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How do I burn xbox & ps2 games with alcohol 120 % or nero

Discussion in 'Xbox - Backup discussion' started by pkizzz, Sep 6, 2004.

  1. ddp

    ddp Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 15, 2004
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    pscopyguy, edit your sig to conform to forum specs ASAP. post edited
    1. Advertising via forum messages is strictly prohibited. If you need to advertise your products on our site, contact us via the feedback form and we will negotiate an advertising contract with you/your company.
    3. Providing affilate tagged links to products or services is not allowed.

    gravedude, no name calling so edit your post!!
    6. No foul language, insults, personal attacks or otherwise rude messages.
  2. janrocks

    janrocks Guest

    Sorry ddp.. but these stupid console boys shouting at each other really annoys me.

    There was totally no need for the post above mine. decrypter seems to be having a lot of burning issues.. I have never ever used it to burn any console game.

    This thread is duplicated at least 100 times.. is there really a need for it, and any of the 100 or so identical ones, when there is a clearly stickied guide to burning an iso image? A very basic skill indeed..
    1,560,000 answers from google shows how basic it is.
  3. phatbass8

    phatbass8 Member

    Apr 19, 2007
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    This is my method i use.

    Xbox games: - You must have a modchip installed.

    1. Backup game on the xbox using dvd2xbox (best program)

    2. Use FlashFXP to copy game from xbox to pc.

    3. Use Qwix to convert the game folder to ISO. You must use this program as it is designed for xbox games.

    4. Use Alcohol 120% and burn image. No settings need to be touched, just go to burn image wizard and burn it.

    5. Happy gaming! Insert game into xbox and it should work.

    Is there anyone out there using the Samsung Kreon Firmware drive to backup xbox games? I want to do it without having to use the xbox and transfer it over as i have done. Im thinking it's really designed for the xbox 360...but I would love to know if someone has suceeded in creating a back up of xbox games for the xbox using this drive.
  4. IRJelly

    IRJelly Member

    Jul 27, 2007
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    Hey I dont know much about modding x-boxes or anything, i had my friend do it for me. I borrowed a burnt game from him and its not running on my modded x-box.I used EvoX and 007.
  5. DjBS

    DjBS Guest

    How can I burn Playstation 2 games with Nero??
  6. 12344

    12344 Member

    Aug 23, 2007
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    you idiots if u really wannt to copy games that bad send them to me i have a real game copyiin machine!!!
  7. IRJelly

    IRJelly Member

    Jul 27, 2007
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    lolz u nub like ne1 in there rite mind would send u their games.... how stoopid do u think other nubs are? i know they can be stoopid...but geeze
  8. gmafia619

    gmafia619 Member

    Aug 31, 2007
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    Hi,There do you know how to mod a nintendo wii ?
  9. kierkierk

    kierkierk Member

    Sep 14, 2007
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    Hi. I don't have a problem with burning (yet) but I have a much simpler question. Do I download the files that says PAL or NTSC? Is this about the console, the chip or the television? (I have no idea whether the console is PAL or NTSC, I just know it was purchased from Germany. And the chip is installed in Turkey.) What should I do?
  10. lukees

    lukees Guest

    I coped one with nero and when I put it on my xbox it came up with "this is not a pc game put it in your xbox" then I seached on the web "how to copy xbox games" it said to make a network betreen your coputer and your xbox. I had a other look it said the onley other thing to do was buy dvd wizard pro()but that was £40 I was not going to pay that. so how do you make a network
  11. hamzah23

    hamzah23 Guest

  12. hamzah23

    hamzah23 Guest

    yes tell me the steps of coping it because i have Nero.i need it so bad.
  13. chunkhead

    chunkhead Regular member

    Oct 20, 2006
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    Try my tutorials...
  14. reeso

    reeso Guest

    hey guys could really use some help, right i have done everything with the dvd decrypter, iso-read, and when it finished when i went to choose the file i downloaded with the decrypter 2 were there, 1 was a zip file and the other was a mds file, can anyone tell me which one i put onto disk please isit the mds file or the things in the zip folder?? if someone could help would really appreciate it.
  15. reeso

    reeso Guest

    hey guys, i have done everything everyone has said with the dvd decrypter, iso-read. after it finished reading 2 files came up one was a zip file and the other one was a mds file, can someone tell me which file i burn please?? do i burn the mds file or the zip file??
    if someone can help i would really appreciate it cheers
  16. djwabash

    djwabash Member

    Nov 2, 2007
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    look!! I have a old ? do any one know da step by step 2 do 360 games with nero. I tried 2 times, I slow it down, & Put in da iso file but, it dos'nt show da dvd file. Can someone show me da step by step & what i'm doing wrong.
  17. reeso

    reeso Guest

    hey guys and gals, i just did everything everone said with the dvd decrypter(iso-read) when i went to iso-write and had to choose what file to burn i had 2 files a mds file and a zip file my question is what file do i burn the mds file or the zip file?? if anyone can help i would really apreciate it cheers
  18. spenceman

    spenceman Member

    Nov 16, 2007
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    Hey Guys and Gals
    I have spent many days reading all these posts and trying to figure this out. I really really really hope I have not scanned over the answer to my question.

    I have a softmodded xbox with evoX. I have only downloaded, burned and successfully played one game on it so far. I have since then had that game lost, misplaced, or had it thrown out.

    I have now downloaded a couple games which have come in different file formats. I have downloaded Juiced which came in 19 .rar files. I have created a single ISO file out of those with DeepBurner, burned it to a DVD-RW and not had it work. The other game downloaded was Far Cry. These files were .r00 and ascending files up to .r29 and then a .rar file (.r00, .r01, .r02 etc. to .r29) I created a single ISO file out of those, burned it and had it not work as well. After putting the disc in my xbox and having it checked, evoX says the status of the disc is unknown

    Just a couple questions:
    What am I doing wrong?
    Im sure but DO I need to make an ISO file?
    Should all these files be separate ISO files?
    Is it the burning program I am using?
    Should I use a different DVD such as +RW, +R, -R, or even CD's?

    I really hope my questions are not getting on anyone's nerves. Or that I skipped over my answer somewhere.
  19. chunkhead

    chunkhead Regular member

    Oct 20, 2006
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    You need WinRar for all those files.

    Simply click on one, it will show you the contents of 'ALL' of the files. It should be one single .iso file!

    Extract the ISO file just once (It will automatically extract all the pieces from the other files).

    You can now burn this iso file!
    My HDD upgrade tutorial will explain how to burn an ISO file!

  20. spenceman

    spenceman Member

    Nov 16, 2007
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    I hate to say it but this did not work :(

    I extracted the single iso file and then burned but still no cigar.

    Any more suggestions?

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