPTION KEYS FOR DVD SHRINK!!!

    Maybe you didn't look hard enough. Your assignment for the next week is to go through each and every file on your hard drive and name them on your very own thread. You can call your thread "I'm gullible, here's my hard drive file list!"

    And if you're female, I hope you control what goes in and out of your BOX. LOL
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 20, 2005
  7. venomX05

    venomX05 Regular member

    Jan 18, 2005
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    LOL! Now that was a funny comment....

  8. spacedust

    spacedust Regular member

    Jan 31, 2005
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    Now thats informative (Member). Thanks for the advice, now that constructive post.
  9. arniebear

    arniebear Active member

    Jan 2, 2005
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    I just wanted to post on a friend's experience. They belong to the mail rental and just recieved the movie Weekend at Bernie's which was a copy. Not only was it a copy but it was on a crappy CompUSA disk. Needless to say this person reported that they received the copy so that they would not get in trouble. Moral to all this is if you do not want Blockbuster to know what you are up to do not mail them back your copy :~)
  10. aabbccdd

    aabbccdd Guest

    LOL guys this pu1po guy is yanking our chain .no way blockbuster or any other video store would do that . He probably works for the MPAA and is collecting IP addys from people admiting they copy rentals.So we arent taking the bait buddy.

    I have a good question:

    How many movies (DVDS) are sold a year compared to:

    How many blank DVDS are sold a year?

    If you can only backup the movies you own then the amount of movies sold should be about the same amount of blank DVDS sold.

    something to think about, so wonder what the numbers are?
  11. nownthen

    nownthen Regular member

    Nov 14, 2004
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    Can't you do other things with dvd like store information and pictures and stuff.? Dvd aren't just used for copying movies so your calculation is a little off.
  12. megabyte2

    megabyte2 Guest

    I donno about the ratio of blanks to original movies but I like others use blanks to back up my hard drive (windows files etc)
  13. evilh0ly

    evilh0ly Regular member

    Jun 23, 2005
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    actually i used to work at blockbuster. i know i'll never ask any customer about what they did to the dvds.

    rule's number 1, customer is always right.

  14. arniebear

    arniebear Active member

    Jan 2, 2005
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    But as in the case of my friend who received a copy instead of the original movie, wouldn't BB wonder where their movie was, and then charge the person for the movie :~)
  15. megabyte2

    megabyte2 Guest

    Anyone who returns a copy instead of the movie is shoplifting and/or just plain stupid either way they should be taken away and not be allowed to use a computer.
  16. kenneth1

    kenneth1 Regular member

    Dec 27, 2003
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    Maybe BB has a burning trace chip inplanted in to the dvd
  17. pulsar

    pulsar Active member

    Dec 31, 2003
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    Do we really have to go to this immensely stupid direction & the infamous "chip" fallacy? discussion?
  18. aabbccdd

    aabbccdd Guest

    NO lets PLEASE don't
  19. Doggy_Bot

    Doggy_Bot Guest

    Me and my bro always burn DVD's and no one never knows??? Don't know how you got caught???
  20. kenneth1

    kenneth1 Regular member

    Dec 27, 2003
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    Sorry everybody I was trying to make a joke

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