how to boot backups using action replay

Discussion in 'Nintendo Gamecube - General discussion' started by johnodd4, Dec 9, 2004.

  1. YM2151

    YM2151 Member

    Jul 31, 2004
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    All you did was restate opinions and ideas passing them off as fact again. Passing along misinformation.

    Now rather than get another failed attempt out of you, I'm just going to ask you some direct questions.

    How do you KNOW a patch is being made for RE4 due to COPY PROTECTION? Now ofcourse, anything preventing the game from running could be viewed as copy protection, but it could also be coincidence, or error.

    Now, what's this, protection is copied, this you know for a fact? You didn't back this up at all. How do you know anything about any copy protection? You didn't describe or detail anything. You just look like you want what you say to be fact.

    People speculate what the Viper does, don't act like YOU know what it does. If you do know what it does, for a fact, to have any standing you must provide hard details.

    "Streaming and Mod are different". Again, what do YOU know? Do you know how the StarCube Loader works? No. You have a vague idea at best. Do you know how the Viper works? No we already established you don't.

    Wow, learned or "heard". Well I heard that Elvis is still alive and working in the gas station down the road, so it must be true! Provide details to support what you present as fact or present it appropriately as a theory or opinion. You aren't going to impress anyone here by saying this and that and just telling them it's true to take your word for it.
  2. L-Burna

    L-Burna Active member

    Mar 25, 2003
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    Well to be honest how does the starcube loaders work.I am still wondering that myself which is kinda still a mystery to me.I am thinking PSO takes control over the BBA unit and bypasses the files to the computer.It has to pass files along that essence kinda like a FTP server setup by the cube.The internet game PSO is how it is cracked.I think basically it was brought back from the dreamcast method.PSO was involved with the dreamcast and could stream the games also.If somebody looked at how they setup the old dreamcast technique for streaming that gives a hint on how they did it for GC.I am thinking StarCube loaders are just servers which relay information to the GC from the PC,and can do the same thing vice versa.If you notice you open up certain ports so the files can forward through.I know I am probably wrong on some of this information,but some of it is not that far off from the truth.
  3. YM2151

    YM2151 Member

    Jul 31, 2004
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    Well, I'm pretty sure the PSO exploit is publically known information. What happens is they emulate being the sega pso server. What happens then is exploiting the software update function, which allows you to send and execute any code you could want essentially.

    Now the StarCube loader, as I believe, works by patching standard DVD library commands that would read data from the disc with custom code which removes the DVD code replacing it with code using the BBA to retrieve essentially the same data.

    The PC end is easy. Infact I believe people have made servers for Linux. But this is so easy because packets can be logged with their loader to see the behavior. The GC side is different, because you can't spy on it, atleast not the part of how it's handling the BBA. And as I've said before, streaming can easily be stopped by a simple BBA function call. It's like throwing a stone block in the gears, it stops in its tracks. I'm not sure, but you could try Mario Kart Double dash streaming, go into LAN mode, and there is a good chance the connection could get disrupted. The other more obvious one is PSO itself, since it initializes the BBA immediately.

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