ZCONCEPT, Thanks! Oddly enough I was listening to the Moody Blues "Question" at the time I read your post! It just came to me in a flash! Happy Computering, theone
MESSAGE FOR theonejrs ____________________ WOW !!! That's amazing you were listening to that song at the same time. Why do genius ideas always come in a flash ?? ( That's LIFE'S greatest question !! ). ________________________________________________________ Signed: Robert Singletary__Sunday September 10, 2006__10:57 P.M. (eastern standard time) USA
anything is possible Auslander... I was in Missouri not too long ago, in early July in fact. Just a side anecdote, same subject, several years ago I had the pleasure of meeting up with a radio friend I had been talking to on the airwaves for a long time, Jessie 289 in Redmond WA. On one of my (frequent back then) business trips to the Pacific Northwest I took a portable radio and magnet mount antenae with me and set it up in my rental car - that said, I keyed up one evening and -low and behold- Jessie 289, but local this time. We had a short palaver and in so doing arranged for me to come visit he and his wife, the next evening. It was wonderful. And I have pictures. After a grand touring of the Puget Sound and paper mills of which Jessie had since retired, and surrounding area (beautiful, in fact I belive the color green was invented there) we had cookies and coffee at their home. It was truly nice. Almost as nice as meeting up with Auslander some day. If only I was half wolf.
heheh....i'm on the CB constantly when i'm on the road. tell me next time you pass through MO, regor ^.^
Wow, how many youngsters are there like me here? That's really taken me by surprise. I_Suck, do you really need that picture? LOL it's over a megabyte! That's going to bring some dial-up users to their knees!
i_suck is a Senior Member and he does not know the rules on sig's, shame,shame on ye i_suck,sig pix's is (1117011 bites} heres a gift from me,and the ad gang....
hello ireland . my sigs alright lol except i dont know why i have another gamertag thing at the end :O i guess im spicial lol (joking) I_suck your 15 you know what to do (kill your sig) or make it a lower quality so dialup users will love you ( :S ) . hey is there anyone here who acualy used there mobile to connect to the internet on there computer ? must have being quite expensive :0
Lol it even takes a few seconds to come up on 4 Megabit! I'm glad I don't aD on my phone, or I_Suck's sig alone would have cost me like a whole pound.
haha, realy ammusing. Been some time since I looked at this thread. Been having trouble with my comp recently, and I sorted most of the problems out, but now I have a tooth ache for some reason, and boy is it getting on my nerves. BluRay
That's a computer problem? Wow, and I thought I knew a lot about my PC, you seem to be one with yours!
I have used my Razr from Cingular to conect my laptop to the net all the time, when I am on road trips. It's a 10 cent connection fee and then if you are on for 1 minute it takes 1 minute off your plan. So If you have unlimited minutes like me then it is only 10cents every time you conect. By the way I am 14!
@SamMorris, I had the toothace, the computer had other problems. The toothache has gone now though, yay!