@i_suck - please remove that sig gif and replace with one that doesn't slow down entire ISP's and cause 100's of phone exchanges to catch fire along the route that your sig has to travel
I know, at full pelt my 4.5Megabit service should take a minimum of 2.3 seconds to load. For 2 Megabit that's 5 seconds, for the "average" broadband 20 seconds, and for dial-up users, 5 minutes!
Creaky You need a button which when pushed replaces the oversized sig pix with one, say of an atomic bomb exploding. Maybe they'll get the point!
Lethal_B Happy belated birthday young man! Enjoy the younger years to the fullest. You only get the one chance!! My daughter turned 25 today. Where does the time go???
Thanks buddy, and give my best wishes to your daughter on her birthday! As for the time, well, I feel like I've lived for ages
Happy birthday to 1337moder Happy birthday to 1337moder stanza 3 Happy birthday to 1337moder.......... drawn out as appropriate Happy birthday to 1337moder and many more!!!!!
MESSAGE FOR 1337moder _____________________ HAPPY 64th BIRTHDAY for your special day which was Sunday September 17, 2006 !! Here's a link you'll enjoy as my gift toward the celebration of your ongoing life: http://www.funny-games.biz/blast-billiards.html FUNNY-GAMES.BIZ ( you'll arrive on Blast Billiards page ) No registration required so you can play immediately. NOTE: After pointing and holding your aim with cue-stick press left-mouse button until powerbar fills with red. Upon getting the desired amount of red power, release mouse so the stick hits ball. Remember, you only have 100 seconds to pocket all the balls so it's speed billiard. Just click PLAY to start again. BLAST BILLIARDS is a real challenge for adults because of the speed factor and accurate aim required. GOOD LUCK & HAVE FUN !! By the way, the highest score I have made so far was 903 on Sunday Sept. 17, 2006 at exactly 3:55 A.M. (eastern standard time). Hope you enjoy my little gift for many years to come. _______________________________________________________ Signed: Robert Singletary (age 60...born on Dec. 4, 1945). Monday September 18, 2006__2:10 A.M. (eastern standard time) USA
@ ZCONCEPT... I'm wondering if I should hate you or love you; whether that was a good thing or a bad thing for you to turn us on to... I'm leaning on hate and I know that is wrong.... I have payed several games of billiards and "I_SUCK" <smiles>