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Discussion in 'Motorola phones' started by Gem20, Aug 26, 2005.

  1. golaebob

    golaebob Member

    Oct 27, 2005
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    Gem please hellp me out! btw you helped me a lot!! the problem is that i cant import like ringtone and wallpapers and stuff. i know you said go to multi media section but i dont have that icon on my MPT. and did update. my phone is e815 motorola.
    please help me i've been trying this for hours!!!
  2. NWD

    NWD Member

    Oct 18, 2005
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    Hello all, I'm not sure if this will help, but I recently gave up on MPT. What I did discover tho is there is a site called zedge.com that will allow you to upload your own personal wallpapers and ringtones to their site where you can then download them to your phone. The service is free, and only requires a signup. First I will give you the addy then instructions.
    The adress is: http://www.zedge.no/index.php
    Then just sign up. After signing up go to the "Free Wallpapers" selection found in the list to the left of the page. Once there, scrool to the bottom and you will see a text field with the words "Personal wallpaper only for me" and an upload tab. If the wall is for you and you do not want to make it public then click the upload tab, and it will send you to the upload page. There you will see another dialogue pertaining to phone types, just scroll till you find your phone, or you can type in your phone's screen resolution.
    Click the browse tab and locate the file you want to add to your phone. Once selected, click the upload tab and it will bring you to another page containing the recently selected wallpaper and a slightly off-center square inside of it. The square indicates the image area you wish to have shown on your phone. move it around til desired location is found, name it and click the upload tab.
    Once all that is accomplished it will direct you to a final page stating your new wallpaper can now be downloaded to your phone thru their server. Fire up net access on your phone and go to "My Downloads" on zedge thru your PC, Type the adress into your phone and it will ask you for your login info. I'd put in the addy but it's specific to each person's account.

    I know this seems like alot of work, but it's worth it, and to ppl who don't want net access on their phones, but want this feature, just remember sometimes it's just easier to bite the bullet and get the access (which is what I did)
    I hope this will solve at least some of the probs.
    PS. you can also make your uploads public.

    For ringtones just do the same thing as for the wallpapers, but do it thru zedge's "upload shack"
  3. Gem20

    Gem20 Regular member

    May 2, 2005
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    TKBrown and xpl0sive,

    To check to see if the phone is working correctly as a modem, you need to go to your 'Device manager'.

    Make sure that your phone is plugged in.

    Click on the cross next to 'Modems'.

    Then select the item that you think is your phone.
    Mine is called [bold]Motorola USB Modem[/bold](not Motorola V. and Timeport Modem, which i said in an earlier post! My mistake.)
    Right click on it and then select [bold]'Properties'[/bold] from the submenu.
    It will bring a dialouge box up which has tabs along the top of it.
    Click on [bold]'Driver'[/bold]then [bold]'Driver Details'[/bold].
    This will bring the [bold]'Driver File Details'[/bold] dialouge box.
    This will show you the files that contain your drivers.
    They should be called something like
    and the file version will be

    Also, don't worry if you query the modem and it fails, because mine failed and my connection works great.


    Check your firewall isn't stopping it from connecting. Try re-installing while your firewall is disabled. Then switch it back on after.
    Sometimes having SP2 causes problems too.
    Apparently Motorola seem to think that MPT and SP2 are totally incompatible and WILL NOT work together on the same computer. Obviously, a lot of people have proved them wrong but there are still a few unlucky ones who just can't get past the first stages.


    Are you sure you have you settings right and you have selected your phone from the list. If you have done this but it still doesn't work, try experimenting and choose other models to see if they will work. They should be round about the same, feature wise.
    Multimedia may not be working because the phone chosen on the list does not have ths feature.

    Anyway, that's about all i can answer.

  4. xpl0sive

    xpl0sive Member

    Oct 22, 2005
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    like i said, my phone isnt recognized as a modem, it is recognized as an Unknown Device in the Device manager, and is listed under the USB devices
    Last edited: Oct 28, 2005
  5. golaebob

    golaebob Member

    Oct 27, 2005
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    Thank you so much Gem,
    i dont think e815 has multi media feature, is that mean
    i can't transfer any files from pc?
    i bought this data cable and now its like useless...
    i'm so SAD!! is there any way to transfer my files?
    besides that vzwpix.com thing...
  6. jounin

    jounin Member

    Oct 26, 2005
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    I haven't got a firewall (connecting through DMZ on the router as well), and I've got SP4.
  7. jackjack8

    jackjack8 Member

    Oct 28, 2005
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    I have a Moto V3 and I did everything that you said.
    However, everything is installed quite all right but now I got a message that says:
    "This device is currently unabailable for the program.
    Do you want to use it when available?"
    Could you please tell me what to do now?
    thanks a lot Gem....^_^

  8. marcor5

    marcor5 Member

    Oct 31, 2005
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    Hey Gem...Just joined this site to let you know your step by step on page one worked excellent for me...
    I have a MotoV220...had the cable for over 8 months till my daughter wanted to D/L Pics...I gave it a go again and found your thread...
    Cheers Buddy...I'm a Hero in my Daughter's eyes...Tx Again...
  9. shine04

    shine04 Guest

    Thank you for the tutorial. i think i have successfully install the mpt, except that i don't have the "multimedia" option so that i can transfer mp3 from my computer to my cell phone. Instead of "multimedia," in its place is "e-mail". Do you know what went wrong?
    Thank You!
  10. NWD

    NWD Member

    Oct 18, 2005
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    Hello all, I wanted to add a quick link and a HUGE thank you to Gemm.
    First off, I reinstalled all the files listed from the How to install MPT, after installing the usb drivers for the MotorolaV188 (here's the link to the page)


    and now it works perfectly. Gem you were 100% correct, it was the usb drivers. The only prob I had was where to put the P2k drivers, BUT, upon closer inspection of the zip file, I looked at the path info.
    Note: If you ever have a problem finding out where the files are suppose to be installed to, Look at the path info to the right of the files in the zip. If the person created the zip for self-install, then the path info will be present, and should tell you where to extract the files.
    You should see something like:

    Name |Type |Modified|Size |Ratio|Packed|Attributes|Path
    P2k.inf Setup inf.. Date... 21,749 88% 2,714 A P2k\

    This is an example of the first line in the zip. What you'll be looking for is the Path info. In this case the path is simply directing to P2k\ which means you would extract the files to C:\
    When you click the extract tab it will automatically create a folder for the P2k drivers in C:\.
    This means that's where the files were contained on the creator's PC and he included full path info when he\she created the zip. This is a form of a self-installing zip file.
    I'm fairly sure most ppl know this but i figured i'd give abit of help to those who may not...lol.
    I know I wasn't sure where to put them at first....hehehe.
    PS. ALWAYS make sure to extract thru winzip itself instead of highlighting the files and dragging them. If you drag them the path info is null and the files will not be placed in the propper folders they need to be in. (made that mistake meself trying to be lazy...lol)
    Take care all, Thanks again Gem, and I hope this helps someone. :)
  11. hisham123

    hisham123 Member

    Jun 16, 2005
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    hi everyone thanx for all the help you've giving me i now have m.p.t. for motorola cellphones the newer version i guess cuz the old one didn't work for me at all and i gotta tell you it's so easy to transefer pics and music from your computer to your phone a monkey can even do it . anyway i'm not sure if this site allows me to post my email address on here but here it is incase you need to get a hold of me i probably can email it to you. thanx all for your help(hichamharb50@hotmail.com).

    p.s. i still don't understant what unlocking the cellphone means nor what it does?
  12. cdivi

    cdivi Member

    Nov 8, 2005
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    Did any one setup the MPT for v188?
    I could not get it setup for v188?
    does the MPT work for v188?

  13. Neen123

    Neen123 Member

    Nov 4, 2005
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    Im having trouble getting my phone to talk to my compute. Ive got a v220 and windows 98, ive dowloaded and installed P2K and MPT but when i plug my phone in to the computer and the found new hardwear thing comes up i point it to where the driver is and it just keeps saying it cant find a driver. Ive tried a couple of diffrent p2k's that ive got from diffrent places and none work.
    Someone please help me cause ive been trying to sort this out for months and its driving me crazy!!
  14. Gem20

    Gem20 Regular member

    May 2, 2005
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    It has got to be your drivers.
    Did you check to see what drivers the 'un-known device' is using? Use the process i described in my last post but click on the cross next to the USB Controllers.

    To be honest with you I'm not sure. Not something i have had had the need to find out about.
    If you use the link in my signature, you can find out if your phone is compatible with MPT.

    Maybe that's your probem - SP4 , I mean.
    Can you not ignore the error, or just CNTL+ALT+DEL past it?
    If not, I think you maybe better using your mate's computer.
    Sorry, don't know what else to suggest.

    Go to the 'Main Menu'
    Then 'Setup'
    Select 'General Setup'
    OR press F6.
    Click on the 'Communications' tab
    Then click 'Change Modem', this will bring up a wizard. This gives you another chance to setup your modem/phone or make sure the settings are correct.
    Then when the wizard is finished, click on the 'Exclusive Use' check box.
    This should work.

    Read NWD's thread - a couple above your's. It gives you a link to the proper USB drivers for the Motorola V188.

    Are you sure you have to right drivers and that they are unzipped.

    Everyone else,
    Thanks for your posts

    Last edited: Nov 8, 2005
  15. Neen123

    Neen123 Member

    Nov 4, 2005
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    Hi thanks for replying,
    I definatly have the p2k drivers for windows 98 and i have unziped them and cliked on the install. I dont know if you have to do anything with them after that? I read on one post that they only work if you put them in the right place is this true? and if so where should I save them to?
  16. Neen123

    Neen123 Member

    Nov 4, 2005
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    Ive FINALLY got my phone talking to the compute! turns out it was a problem with the driver settings on my computer!
    Thanks 2 everyone on this forum for all the posts on mpt and the v220 drivers cause I didnt know anything about them before I came to this site.
  17. Neen123

    Neen123 Member

    Nov 4, 2005
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    Here's what worked for me:
    I already installed mpt and p2k as directed on these threads however i couldnt get my comp to find the drivers when i pluged my phone in so i went throught the driver search and then cliked finish when it said it couldnt find the driver. The went in to control pannel, device manager and my phone was under unknow devices, cliked on this and then properties, then drivers and update driver. I then pointed it to where p2k was and it installed it!
    So now everything works fine and ive got all my pics off my phone.
    I found what i needed to do on some website that i found with google.
    I dont know much about computers so it took me alot of time to get this all working so i hope this helps save someone else some time!!
  18. jevfro

    jevfro Member

    Jan 25, 2005
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    great walkthrough... my second time setting this up and your help has made the process much better this time thanks
    Last edited: Nov 9, 2005
  19. naivel

    naivel Member

    Nov 10, 2005
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    i have a motorola v620, and i've installed the drivers and everything.Under my modems, the Motorola USB modem shows up. When I connect my phone, it says that it is not connected.And when i open multimedia center appears a box with the message(connection port unnavailable).on the screen of the phone appears a mini phone immage and a message(phone disconnected)even though the cable works.I don't know what to do.HELP!
  20. nswolter

    nswolter Regular member

    Mar 8, 2005
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    see the end of my guide here:


    The bold stuff about having the phone off when you start MPT, this should allow your phone to initialize, also if the phone does not look like yours, look in my guide to change it to your phone's skin (and driver). Good luck!
    Last edited: Nov 11, 2005

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