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How do I get rid of "Newbie" status ?

Discussion in 'All other topics' started by joshua, Jul 9, 2002.

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  1. jlemon427

    jlemon427 Guest

    I have a great queation for the experts. I have a flea market in the area, where a vender sells dvd-r with 3 full perfect quaity movies on them (ex. friday 1,2,and 3). I have tried a number of times to get him to tell me his secret but thats not happening so I was wondering if any of you experts would know.
    Thank You
  2. herbsman

    herbsman Moderator Staff Member

    Sep 3, 2002
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    This isn't the right thread to ask in , try DVD-R for Newbies...

    Friday 1 , 2 & 3 have probably been compressed seperately w/ DVD2One or equivalent app & then joined later using something like TMPGEnc DVD Author.
    No big problem : )
  3. jlemon427

    jlemon427 Guest

    thank you. sorry
  4. herbsman

    herbsman Moderator Staff Member

    Sep 3, 2002
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    Last edited: Apr 24, 2004
  5. Assassin3

    Assassin3 Member

    Jan 27, 2004
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    Hey, DrD, when are you going to put up the "GOD" status? Heh.

    Just kidding.

    This topic is funny.
  6. blkhawk

    blkhawk Member

    Mar 17, 2003
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    newbie or not... is not detemined by the "title" besides your nickname..

    it is the quality of your posting, your altitude towards other fellow members and such that counts.
  7. pulsar

    pulsar Active member

    Dec 31, 2003
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    It took over 100 well written, informative, logical, caring, respectful to your fellow man, not too sarcastic posts in order to go from newbie up to the dizzying heights of member (that was a really good day!)
  8. ScubaPete

    ScubaPete Senior member

    Mar 13, 2003
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    Yea, thanks herbs, send him over to me - lol
    Last edited: Apr 23, 2004
  9. herbsman

    herbsman Moderator Staff Member

    Sep 3, 2002
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    9 October 2003 00:33


    LOL , I dunno if the guy is still contirbuting to the aD forum anymore Pete ; )

    I haven't searched jlemon's posts to see if I helped him when he came to newbies forum ... but it is more than likely that I had a hand in it somewhere [bold]: ]-[/bold]
  10. Sophocles

    Sophocles Senior member

    Mar 1, 2003
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    I've often wondered about how to progress forward to any new status'. I've heard lots of ideas and a few that agreed with but I've heard no answers to that question.

    Once you eliminate the impossible, whatever remains, no matter how improbable, must be the truth." Sherlock Holmes (by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, 1859-1930)[/small]
    Last edited: Aug 15, 2004
  11. ScubaPete

    ScubaPete Senior member

    Mar 13, 2003
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    Well we recently found out that if you make posts like:

    "I agree", "Sounds right", "Yep" , "Yeah definitely".


    You hang out on aD buddies on IRC and make great friends with the owner's spokesman you can advance to "Senior" status with 297 posts, mostly in "Chat" type forums, not one of which began a problem and saw it through to the end, NOT ONE.


    With a few more posts, your "Mate" will see to your becoming a Mod.

    That should tell you what's necessary to advance here.

    So, it's not what you do here, it's who you should become friendly with. My suggestion, hang out on IRC - it's where it's happening – it’s where the power resides.

    And lest you think for some reason that this is a bitter post, it is not. There was no emotion involved in writing this, just plain hard cold facts that can be disputed by no one unless they wish to lie to you.

    cheers and best wishes for fast advancement,


  12. Ketola

    Ketola Turned ninja Staff Member

    Jun 10, 1999
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    Drop it. If you still have issues about me promoting Cozza, send me a PM. It's just plain childish bitching about it in the public.
  13. cozza1987

    cozza1987 Guest

    IF you have a problem with me, PM ME.
    I had more then 297 posts when i was promoted to Senior Member.

    And how many posts did you have when you were promoted and who suggestions you ? huh ? yea.....
    A Mod can suggest, but the final decision is up to an Admin....

    And how would you know what goes on IRC.. You have been there half a dozen times if that. So what would you know ? HUH!

    NOT BITTER... thats a load of BullShit pete.

    This does not sound like you at all, and i know you talk to somebody else that doesnt like me and doesnt like ad_buddies....

    As Ketola said, STOP BITCHING.

    Also, Dela was promoted to Senior Member at about 200 posts if i remember correctly.....

    You and your 'MATE', you know who i mean, Get of ur high horses.


  14. ScubaPete

    ScubaPete Senior member

    Mar 13, 2003
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    Put your brain in gear before running your mouth -
    At no time have I said ANYTHING, that would be ANY-THING that could be considered negative against you or anything you've done. I have used your posting record in some of my comments but again, I've stated facts, just facts. As a matter of fact, your name has never even been mentioned in any of my public posts. I never said there was anything remotely wrong with your posts. There's nothing wrong with posting "I agree" and moving on, absolutely nothing.
    Since you asked, I had probably 1500 or so posts, quality posts, posts that took the problem from the very beginning to the conclusion of the problem. Posts that sometimes took the better part of an evening to write. I thought (mistakenly) that it was those posts that I thought made me a senior. As I said, I was mistaken, wasn't I?

    One doesn't stay where they're not welcome. I refer to the occasion when in attempting to talk to Herbsman, I was told to "Shut the #$%^$ up" as I was interrupting the current conversation and when "certain pple" are using IRC, others are not welcome. BTW, it was you who shut me down there - remember ?

    I don't know what you're referring too. I am nobody's puppet. It was Dela who needed to set me straight in a public forum because I asked, in a PM, about a decision made by him. Why are you joining in ? (Oooohh yes, I remember.)

    I wouldn't know about that, are you speaking for the Admin too ? If you are, Please, please explain to me why you feel it necessary to start things like this in a public forum. I can understand slapping me around for my antiquated beliefs and principles and the damage I’ve inflicted upon aD, reducing their membership roles, but why you ? For some imaginary wrong you feel was done you ? Where and when ?


    At no time did I even suggest that you and he were not equals.

    Again, there's no one pulling my strings and I consult no one about my posts,

    and Cory, I don’t dislike you, I never did, if you recall, I tried to befriend you, it was you who shunned me.

    And Cory, if you bothered to check my recent posts you can report back, I have kept my "bitching" to a minimum and have altered my posts to reflect the new order of things. I don't wish to be banned for upsetting anyone over anything -

    If you wish to bad-mouth me, would you have the maturity to do it in a PM or wouldn’t doing that way suit your purposes?

    Sorry members, t'wis not my intention to sully this thread but I will defend myself against attacks -

    Cheers, Cory –

    Cheers all -
  15. cozza1987

    cozza1987 Guest

    Sorry for all the bitching in this thread.

    If a mod wants to delete these posts its fine.

    Pete please Read PM

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