So to get the EPG to run properly you'll need to put the latest firmware on it,version 4.00 for the original Star***w or version 4.50 if you have The Box (Star***w 2.You'll need a null modem cable to do this,you can find info on it at this site:
You will ALSO need to know if its a CLONE therefore 2.57_FIXED is needed and not 4.00 as it will brick it, Also if you have the Starvi*w 2 (THE B0X) in ireland its 4.50 and UK is 4.51
You can go here and have a look at the pics Also , count the vents on top 18x7 = clone 25x7 = genuine
Is not the new Starvi*w "THE B0X" ? If not then you can use the firmware 4.00 on it You also need a null modem cable to do this Also check your PC has a 9 pin port , if you dont you will need the USB Adapter