I'm not the one who wants TMD movies or even thinks they have half decent quality. It's just that when ansering questions about TMC they won't take no for an answer.
I’m not going to mention any names but I think some moderators and senior members on page 1 are b.s. ing about there age heheh
Well I aint lieing about my age anyway! Also just to comment on tmd. They suck!! and its not because of the people you can hear talking through the movie or any of that, its because, they ruin releases. They just download the work from groups like tcf, uti, ftf, videocd etc etc... and then they downsample them to the bollox so they can be easier traded over the worst p2p apps (eg kazaa/kazaa lite) but with half the quality they used to have!! peope just dont release real releases on kazaa because most of the users dont even know they exist and think tmd is the biggest thing ever!!
T2K: I wasn't lying about my age. I am 13 years old. Dela: So TMD take fairly good quality movies re-encode them with their shit quality codec and then flood kazaa with them? That sucks!!!
well I'm 21 and when I was in middle school I was into windows 95, dos commands and q-basic. I think thats cool that you guys are into video editing and stuff, does your school offer any desktop video class's or anything like that?
Chris: Yep thats exactly what they do!! T2K: I remember using Windows 95 and using DOS commands, Windows 95 sucked but DOS was cool lol Unfortunately my school doesnt offer any courses digital video related or actually anything that woukd interest me!! Kinda the reason why I don't go half the time
DOS! boy I remember those days,having to use DOS cmmends to free up enoug memory to play games and such...those were truly the glory days of computing...well, maybe not the glory days, but I was really good with DOS and people thought I was some sort of hacker freak...that gave me a lot of power in my middle school computer classes (I have since discovered a life: balancing my computer interests with my girlfriend and friends) ;-). I remember being the call kid on the block for fixing peoples crashed machines (I could usually get an easy 10 bux outta the deal too!). And I do mean easy...we're talkin one guy didn't know how to operate his surge protector... I miss those days...excuse while I go give my old ass 75Mhz Pentium Packrd Bell machine a hug...
Ah yes, I remember the days of using memmaker to make my games run. Also I think my school runs a video capturing, editing, encoding e.t.c. club on a Wednesday night. They're making a video about the school. But I don't go to that. I learned everything I know about video encoding from this site.
Interesting thread. I was living in South Africa in 1970 and was doing night courses in Cobal and Fortran programming. I gave up the courses as I could not see a future in Computers. Now who do you think is a sad bunny then, if only I'd been a clairvoyant.
I really wish you hadn’t quoted me there.. no offence to any body or anything, I was just suprised to see that the some of the younger people here are moderators and senior members and most of the newbie’s are usually older, that’s all
When I lived in South Africa in 1970, I started a Cobol and Fortran programming course, and gave it up bacause I did not see a future in computers, So who is a sad bunny now. I've learnt a lot in my advancing years, but it has been a struggle, and i'm partially envious of you youngsters. I don't join in this thread often as i'm not quite up to your jargon, but just sit back and chuckle manically at your views.
fusk the jargon, lol, its the safety valva, say whatever comes to your mind!! like thingy is a great word when you dont know the jargon