How to backup Safedisc 2+ protected games: Discdump/Fireburner method

Discussion in 'CD-R' started by aldaco12, Apr 2, 2003.

  1. BlkPnthr

    BlkPnthr Guest

    I would recommend finding the retail version of Alcohol 120%. It'll burn any style of disc encryption/protection. If you know the protection, just tell Alcohol from the "pick list" and if you don't would recommend using ClonyXXL v2.0.1.1 to find out what it has. Haven't made a coaster months. Program has yet to fail me.
  2. Shoey

    Shoey Guest

    Alcohol 120 is a great program for backing up many cd protections but is needs "additinal measures" backing up SecuROM 4.8.3 (RMDS=emulation=Alcohol 120 needed to be installed to play backup). BlindWrite has conquered SecuROM 4.8.x and I have to test the latest BlindWrite Suite 4.5 to see if the program can successfully backup Safedisc 2.8-2.9

    Shoey :)
  3. BlkPnthr

    BlkPnthr Guest

    There is an option to turn off the "emulation" mode. I used to think that too until I read the "fine print". There is a way to make an exact 1:1 copy. I have even used it to create exact 1:1 of SecuRom v4.x. WarCraft III is a prime example. There hasn't been a game/program I can't make an exact copy of yet using this software (credit truly goes to the programer's of course).

    If what you are using works for you, no point changing.
  4. Shoey

    Shoey Guest

    Uninstall Alcohol 120= your backup [bold] won't play [/bold] if burned with Alcohol120 m8. I should know as I tried using Alcohol 120 backing up Unreal Tournament 2003 and my backups failed to install\play. I used BlindWrite 4.25 and backed up the game with no emulation or need of the program installed. I was also successful backing up SecuROM 4.8.3 using CloneCD\TwinPeaks.

    Shoey :)
  5. BlkPnthr

    BlkPnthr Guest

    I have uninstalled 120% and the application / game still "works as advertised". Whatever works.

    If this ever fails me, then I know of another way.
  6. Shoey

    Shoey Guest

    Alcohol 120 [bold] CAN'T [/bold] backup SecuROM 4.8.x without additional measures(RMPS). WarCraft III is SecuROM 4.6.x cd protected. Read the fine print about RMPS(very weak comapared to BWA builder). This feature is Alcohols version of BlindWrite's BWA Builder
    Safedisc 2.8-2.9= Use Alcohol 120
    SecuROM 4.8.x= Use BlindWrite& BWA file or CloneCD\TwinPeaks tool.
    [bold] BlindWrite Suite is best for me [/bold] simply because I have a "2 sheep" burner (EFM encoding), a burner that writes regular bit patterns correctly. I can safely backup Safedisc 2.8-2.9& SecuROM 4.8.x [bold] without any emulation [/bold] and my backups will play in my dvd-rom (Litey LTD 165H) easily.
    It's that simple.........

    Shoey :) ____X_X_X_X_X_[small]Certified Computer Technician
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    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 13, 2003

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