How do I burn xbox & ps2 games with alcohol 120 % or nero

Discussion in 'Xbox - Backup discussion' started by pkizzz, Sep 6, 2004.

  1. moniflo

    moniflo Member

    Feb 24, 2006
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    hi everybody can some body please give me a step by step way to burn xbox games on a dvd-r, i have an xcuter2 mod chip whatever that means?? and im not very computer litterate so if u dumbed it down a bit i would apprecaite it thanks....
  2. jovan123

    jovan123 Member

    Feb 24, 2006
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    All you have to do is put halo 2 in your xbox with evox. Go to your FTP client and download every thing in the D:/ to your computer. Then in the new folder delete all the old map files and then rename the folder to Halo 2 and put into your E:/ under GAMES and then viola you have Halo 2 on your Harddrive.

    Note: Make sure not to delete any of the .xbe files. Halo 2 should now be under 1GB and playable on your xbox harddrive.
  3. moniflo

    moniflo Member

    Feb 24, 2006
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    may be a dumb question but how do u ftp your xbox to your desktop????
  4. smigs

    smigs Guest

    What do you mean ftp to your desktop do you mean ftp to your computer and you have to get RJ45 cable and ownload Flash FXP
  5. xmoder

    xmoder Member

    Feb 27, 2006
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    Hi ervyone, see, i got a burnt xbox game from my friend-very good friend- and he burned it onto a dvd+r and the problem is the game sometimes and sometimes dosnt work. On splinter choas thoery after a while the sound stops working and then it freezez. on midnight club 3 dub-edition i copied it onto dvd- r and it works! but after when i want to buy car it says it dirty or damaged-i used nero-help me what do i do!
  6. lilperez

    lilperez Guest

    I saw somone who said that they wasted thier money on mod chips, not me. Mine always works except when i use for example game-cloner (game-cloner is $34.95 or 30 times free) to make my ps2 games and then i use dvd decrypter then ill have to reset the console 1 or 2 times.

    P.S If anoybody has a website to get any
    ps2 game coping programs or happen to know
    any, PLEAZ tell me.
  7. carter40

    carter40 Guest

    hi every can sum 1 tell me what sort of softwear i need for copyin games or films on to a disc like dvd-r or a cd-r 80min/700mb so i can play the games on my xp afterwards if there is a step by step way of doig throw nero oem suite the game as 4 disc i wuld like copy it 2 disc and play on my pc anytime it wuld b very great if sum1culd help thank u 4 readin this
  8. rccland

    rccland Member

    Jan 10, 2006
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    i got bunch of xbox games backed up on my Computer, now i m running out of space on my PC so i wanted to put those games on a DVD-R, i just created an iso image using MAGICISO of the entire game folder and burned it using NERO on a BULKPAQ DVD-R 4x. it burned perfectly i compared the burned files to those in the original folder on my computer and they were exact, now when i put it in my xbox drive it wont run directly, i mean when i turn on the xbox and put the burned disc in it should run the game right, but it wont. then i copied the contents of that disc onto my xbox to see if the files were burned correctly, and sure enough once i copied the files from the burned DVD-R to my xbox the game worked, so my questions is what did i do wrong, i want to burn the game such that it will run directly from the dvd when the xbox starts.
  9. gfresh

    gfresh Guest

    i get a simliar problem, but since i have a softmod i figured i have to wait a few seconds and i cant put it directly, then, once my background music kicks in, and close the disc it works
    wierd i know
  10. trogador

    trogador Member

    Mar 12, 2006
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    hey i made a rpg game on my computer and i was wondering how i could make it work on my xbox. can any1 help.
  11. wentar

    wentar Guest

    hey im kind of new to thiis but ive read around the internet and ive learned a lot. soon i am going to do a sof mod on my box. i downloaded all the programs neccesary but i wanted to know one thing, i only have a cd burning drive not dvd and im going to make backups by burning the image or xiso. can i still use a dvd-r even though my drive cant burn dvds.
  12. Chickenpa

    Chickenpa Member

    Mar 21, 2006
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    Hello i own a PS2 Slimeline. I want to burn a disk or dvd(If Needed) which contains my own software. I actually don't want to dammage my PS2 by putting a mod chip in it or taking it apart, just in case.

    First i can burn +rw only at the moment. Secondly how would you make your own software that can run windows software.

    Quite a complicated task as i want to use my PS2 as a megadrive. Please help in anyway you can? Thanks!

    P.S. I have tried some of this stuff. I always seem to get an error message on my PS2 saying that its not a real ps2 game. Can anyone get around this?
    Last edited: Mar 23, 2006
  13. mattydegg

    mattydegg Guest

    im only 13 and you know how it is got a ps2 cant afford games so what ive done ive bought a slide tool only about 20 quid which lets me play copied games without doin in the laser so all i do now keep about 40 quid on me buy a game i want copy it with nero and take it back i copy it with nero by just clicking burn disc and it does it every time for me
  14. Chickenpa

    Chickenpa Member

    Mar 21, 2006
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    Is a slide tool something that goes into the PS2. I have a slimeline remember and you can use swap disk and fit in a cd lid which has an opening lid on it so the PS2 dosn't sensor a ejection.

    The only thing is that you have to open your PS2 to put on the new lid. :(
  15. mattydegg

    mattydegg Guest

    if you search on google or something like that it will show you ways of installing an upgraded slide card without taking the slimline ps2 to bits
  16. andersg

    andersg Regular member

    Aug 19, 2005
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    Whats the sence of that swap trick you still have to have the original game with you in order to get the backed up one to work, Don't you?
  17. janrocks

    janrocks Guest

    That's the point..You don't need the original..(edit for legal reasons..You DO need to own the original game to make a backup!! but you can boot the machine without using it)

    What you need is the "Swapmagic 3 disk" (built on an exploit of Crazy Taxi elf) Any modchip seller who sells the disks stocks some little wedge type things for the slimline to save opening it,the switches are in the centre back and the front left corner.. They come in at less than $10 and the disk is about $20..then making a backup of a ps2 game is as simple as putting it in your dvd burner and copying it....
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 14, 2006
  18. _Blizzard

    _Blizzard Guest

    I need step by step info on how to copy Xbox and PS2 Games free (I dont have eney softwar yet, can some one help?
  19. Chickenpa

    Chickenpa Member

    Mar 21, 2006
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    I still want to know how to make my PS2 read copied games without dammaging/taking my PS2 Slimeline apart.
  20. thebest21

    thebest21 Member

    Apr 2, 2006
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    OK on the dvd decrypter after you read it it put to images to the hd what one u write to u cant do both can u ?

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