That's me been doing my exams (prelims) too.. I think I've done well, might have failed one or two maths papers.. Just thinking.. another 3 days of school and exams will be over.. and then Christmas! -Mike
hmm. last exam all done! yay! now i just have to endure through getting the results. @ mike - i failed maths too. both of them. what level/tier are you doing?
Foundation/General All others, either Credit or General/Credit. -Mike ps.I think I've failed, not too sure yet though :Þ
i did the higher tier. it was my first time at it, so it was pretty obvious i would do crap. the questions were described as "impossibly ridiculous". i think i agree with that. i dont know my results either. but considering how many questions i was comfortable with answering and how many i wasnt - i think i failed.
I did my A-levels back in england and did well then I moved to auss and found out I needed another different subject to get into medicine! Life sux So I hav to take another year of school but at least I will be the cool older guy, not that much older at 19 but still older and most aussi girls like the english accent .
MESSAGE FOR forkndave _____________________________________________________________________ This link takes you to the special 65th BIRTHDAY GIFT I'm sending you. I'm sure it will bring a smile to your face and allow you to get your ROCKETS OFF !!! Be sure to fast-click a big joyful circle around this beautiful image in order to see the animated FIREWORKS. ( after you arrive, it loads in 7 seconds ). I just had my 60th Birthday on Dec. 4, 2005 at exactly 8:30 P.M. so I know how you feel. I hope this GIFT cheers you up a bit. _____________________________________________________________________ Signed: Robert Singletary__Tuesday December 13, 2005__1:38 P.M. (eastern standard time) USA
Unfortunately, diabetes keeps me from having the Sunny Delight. It should also keep me from the beer, but I generally make an exception there. Dave
It's just you can never seperate Lethal and his sunny d. And sorry to hear about the diabetes. And Lethal you gotta make me a cool sig -Mike
i DID try. but its hard when you dont even know what the q. is asking, never mind try to answer it. i hate trigonometry and simultaneous equations and anything to do with quadratics and vectors.