How to burn bin files to cd

Discussion in 'All other topics' started by coolbrz, May 14, 2003.

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  1. dRD

    dRD I hate titles Staff Member

    Jun 10, 1999
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    Yes you are. I am always concerned of individuals who have the urge of announce "Yep, I just downloaded Matrix 3 as DVD-R screener copy, darn it was good" to the world. We. Simply. Don't. Care.

    Take it that I got a bit alarmed of your attitude in couple of posts even though you didn't specifically violate any rules -- if you would know the "industry", you could imagine what is the level of pressure we, as the site's owners, are to maintain the site squeky-clean, cleaner of piracy than goddamn Yahoo. We are in the radar of various big bad guys -- been there for years -- and we know it. If it means that users need to be -- from their point of view -- hypocritical, so be it; one great thing about Net is the thing that no one forces any one to visit any particular site (well, except Microsoft's IE forces you to visit MSN, but..) :)

    But anyway, I hope that you understand our position and respect it -- we want all of our users to play nicely and share the sandbox and toys in peace ;-)
  2. Stewie

    Stewie Member

    Jun 26, 2003
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    thankyou, I don't think you could cram anymore condescendence in that many words, I congradulate you :) I'm sorry you have a problem with my attitude, many people do, probably because I'm always going in there homes and taking a big dump on their living room rugs :-D BUT HEY C'est La Vie! I realize you have to keep your site squeeky clean, and i actually do respect that. I myself would like to know how this forum turn from a discussion on ISO's to an argument about mention of copywrite infringement.. OH WAIT!, Because some people always have to answer questions that nobody asks! ESPECIALLY when they themselves engaged in topics that involved copywright infringement. As i said before, I never gave any specifics about copying ANY COPYWRITED software or there titles. I'm quite familiar with the technicalities and rules when it comes to matters such as duplication of softwate, etc.. so quit wasting your time.
    Last edited: Jul 16, 2003
  3. Praetor

    Praetor Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 4, 2003
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    Well said Boss!

    Stewie: perhaps you think you are being cool or whatnot but one day, when you have to get a job and pay for your own rent and food and whatnot you will realize the importance of money. Perhaps then you will respect the amount of work being put into developing these games or whatever (however crappy as they may be) -- those people are just trying to make a living thats all. I must confess I was once like that... thinking I was all l33t for having all sorts of "goodies" but then i found out that nobody gives a rats ass if you have a bazillion titles of software -- except maybe for copyright lawyers but you dont want their attention.

    You say you would get a job and would buy the game but the fact is your last comment, you talk about stealing. And you call Darthnip a hypocrit?! Again, perhaps one day when you get a job and have responsibilities and such you will realize how immature and hypocritical those comments are! Stealing is a childish activity that most decent people grow out of after their mother catch them with their hands in the cookie jar or trying to pilfer something from the candy store. Then there are other who think it is cool.
  4. Praetor

    Praetor Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 4, 2003
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    Silly u.... questions may not have answers but answers always have questions to go with them ;)
  5. darthnip

    darthnip Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 9, 2003
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    guys, you all know me and where i stand, dont waste your time on another backpeddler like this one. it's only a matter of time till he gets banned anyway.
    Stewie i would have never said a word on this thread if i didn't see something that would possibly effect aD. and that would be the mention of downloading FIFA2003 from kazaa, no matter how you want to phrase your views on it, that still is not allowed here. and my original post was not even directed at you, it was directed at farshad for posting about FIFA2003, so YOU, my friend are the one that butted in, not me. but you know what, it really doesn't matter at all. I will continue to step in when I see something that should not be here, and i will still help when the users when it's needed. i'll be here long after you're gone, so good luck in your ventures man, but you are the one wasting your time. cheers
  6. dRD

    dRD I hate titles Staff Member

    Jun 10, 1999
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    And now its time to close this one.
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