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How Microsoft's Hololens could slowly change the world — and what could go wrong

Discussion in 'Windows 10 forum' started by ireland, Oct 24, 2015.

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  1. ireland

    ireland Active member

    Nov 28, 2002
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    How Microsoft's Hololens could slowly change the world — and what could go wrong

    During the launch event for HoloLens, Microsoft's augmented reality headset, CEO Satya Nadella said something that should act as a lens through which to view the headset: "Our industry's progress is punctuated by moments of category creation. Windows 10 and holographic computing is one such moment."

    This belief — that HoloLens could be responsible for the progress of the entire technology industry — is why the headset, and the Windows Holographic platform, could be the start of a revolution within computing that would see Microsoft at the forefront.

    Brain Blau, an analyst for Gartner, told Business Insider in an email that "there is potential for disruption with Hololens but it will be a slow rise vs. a fast takeover."

    The iPhone has taken less than a decade to reach its market dominating position but HoloLens will take longer. "It could take another 10 or 20 years before immersive technology has that broad of an impact," Blau said.

    Making up for the mobile miss

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