Happy B-day Sam!! Been a long time since I have seen you kicking around. Live treating you beter I hope.
Thanks Sam, Thats a first for me, well at least here. See if Oriphus gets jelous again. Young hov, Now you can legally drink in Canada. Come up, down or over and enjoy the goodness.
I just turned 32 last May. I like quiet dinners, long walks on the beach and farm animals. Please respond with a photo. Oh crap, wrong website.
57 tomorrow :-( It's not really Canada Day we celebrate here on July 1st - that's just what [bold]they[/bold] want you to think ...
No we celibrate on July 1 to show up the Americans. We have a national day earlier and Thanksgiving. Can`t beat us Canadians were always one step a head. Happy B-day Buzzoon!!
I'll be 44 this year and I only had my first computer given to me a year ago. Since then I learned enough on afterdawn to pluck up the courage to build my own system. This is it. Now I build and repair them. Afterdawn, I owe you. (And Praetor, and Nephilim and flip...etc etc.
I'm 29, and an electronic technician in houston, TX. I like beer, movies, spores, molds, fungus, women named Girtrude, leather thongs, songs about pirates, shopping for wicker, lighting bags of dog poo, giving the middle finger to telephone repair guys, and quiet time with my shrink. Call me!!