No hangover when you're used to it or if you got a lot of sleep or if you ate a lot before drinking chris!
Yea, ya see not too long before hand I went out to eat with my girlfriend and some other couples and dropped around 60 bux on dinner for two...I ate well!
Well lets see...If I recall, I started drinking about 2-3 hours after I got home from dinner, so I was still pretty full. If I remember I was drinking out of a 24oz high-ball water glass from my kitchen, which I filled over half way with rum and Ice (more than 12oz for the mathmatically challenged) I then poured a few splahes of coke on top of that...mostly for color cuz' I definately couldn't taste it. It too all of 20 minutes for that shit to kick in...It was wonderful. In my message to DIlls on the Newbie/Member/Senior Member page you can actually pin point the second I crashed. Have fun!
Oh yea, and 60 sounds like I may have gorged myself...but we ate at this fancy italian place where my fettuciny alone was around 15 bux...then ya ad drinks, desert, cranks it up there.
Eat a few things of the rocks and drink a 12 pack of sodas in a couple of hours and if you don't explode I bet you'll wanna.
This just in, from the front lines of the war on Iraq: "Coalition forces today using new means of disposing the Iraqi republican guard, the overwhelming supply of the popluar candy "Pop-Rocks" held by American troops and the Vast quantity of Coca-Cola Classic held by britain have lead to astonishing new technological break throughs in quasi-chemical war fare, the new bomb dubbed "Rock-Popper" is said to up the power of of the new MOAB bomb by 4000%, after viewing tests of the new bomb today, it is safe to say that Hussein's Regime days are definately numbered, with a payload eqaul to approximately 15 times that of either bomb dropped on hiroshima or nagasaki in WWII, we expect baghdad to fall in days, it was also noted that the operating specs of this bomb also help to aid the humanitarian effort by supplying much needed sugars, food coloring and sodium. The bomb was created when an American soldier accidently dropped .3 oz of the delicious candy into a british soldiers cola glass, naturally, sever intelligence officials saw an opportunity. Also, friendly fire deaths due to experimentation and decreases in candy-cola reserves have doubled." -Reuters
Disclaimer on above thread... (Edited) This is a joke, you don't like, go ahead and tell yur congressman or MP, he MIGHT actually care. ~Liquid
I think it's amazing I went a good 15 - 18 years without seeing poprocks and then about 2 years ago they started popping up everywhere again. No pun intended...